Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
C/O Jim Mayers, Secretary
307 Mc Graw Rd.
Friendsville, PA 18818
[email protected]
C/O Jim Mayers, Secretary
307 Mc Graw Rd.
Friendsville, PA 18818
[email protected]
Winter 2024/2025 News Letter
Our Annual Meeting and Dinner is scheduled for Sunday January 12, 2024.
MARK YOUR CALANDAR. The Annual Dinner will be held at Neuman Hall on SR Rt. 267 next to the (burned out) Choconut Market.
The Club will be supplying the meat, soda, coffee and water. PLEASE BRING A DISH TO PASS.
Registration and Raffles from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Dinner at 1:00 PM. The Annual Meeting and selection of officers, to follow immediately after dinner. There will be many baskets to be raffled off. There will also be 2 guns raffled off. Please bring a dessert or appetizer to pass and come for a fun and food filled afternoon with your family. Please make every effort to be there. The 12 Gun Raffle tickets will also be available. This is a great way to help support the club, by purchasing and selling tickets.
Where else can you purchase a ticket with 12 chances to win a great gun for $25.00.
We need raffle baskets or items that can be raffled off.
Membership Renewal, on time Renewal is $60.00 per year. The Annual Indoor/Outdoor Range Fee is $40.00 per year each. The range fee boxes will still be in effect for those who infrequently use the indoor and outdoor ranges. Range Fee remains at $3.00. Trap and Skeet fees are now $6.00 per round. During the summer the 3D course is available at $5.00 per round.
New Membership dues remain at $70.00
Officers whose terms expire in 2024 include; Vice President Todd Everitt and Treasurer Lori Raub. Directors whose terms expire include Bob Tucker, Bob Kuhn and Dave Byerly, All Officers and Directors have noted their willingness to continue with their responsibilities. Any paid up Regular Member as noted in the Constitution and By-Laws may run for any office. Voting by ballot if necessary.
Winter Trap league will commence on Friday January 3rd and run for 10 weeks. Cost is $15 entry fee and $15.00 for 50 targets, per week.
SporteRifle League is now in the 11th week of a 21 week season. If you like a challenge and would like to join, please call Raelene Coy at 607-237-5656.
There are a number of events happening at the club. Be sure to check the club website at, check the website often.
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club is also on Facebook.
Winter 2024/2025 News Letter (cont’d)
Reminder, ALL yearly membership renewals are due in January. Please make checks payable to Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club. If you know a club member who does not have a computer or access to email, please share this letter with them.
Gun Jackpot Bingo (I/18/2025) will be held at Tall Pines, Tickets are $150.00. If you would like your Name added to ticket List: Contact Fred Guyette @ 607-343-7069 or 570-663-2480. Tickets will be available at our January 9th meeting and the Annual Dinner Meeting.
Pistol Jackpot Bingo (3/8/2024) will be held at Tall Pines, Tickets are $150.00. If you would like your Name added to ticket List: Contact Fred Guyette @ 607-343-7069 or 570-663-2480. Tickets will be available at our January 9th meeting and the Annual Dinner Meeting .
Ticket includes 5 jackpot Bingos, Luncheon and open bar 1pm-5pm
There will be 5 additional Bingos at additional costs
Raffle Table will also be an additional cost.
Proceeds go towards Three (3) Scholarships and club Improvements
Pistol Jackpot Bingo (3/8/2024) will be held at Tall Pines, Tickets are $150.00. If you would like your Name added to ticket List: Contact Fred Guyette @ 607-343-7069 or 570-663-2480. Tickets will be available at our January 9th meeting and the Annual Dinner Meeting .
Ticket includes 5 jackpot Bingos, Luncheon and open bar 1pm-5pm
There will be 5 additional Bingos at additional costs
Raffle Table will also be an additional cost.
Proceeds go towards Three (3) Scholarships and club Improvements
Twelve Gun Raffle, Our normal monthly raffle tickets will also be available at the January 9th meeting as well as the Annual Dinner Meeting.
This club is no different than any other organization. 10 – 15% of the membership does all the work and the other 85 -90 % let them. Many officers and/or directors have served for many years and need a break. I know we all are busy but we have one of the best Rod & Gun Clubs anywhere. We really need some of you to step up and help make it even better.
Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Blessed, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Jim E. Mayers, Secretary
MARK YOUR CALANDAR. The Annual Dinner will be held at Neuman Hall on SR Rt. 267 next to the (burned out) Choconut Market.
The Club will be supplying the meat, soda, coffee and water. PLEASE BRING A DISH TO PASS.
Registration and Raffles from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Dinner at 1:00 PM. The Annual Meeting and selection of officers, to follow immediately after dinner. There will be many baskets to be raffled off. There will also be 2 guns raffled off. Please bring a dessert or appetizer to pass and come for a fun and food filled afternoon with your family. Please make every effort to be there. The 12 Gun Raffle tickets will also be available. This is a great way to help support the club, by purchasing and selling tickets.
Where else can you purchase a ticket with 12 chances to win a great gun for $25.00.
We need raffle baskets or items that can be raffled off.
Membership Renewal, on time Renewal is $60.00 per year. The Annual Indoor/Outdoor Range Fee is $40.00 per year each. The range fee boxes will still be in effect for those who infrequently use the indoor and outdoor ranges. Range Fee remains at $3.00. Trap and Skeet fees are now $6.00 per round. During the summer the 3D course is available at $5.00 per round.
New Membership dues remain at $70.00
Officers whose terms expire in 2024 include; Vice President Todd Everitt and Treasurer Lori Raub. Directors whose terms expire include Bob Tucker, Bob Kuhn and Dave Byerly, All Officers and Directors have noted their willingness to continue with their responsibilities. Any paid up Regular Member as noted in the Constitution and By-Laws may run for any office. Voting by ballot if necessary.
Winter Trap league will commence on Friday January 3rd and run for 10 weeks. Cost is $15 entry fee and $15.00 for 50 targets, per week.
SporteRifle League is now in the 11th week of a 21 week season. If you like a challenge and would like to join, please call Raelene Coy at 607-237-5656.
There are a number of events happening at the club. Be sure to check the club website at, check the website often.
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club is also on Facebook.
Winter 2024/2025 News Letter (cont’d)
Reminder, ALL yearly membership renewals are due in January. Please make checks payable to Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club. If you know a club member who does not have a computer or access to email, please share this letter with them.
Gun Jackpot Bingo (I/18/2025) will be held at Tall Pines, Tickets are $150.00. If you would like your Name added to ticket List: Contact Fred Guyette @ 607-343-7069 or 570-663-2480. Tickets will be available at our January 9th meeting and the Annual Dinner Meeting.
Pistol Jackpot Bingo (3/8/2024) will be held at Tall Pines, Tickets are $150.00. If you would like your Name added to ticket List: Contact Fred Guyette @ 607-343-7069 or 570-663-2480. Tickets will be available at our January 9th meeting and the Annual Dinner Meeting .
Ticket includes 5 jackpot Bingos, Luncheon and open bar 1pm-5pm
There will be 5 additional Bingos at additional costs
Raffle Table will also be an additional cost.
Proceeds go towards Three (3) Scholarships and club Improvements
Pistol Jackpot Bingo (3/8/2024) will be held at Tall Pines, Tickets are $150.00. If you would like your Name added to ticket List: Contact Fred Guyette @ 607-343-7069 or 570-663-2480. Tickets will be available at our January 9th meeting and the Annual Dinner Meeting .
Ticket includes 5 jackpot Bingos, Luncheon and open bar 1pm-5pm
There will be 5 additional Bingos at additional costs
Raffle Table will also be an additional cost.
Proceeds go towards Three (3) Scholarships and club Improvements
Twelve Gun Raffle, Our normal monthly raffle tickets will also be available at the January 9th meeting as well as the Annual Dinner Meeting.
This club is no different than any other organization. 10 – 15% of the membership does all the work and the other 85 -90 % let them. Many officers and/or directors have served for many years and need a break. I know we all are busy but we have one of the best Rod & Gun Clubs anywhere. We really need some of you to step up and help make it even better.
Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Blessed, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Jim E. Mayers, Secretary
The club is having a bottle and can drive to benefit Cancer Research. Anyone with bottles or cans they would like to donate to this effort. please drop them off at the club, under the tarp next to the main club house.
Thank You!
Thank You!
1. Open skeet is held every Friday morning 9:00 AM until 2 P.M.
The Skeet Field must be closed by 2 P.M. for Open Trap
2. Open Trap every Friday afternoon 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM +/- or until ??.
See Club website for registered ATA shoots.
For more detailed information check with Fred Guyette or Bob Tucker and the club
website calendar.
The Skeet Field must be closed by 2 P.M. for Open Trap
2. Open Trap every Friday afternoon 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM +/- or until ??.
See Club website for registered ATA shoots.
For more detailed information check with Fred Guyette or Bob Tucker and the club
website calendar.
We invite you to join our Gun Club and join the fun! Browse thru our website and enjoy!
Print out the (Membership Form) and send it in. Have a question? Feel free to email the President of the Club, the Vice Pres, or the Committee Chairpersons below and ask them questions. Or call them on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the monthly meeting at the club, phone 570-663-2114 between 6:30 pm and 7 pm. Want something added to the website? Email the webmaster below.
Don't forget to read the Monthly minutes written by the secretary. (Click Here)
(For email or phone number, Check the contact information page) (Click Here)
President: Fred Guyette
Vice Pres: Todd Everitt
Secretary: Jim E. Mayers
Treasurer: Lori Raub
PFSC Rep: Mike Depaola
PFSC Alternate Rep: Ed Smith
Jim C. Mayers - Chairman
Clark Burr
Jim Mayers II
Jack Revie
Bob Kuhn
Bob Tucker
Dave Byerly
Committee Chairpersons:
A.T.A. Rep: Fred Guyette
Trap & Skeet: Fred Guyette
Archery: Matt Forba
Building & Grounds: Ron Walters
Outdoor Ranges: Jack Revie
Indoor Range: Tom Blackman
Kitchen: Reggie Raynor
PFSC President / Rep: Mike DePaola
Webmaster: Ed Smith
We invite you to join our Gun Club and join the fun! Browse thru our website and enjoy!
Print out the (Membership Form) and send it in. Have a question? Feel free to email the President of the Club, the Vice Pres, or the Committee Chairpersons below and ask them questions. Or call them on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the monthly meeting at the club, phone 570-663-2114 between 6:30 pm and 7 pm. Want something added to the website? Email the webmaster below.
Don't forget to read the Monthly minutes written by the secretary. (Click Here)
(For email or phone number, Check the contact information page) (Click Here)
President: Fred Guyette
Vice Pres: Todd Everitt
Secretary: Jim E. Mayers
Treasurer: Lori Raub
PFSC Rep: Mike Depaola
PFSC Alternate Rep: Ed Smith
Jim C. Mayers - Chairman
Clark Burr
Jim Mayers II
Jack Revie
Bob Kuhn
Bob Tucker
Dave Byerly
Committee Chairpersons:
A.T.A. Rep: Fred Guyette
Trap & Skeet: Fred Guyette
Archery: Matt Forba
Building & Grounds: Ron Walters
Outdoor Ranges: Jack Revie
Indoor Range: Tom Blackman
Kitchen: Reggie Raynor
PFSC President / Rep: Mike DePaola
Webmaster: Ed Smith
Be sure to read the Spring and Winter newsletters
for all of that's happening in the club.
Click the buttons below to read the newsletters.
for all of that's happening in the club.
Click the buttons below to read the newsletters.
Anyone using any of the kitchen equipment, including the outdoor grills, please clean them when through.
Monthly Meeting second Thursday of each month at 7 P.M.
Anyone interested in Basic Handgun training.
Contact Tom Blackman for further information at 607-768-3816
Next Classes
The indoor range will be closed on those dates and times.
Contact Tom Blackman for further information at 607-768-3816
Next Classes
The indoor range will be closed on those dates and times.
Just a reminder that there is a $3 per person target fee for the outdoor ranges as well as the indoor ranges. There is also an optional $40 annual fee for members, this includes both indoor and outdoor ranges. Your contributions help maintain and upgrade the shooting areas. Please clean up after yourself too.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Exciting News!
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Open Skeet
Friday Mornings from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
To Continue throughout the year
Check for directions
Membership form downloads
To download and print the membership application in PDF format use the link below.

newmembership_app_rev2022_15.pdf | |
File Size: | 85 kb |
File Type: |
All membership inquiries and applications should either be brought to a club meeting or mailed to
Jim E. Mayers
307 McGraw Rd.
Friendsville, PA 18818
Jim E. Mayers
307 McGraw Rd.
Friendsville, PA 18818
Everyone Must Read The Safety Alert!
Firearms shooting times are from 9 A.M. to Sunset
There is to be no firearms shooting before 9 A.M.
Also all 100 yard rifle shooting must be from the 100 yard rifle range.
The tower is for 200, 300 and 400 yard shooting.
All rifle shooting must be into a backstop!
Firearms shooting times are from 9 A.M. to Sunset
There is to be no firearms shooting before 9 A.M.
Also all 100 yard rifle shooting must be from the 100 yard rifle range.
The tower is for 200, 300 and 400 yard shooting.
All rifle shooting must be into a backstop!
Please do not remove any tables or chairs from the club without first checking them out.
Also please return them promptly, there are several pre arranged events taking place at the club that need use of the tables and chairs. We have had two occasions where there were either no tables and chairs or not enough,
Please be considerate of everyone when borrowing club equipment.
Thank You!
Also please return them promptly, there are several pre arranged events taking place at the club that need use of the tables and chairs. We have had two occasions where there were either no tables and chairs or not enough,
Please be considerate of everyone when borrowing club equipment.
Thank You!
Please do not send any mail to the club address as there is no mail delivery to the club.
Send all membership renewals and club correspondence to
Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
C/O Jim E. Mayers, Secretary
307 McGraw Rd.
Friendsville, PA 18818
Send all membership renewals and club correspondence to
Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
C/O Jim E. Mayers, Secretary
307 McGraw Rd.
Friendsville, PA 18818