Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
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Photos from around the club
Enjoy the photo's of our members enjoying themselves at Silver Lake Rod And Gun Club.
Safety Alert
Click on any photo for a full size picture.
2018 Roger Everitt Shoot Overall Winner
2018 Roger Everitt Shoot Winners
2018 Roger Everitt Shoot Youth Winner
Fred behind the scenes making it happen at the 2018 Roger Everitt SHoot
Tuck, taking care of business
Weary Kitchen Staff at the 2018 Roger Everitt Shoot
2018 Roger Everitt Shoot Checking out the raffle prizes & having some BBQ chicken
Presentation of check to Penn State Extension for 4H club.
A rare sight...... Jack Legg working.
2014 Hunter Safety Class at SLR&GC
2014 Hunter Safety Class at SLR&GC
The bright future of Hunting and Fishing.
The instructors working hard teaching the class.
Taking a break at the Hunters Safety Class.
Taking a break at the Hunters Safety Class.
The 2015 Club Dinner. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.
Some snacks before the meal.
The regular crowd shuffles in. And she's still laughing!
Critter's a little dry from the long dusty trail.
Listening intently to the minutes being read by Jim Mayers.
I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a minute.
This looks serious.
A pretty good crowd.
Tom Oleniacz giving the annual Archery report. (Is he about to smack that guy in the back of the head?)
Fred Guyette giving the Annual Trap report.
Critter and Ruby teaching a newbie.
Ruby encouraging a newbie.
That's Better!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh No I think I broke it!
What goes where?