Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
August 8, 2024
Regular Meeting
August 8, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were Seventeen (17) members present including eleven (11) officers and committee chairs and four (4) guests
Scholarship Award Presentation;
Club President Fred Guyette presented a check in the amount of $1,000.00 to Drew Perkins. Drew was selected by the committee along with Reggie Raynor and Jack Raynor Jr. to receive the annual award given to the student who is going onto the trades.
Meeting Minutes for the July 11, 2024 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of July 11, 2024 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers.
There was a motion to approve by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved.
The Treasurers report for July, 2024 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub. There was a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers to approve the Treasurers report. All approved.
July 31, 2024
Regular Checking balance $ 3,161.90
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 13,944.09
Youth Account balance $ 2,716.11
Savings Account balance $ 34,966.13
American Funds balance $ 32,487.99
Royalty Account balance $ 2,209.75
Total Balance $ 89,845.97
Complete report attached to the official minutes
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba)
Matt not in attendance. Tom Oleniacz noted there was a good turnout with 25-30 shooters.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Open Trap on Friday nights continue.
The County League banquet was held at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club.
Central finished in 1st place, Hallstead came in 2nd with Silver Lake finished in third place.
There is an ATA shoot scheduled for August 19. A Memorial Shoot is scheduled for September 22 with Silver Bars being awarded. Also there is a Meat Shoot scheduled for October 6 and a Wine Shoot scheduled for December 15th.
12 Gauge shells are available to club members at $90.00 per 250 round case.
Friday night trap income as follows; 7/12 $390.00, 7/15 (ATA) $740.00, 7/26 $238.00, Aug 2, $210.00, ATA August 8th $370.00
7/17 $78.00, 7/21 $48.00 and 7/28 $60.00 Total Trap income $2,134.00.
Friday Skeet- 7/5 $102.00, 7/19 $152.00, 7/26 $176.00, 7/12 $72.00, 8/2 $96.00 Total Skeet Income $598.00
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted all is well with the Indoor Range. Tom also noted that he turned in $46.00 from the Range Fee Box.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted all is well.
It was noted that the well pump broke down. We had to replace the tank, pump, pressure switch as well as installing new wiring.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted all is well. Jack also noted that he turned in $111.00 from the Range Fee Box(s)
All are requested to police their own brass and clean up used targets.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that the Anterless tags are sold out in 3C
Mike noted that PFSC is requesting the Game Commission to set the dates and not the Legislature.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The August 2024 winner is Michael Abbot. Michael won the Cross Bow with ticket #607.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance. No report.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well. Fred noted that he will contact Ed with some additions and corrections.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, It was reported, all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete not in attendance. No report.
The Fall Work Day is scheduled for Saturday September 28. Breakfast at 7:00 AM with work commencing at 8:00 AM
Reminder; we have an ongoing bottle and can drive. Bottles and cans may be left in the shed next to the clubhouse. All proceeds are donated to Leukemia Cancer Research.
There is a memo from the Boy Scouts requesting financial support.
It is also time to start thinking about the upcoming Election of Officers and Directors in January. Lori Raub and Todd Everitt’s offices will expire at the end of 2024. Also Bob Tuckeer, Bob Kuhn and Dave Byerly’s terms expire at the end of 2024.
Tom Blackman has been selected as the Committee Chair for the 2025 elections.
The name drawn for the July attendance pool was Mike Fabian. Mike won enough money to be able to take the rest of the night off.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53
Respectfully submitted,
Jim E. Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were Seventeen (17) members present including eleven (11) officers and committee chairs and four (4) guests
Scholarship Award Presentation;
Club President Fred Guyette presented a check in the amount of $1,000.00 to Drew Perkins. Drew was selected by the committee along with Reggie Raynor and Jack Raynor Jr. to receive the annual award given to the student who is going onto the trades.
Meeting Minutes for the July 11, 2024 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of July 11, 2024 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers.
There was a motion to approve by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved.
The Treasurers report for July, 2024 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub. There was a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers to approve the Treasurers report. All approved.
July 31, 2024
Regular Checking balance $ 3,161.90
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 13,944.09
Youth Account balance $ 2,716.11
Savings Account balance $ 34,966.13
American Funds balance $ 32,487.99
Royalty Account balance $ 2,209.75
Total Balance $ 89,845.97
Complete report attached to the official minutes
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba)
Matt not in attendance. Tom Oleniacz noted there was a good turnout with 25-30 shooters.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Open Trap on Friday nights continue.
The County League banquet was held at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club.
Central finished in 1st place, Hallstead came in 2nd with Silver Lake finished in third place.
There is an ATA shoot scheduled for August 19. A Memorial Shoot is scheduled for September 22 with Silver Bars being awarded. Also there is a Meat Shoot scheduled for October 6 and a Wine Shoot scheduled for December 15th.
12 Gauge shells are available to club members at $90.00 per 250 round case.
Friday night trap income as follows; 7/12 $390.00, 7/15 (ATA) $740.00, 7/26 $238.00, Aug 2, $210.00, ATA August 8th $370.00
7/17 $78.00, 7/21 $48.00 and 7/28 $60.00 Total Trap income $2,134.00.
Friday Skeet- 7/5 $102.00, 7/19 $152.00, 7/26 $176.00, 7/12 $72.00, 8/2 $96.00 Total Skeet Income $598.00
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted all is well with the Indoor Range. Tom also noted that he turned in $46.00 from the Range Fee Box.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted all is well.
It was noted that the well pump broke down. We had to replace the tank, pump, pressure switch as well as installing new wiring.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted all is well. Jack also noted that he turned in $111.00 from the Range Fee Box(s)
All are requested to police their own brass and clean up used targets.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that the Anterless tags are sold out in 3C
Mike noted that PFSC is requesting the Game Commission to set the dates and not the Legislature.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The August 2024 winner is Michael Abbot. Michael won the Cross Bow with ticket #607.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance. No report.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well. Fred noted that he will contact Ed with some additions and corrections.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, It was reported, all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete not in attendance. No report.
The Fall Work Day is scheduled for Saturday September 28. Breakfast at 7:00 AM with work commencing at 8:00 AM
Reminder; we have an ongoing bottle and can drive. Bottles and cans may be left in the shed next to the clubhouse. All proceeds are donated to Leukemia Cancer Research.
There is a memo from the Boy Scouts requesting financial support.
It is also time to start thinking about the upcoming Election of Officers and Directors in January. Lori Raub and Todd Everitt’s offices will expire at the end of 2024. Also Bob Tuckeer, Bob Kuhn and Dave Byerly’s terms expire at the end of 2024.
Tom Blackman has been selected as the Committee Chair for the 2025 elections.
The name drawn for the July attendance pool was Mike Fabian. Mike won enough money to be able to take the rest of the night off.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53
Respectfully submitted,
Jim E. Mayers, Secretary