JANUARY 12, 2020
Eighty Eighth Annual Dinner and Meeting
JANUARY 12, 2020
Eighty Eighth Annual Dinner and Meeting
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 2:08 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders.
Roll Call:
The Secretary stated that sixteen (16) Committee members/Officers and (57) Regular and Lifetime Members had signed in. This exceeds the necessary membership requirements to hold the Annual Meeting and election of new Officers and Directors. Therefore, no roll call of members is required.
Treasurer Report:
The Treasurer’s Report was read and detailed by Treasurer, Bette VanWinkle.
The report was approved on a motion by Dave Shaffer and 2nd by Fred Guyette.
Regular Checking Balance; $ 556.00
Discipline Savings; $ 5,146.75
Youth Account; $ 13,466.34
Savings Account; $ 9,323.72
American Funds; $ 49,836.53
Royalty Account; $ 471.83
An additional report is included showing club activities income and expense as follows; Trap, Income $ 12,933.31 – Expense $17,733.16
Archery 3D, Income $ 1,187.50 – Expense $ 1,380.97
Indoor Range, Income $ 1,379.90 – Expense $ 632.82
Range Fee Boxes, Income $218.00
Standing Committee Reports:
Archery: Officer Jim Mayers II
Jim noted that the 3D season concluded in September.
Jim also noted that there are two used 3D targets up today for a silent auction. All are welcome to bid on the two very usable targets.
An informal indoor winter archery league will be starting on Tuesdays beginning next Tuesday 1/14/2020. All are welcome
Trap: Officer Fred Guyette
Fred noted that Jerry Homsher ATA chairman passed away on December 26.
Fred noted that the Winter League Friday night shoots has commenced as of last Friday.
Fred also noted that the deficit for the Trap Income/Expense was due to the purchase of a tractor Trailer load of clay birds. This load of clay birds should last through the season.
Big 50 is also ongoing as is the ATA shoots which will conclude the end of March.
The Susquehanna County League is accepting teams for the next season.
Indoor Range: Officer Tom Blackman
Tom noted all is well. The new steel has been installed at the range. There is a Sunday Lunch League ongoing as is the Sporter Rifle league which will run until the end of March.
Buildings and Grounds: Officer Ron Walter
Ron noted all is well. Ron noted the club has purchased a new tractor with a tow behind mower
PFSC: Mike DePaola, chairman,
Mike noted all is well with PFSC.
Bob presented Laura Foote with a fleece vest with the club logo, and the Constitution and By-Laws committee hats with the Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club logo for the work done rewriting the bylaws. Bob especially thanked Laura who did all the typing.
Bob also presented Bette a necklace as she is retiring as the Club Treasurer.
Jim Mayers presented Bette and Rip VanWinkle with a gift certificate for dinner for two at Moxies Wood Fired Grill in Conklin, NY as Rip is also retiring from his Director position with the Club.
Fred Guyette and Dave Shaffer presented Bob Kuhn with a Henry Golden Boy 22LR with a yet to be presented commemorative brass shield noting Bob’s years of service to the club.
New Business:
Laura Foote reviewed several important changes to the Constitution and by-laws. It was noted that the officers will serve a staggered two year term much like the Directors. On a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Dave Shaffer, the revised Constitution and by-laws were ratified. All approved except Jack Legg.
Election of Officers and Directors:
The Nominating Committee spokesperson, Tom Blackman noted that Bob Kuhn, Club President, Bette VanWinkle Club Treasurer and Rip VanWinkle, Director, were all retiring from their positions. The Nominating Committee nominated Jim Mayers, current Club Secretary to the office of Club President, The nomination was 2nd by Fred Guyette, There were no other nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Jim Mayers as President.
Tom Blackman, Nominating Committee spokesman nominated Dan Hungerford as Vice President. Dave Shaffer 2nd the nomination. There were no further nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Dan Hungerford for Vice President
Tom Blackman, Nominating Committee spokesman nominated Laura Foote to the position of Club Secretary. Motion 2nd by Dave Shaffer. There were no further nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Laura Foote as the Club Secretary.
Tom Blackman, Nominating Committee spokesman nominated Lori Raub as Club Treasurer. Nomination 2nd by Fred Guyette. There were no further nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Lori Raub as Club Treasurer.
On a Motion by Tom Blackman and seconded by Rip VanWinkle the four Directors whose terms expired 2019, Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II, and Clark Burr and Jack Legg, were nominated to return. With no further nominations from the floor, Bob Kuhn cast one vote each for Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II and Clark Burr, and Jack Legg as Directors for two years.
This concludes the election of Officers and Directors for 2020. Congratulations to each for assuming these Club responsibilities.
Door prize winners and Raffle Winners:
There were two 50-50 drawings, one was won by Kathy Heath and the 2nd was won by Lois Shaffer. Each won $66.00.
General Raffle
Basket #1 donated by Bette VanWinkle, SLR&G Jacket won by Pat Natale
Basket # 2 donated by Bette VanWinkle, Candle basket, won by Luci McPherson.
Basket # 3 donated by Fred Guyette, Fishing pole & lures, won by Brian Hunsinger
Basket #4 donated by Fred Guyette, Pots & Pans, won by Norm McPherson
Basket #5 donated by Fred Guyette, Fishing pole & lures, won by Ron Jacoby
Basket #6 donated by Fred Guyette, Cooler w/beer, won by Emil Wirth
Basket #7 donated by Lori & Zeb, Craftsman Drill, won by Jin Fong Pan
Basket #8 donated by the Raub’s 148 pc tool set, won by Rene Diaz.
Basket #9 donated by the Raub’s Kobalt tool set w/ $40 gift cert from Stones,
won by Norm McPherson.
Basket #10 donated by the Raubs, Craftsman Drill, won by Russ Avery
Basket #11 donated by Bob Kuhn, case of shells, won by Emil Wirth.
Basket # 12 donated by Dan Hungerford, shot & primers, won by Fred Guyette.
Basket #13 donated by Dan Hungerford, shotshell wads, won by Bob Tucker
Basket #14 donated by Feijoo’s, Chair & pad, won by Russ Avery.
Basket #15 donated by ???, Doggie Treats, won by Kathy Heath
Basket #16 donated by Norm McPherson, Brass driver & punch set, won by Sam Spencer
Basket #17 donated by Steve Stewart, Silver Lake Mug Set, won by Gary Hill
Basket #18 donated by Karl, Drone Helicopter, won by Sam Spencer.
Basket # 19 donated by Karl, Drill/Driver set, won by Manny Feijoo.
Basket #20 donated by Karl, Ratchet/Speed wrench, won by Ed Wirth
Basket # 21 donated by Karl, AC Work Light, won by Kathy Heath
Basket #22 donated by Sam & Carol Williamson, Lottery tickets, won by Lois Shaffer
Basket #23 donated by Sunday Lunch League, Wine Basket, won by Gary Hill
Basket #24 donated by Dave Shaffer, Dream Catcher, won by Dennis Copp.
Basket #25 donated by Dave Shaffer, Beer Basket, won by Brian Hunsinger
Basket #26 donated by Ron Walter, Fish Fry Kit, won by Kirsten Eschbach
Basket # 27 donated by Ken Matthews, Hornady Reloader, won by Brad Heath.
Youth Gun Raffle; 4th prize, 4 boxes of 22 shells, won by Jesse Gibbore,
3rd prize, six boxes of 22 shells, won by Ron Jacoby.
2nd prize, Red Rider BB gun, won by Danielle.
1st prize youth rifle, won by Dennis Copp II
Gun Raffle; 3rd prize, Low profile ear muffs, won by Russ Avery,
2nd prize, Gun Case, won by Mike Castelano
1st prize, 243 Mossberg rifle, won by Carl Schweder
The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM on a motion by Bette VanWinkle and 2nd by Jim Mayers.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 2:08 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders.
Roll Call:
The Secretary stated that sixteen (16) Committee members/Officers and (57) Regular and Lifetime Members had signed in. This exceeds the necessary membership requirements to hold the Annual Meeting and election of new Officers and Directors. Therefore, no roll call of members is required.
Treasurer Report:
The Treasurer’s Report was read and detailed by Treasurer, Bette VanWinkle.
The report was approved on a motion by Dave Shaffer and 2nd by Fred Guyette.
Regular Checking Balance; $ 556.00
Discipline Savings; $ 5,146.75
Youth Account; $ 13,466.34
Savings Account; $ 9,323.72
American Funds; $ 49,836.53
Royalty Account; $ 471.83
An additional report is included showing club activities income and expense as follows; Trap, Income $ 12,933.31 – Expense $17,733.16
Archery 3D, Income $ 1,187.50 – Expense $ 1,380.97
Indoor Range, Income $ 1,379.90 – Expense $ 632.82
Range Fee Boxes, Income $218.00
Standing Committee Reports:
Archery: Officer Jim Mayers II
Jim noted that the 3D season concluded in September.
Jim also noted that there are two used 3D targets up today for a silent auction. All are welcome to bid on the two very usable targets.
An informal indoor winter archery league will be starting on Tuesdays beginning next Tuesday 1/14/2020. All are welcome
Trap: Officer Fred Guyette
Fred noted that Jerry Homsher ATA chairman passed away on December 26.
Fred noted that the Winter League Friday night shoots has commenced as of last Friday.
Fred also noted that the deficit for the Trap Income/Expense was due to the purchase of a tractor Trailer load of clay birds. This load of clay birds should last through the season.
Big 50 is also ongoing as is the ATA shoots which will conclude the end of March.
The Susquehanna County League is accepting teams for the next season.
Indoor Range: Officer Tom Blackman
Tom noted all is well. The new steel has been installed at the range. There is a Sunday Lunch League ongoing as is the Sporter Rifle league which will run until the end of March.
Buildings and Grounds: Officer Ron Walter
Ron noted all is well. Ron noted the club has purchased a new tractor with a tow behind mower
PFSC: Mike DePaola, chairman,
Mike noted all is well with PFSC.
Bob presented Laura Foote with a fleece vest with the club logo, and the Constitution and By-Laws committee hats with the Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club logo for the work done rewriting the bylaws. Bob especially thanked Laura who did all the typing.
Bob also presented Bette a necklace as she is retiring as the Club Treasurer.
Jim Mayers presented Bette and Rip VanWinkle with a gift certificate for dinner for two at Moxies Wood Fired Grill in Conklin, NY as Rip is also retiring from his Director position with the Club.
Fred Guyette and Dave Shaffer presented Bob Kuhn with a Henry Golden Boy 22LR with a yet to be presented commemorative brass shield noting Bob’s years of service to the club.
New Business:
Laura Foote reviewed several important changes to the Constitution and by-laws. It was noted that the officers will serve a staggered two year term much like the Directors. On a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Dave Shaffer, the revised Constitution and by-laws were ratified. All approved except Jack Legg.
Election of Officers and Directors:
The Nominating Committee spokesperson, Tom Blackman noted that Bob Kuhn, Club President, Bette VanWinkle Club Treasurer and Rip VanWinkle, Director, were all retiring from their positions. The Nominating Committee nominated Jim Mayers, current Club Secretary to the office of Club President, The nomination was 2nd by Fred Guyette, There were no other nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Jim Mayers as President.
Tom Blackman, Nominating Committee spokesman nominated Dan Hungerford as Vice President. Dave Shaffer 2nd the nomination. There were no further nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Dan Hungerford for Vice President
Tom Blackman, Nominating Committee spokesman nominated Laura Foote to the position of Club Secretary. Motion 2nd by Dave Shaffer. There were no further nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Laura Foote as the Club Secretary.
Tom Blackman, Nominating Committee spokesman nominated Lori Raub as Club Treasurer. Nomination 2nd by Fred Guyette. There were no further nominations from the floor. Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Lori Raub as Club Treasurer.
On a Motion by Tom Blackman and seconded by Rip VanWinkle the four Directors whose terms expired 2019, Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II, and Clark Burr and Jack Legg, were nominated to return. With no further nominations from the floor, Bob Kuhn cast one vote each for Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II and Clark Burr, and Jack Legg as Directors for two years.
This concludes the election of Officers and Directors for 2020. Congratulations to each for assuming these Club responsibilities.
Door prize winners and Raffle Winners:
There were two 50-50 drawings, one was won by Kathy Heath and the 2nd was won by Lois Shaffer. Each won $66.00.
General Raffle
Basket #1 donated by Bette VanWinkle, SLR&G Jacket won by Pat Natale
Basket # 2 donated by Bette VanWinkle, Candle basket, won by Luci McPherson.
Basket # 3 donated by Fred Guyette, Fishing pole & lures, won by Brian Hunsinger
Basket #4 donated by Fred Guyette, Pots & Pans, won by Norm McPherson
Basket #5 donated by Fred Guyette, Fishing pole & lures, won by Ron Jacoby
Basket #6 donated by Fred Guyette, Cooler w/beer, won by Emil Wirth
Basket #7 donated by Lori & Zeb, Craftsman Drill, won by Jin Fong Pan
Basket #8 donated by the Raub’s 148 pc tool set, won by Rene Diaz.
Basket #9 donated by the Raub’s Kobalt tool set w/ $40 gift cert from Stones,
won by Norm McPherson.
Basket #10 donated by the Raubs, Craftsman Drill, won by Russ Avery
Basket #11 donated by Bob Kuhn, case of shells, won by Emil Wirth.
Basket # 12 donated by Dan Hungerford, shot & primers, won by Fred Guyette.
Basket #13 donated by Dan Hungerford, shotshell wads, won by Bob Tucker
Basket #14 donated by Feijoo’s, Chair & pad, won by Russ Avery.
Basket #15 donated by ???, Doggie Treats, won by Kathy Heath
Basket #16 donated by Norm McPherson, Brass driver & punch set, won by Sam Spencer
Basket #17 donated by Steve Stewart, Silver Lake Mug Set, won by Gary Hill
Basket #18 donated by Karl, Drone Helicopter, won by Sam Spencer.
Basket # 19 donated by Karl, Drill/Driver set, won by Manny Feijoo.
Basket #20 donated by Karl, Ratchet/Speed wrench, won by Ed Wirth
Basket # 21 donated by Karl, AC Work Light, won by Kathy Heath
Basket #22 donated by Sam & Carol Williamson, Lottery tickets, won by Lois Shaffer
Basket #23 donated by Sunday Lunch League, Wine Basket, won by Gary Hill
Basket #24 donated by Dave Shaffer, Dream Catcher, won by Dennis Copp.
Basket #25 donated by Dave Shaffer, Beer Basket, won by Brian Hunsinger
Basket #26 donated by Ron Walter, Fish Fry Kit, won by Kirsten Eschbach
Basket # 27 donated by Ken Matthews, Hornady Reloader, won by Brad Heath.
Youth Gun Raffle; 4th prize, 4 boxes of 22 shells, won by Jesse Gibbore,
3rd prize, six boxes of 22 shells, won by Ron Jacoby.
2nd prize, Red Rider BB gun, won by Danielle.
1st prize youth rifle, won by Dennis Copp II
Gun Raffle; 3rd prize, Low profile ear muffs, won by Russ Avery,
2nd prize, Gun Case, won by Mike Castelano
1st prize, 243 Mossberg rifle, won by Carl Schweder
The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM on a motion by Bette VanWinkle and 2nd by Jim Mayers.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary