Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
Regular Meeting
April 12, 2016
Regular Meeting
April 12, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 29 members present including 12 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2016
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of March 10, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Tom Blackman and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The March 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Fred Guyette and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
March Regular Checking – Balance $9,156.55
March Disc. Savings – Balance $2,588.72
March Youth Account - Balance $4,200.70
March Savings Account - Balance $10,372.95
March American Funds- Balance $49,739.52
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons)
It was noted that the 1st 3-D shoot was snowed out.
The Winter Archery League has concluded for the season. There was a fish fry held on Saturday April 9th. As usual it was great. There was plenty of food and fried fish for all who attended. It is noted that $1,155.00 was turned over from the Winter Archery League.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the trap season has started but due to inclement weather attendance was down.
The first Susquehanna County League shoot has been postponed until this coming Sunday 4/17.
It was noted that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club will host the April 24, 2016 shoot. It was further noted that Dan will need kitchen help. It is uncertain whether Dan will be able to attend to cover the kitchen. Bob Kuhn to follow-up with Dan.
Silver Lake will support a 2nd team for the Susquehanna County Trap League.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam was not in attendance. It was noted that Sam has $116.00 to turn over from the range fee box. It was also noted that a check has been mailed out to the New York State Sporter Rifle League for the past season.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that grounds are torn up due to the Trap Lounge expansion project. Sewer line and utility trenches are open and work is expected to be completed within a day or so.
Jack noted the SASS will resume on April 17th.
Jack noted that the open trenches will need to be completed prior to the shoot.
It was noted that State Line Bullets will be on site at the 4/17 shoot to supply lead bullets.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike was unable to attend. Ed Smith noted that the PFSC meeting was held at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club. Everything went well. It was noted that PA Game Commission will most likely increase the hunting and fishing license fees.
It was noted that Obama wants to appoint a gun control Supreme Court Justice. Please call Ed Smith for the phone numbers of State Legislators to express your concerns regarding this issue.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The April 2016 gun winner is Gary Wilcox, ph# 607-797-2324. Gary won a Taurus Thunder Bolt 14 shot 22 pump. The winning ticket was #400.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all OK with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted all is ok. Ed reminded all that he now has a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan was unable to attend. No report.
Fred Guyette noted that the Trap Lounge Expansion project is well underway. The Utility trenches work will be completed by Friday 4/15. The metal building is scheduled for delivery on Monday 4/18. Steel erection to commence upon delivery.
It was noted that the clubhouse septic tank has been pumped out and the new expansion sewer line tied in. Work will also be done next week on the 100 yard rifle range to increase safety.
We still need range fee boxes to be installed with signs.
There are nine (9) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
It was noted that the 4H will hold a 4H Fun Day on May 14th. It was noted that the 4H would appreciate it if Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club would provide volunteers for SASS and the shooting sports. Abby Onyon to provide a schedule.
It was also noted that if SASS would provide a location for the requested berm, the construction crew will provide the required fill.
The name drawn for the April 2016 attendance pool was Craig Bach. Craig was not in attendance. The May attendance pool will be worth $49.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Dave Shaffer.
Committee Meeting
There were twelve (12) officers and committee members in attendance. There were nine (9) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
There was a motion by Fred Guyette to provide Pat McPherson an Honorary Membership for the electrical work he has volunteered to do. Motion 2nd by Jim Mayers, all approved.
There was a discussion regarding the financing of the Trap Lounge Expansion project. It was proposed that a CD be purchased for $50,000.00 from NBT Bank. It was further proposed that a Ten Year Plan to pay off the loan using the monthly gas royalty checks in the full amount received. The CD would be used as collateral. The Motion to proceed as discussed was made by Karl Eschbach and 2nd by Fred Guyette. All voted in favor.
There was also a motion by Fred Guyette for additional work required including relocating walls and installing a platform in the amount of $2,000.00. Motion 2nd by Ron Walter, All voted in favor.
There was another motion by Fred Guyette to provide a drainage ditch from the Trap Lounge to the edge of the tree line and down to the front or road side of the property for a proposed price of $500.00. The motion 2nd by Karl Eschbach. All voted in favor.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 29 members present including 12 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2016
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of March 10, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Tom Blackman and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The March 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Fred Guyette and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
March Regular Checking – Balance $9,156.55
March Disc. Savings – Balance $2,588.72
March Youth Account - Balance $4,200.70
March Savings Account - Balance $10,372.95
March American Funds- Balance $49,739.52
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons)
It was noted that the 1st 3-D shoot was snowed out.
The Winter Archery League has concluded for the season. There was a fish fry held on Saturday April 9th. As usual it was great. There was plenty of food and fried fish for all who attended. It is noted that $1,155.00 was turned over from the Winter Archery League.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the trap season has started but due to inclement weather attendance was down.
The first Susquehanna County League shoot has been postponed until this coming Sunday 4/17.
It was noted that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club will host the April 24, 2016 shoot. It was further noted that Dan will need kitchen help. It is uncertain whether Dan will be able to attend to cover the kitchen. Bob Kuhn to follow-up with Dan.
Silver Lake will support a 2nd team for the Susquehanna County Trap League.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam was not in attendance. It was noted that Sam has $116.00 to turn over from the range fee box. It was also noted that a check has been mailed out to the New York State Sporter Rifle League for the past season.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that grounds are torn up due to the Trap Lounge expansion project. Sewer line and utility trenches are open and work is expected to be completed within a day or so.
Jack noted the SASS will resume on April 17th.
Jack noted that the open trenches will need to be completed prior to the shoot.
It was noted that State Line Bullets will be on site at the 4/17 shoot to supply lead bullets.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike was unable to attend. Ed Smith noted that the PFSC meeting was held at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club. Everything went well. It was noted that PA Game Commission will most likely increase the hunting and fishing license fees.
It was noted that Obama wants to appoint a gun control Supreme Court Justice. Please call Ed Smith for the phone numbers of State Legislators to express your concerns regarding this issue.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The April 2016 gun winner is Gary Wilcox, ph# 607-797-2324. Gary won a Taurus Thunder Bolt 14 shot 22 pump. The winning ticket was #400.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all OK with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted all is ok. Ed reminded all that he now has a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan was unable to attend. No report.
Fred Guyette noted that the Trap Lounge Expansion project is well underway. The Utility trenches work will be completed by Friday 4/15. The metal building is scheduled for delivery on Monday 4/18. Steel erection to commence upon delivery.
It was noted that the clubhouse septic tank has been pumped out and the new expansion sewer line tied in. Work will also be done next week on the 100 yard rifle range to increase safety.
We still need range fee boxes to be installed with signs.
There are nine (9) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
- Abby Onyon New Milford, PA sponsor Bob Kuhn.
- Carlton F. Schwedar, Montrose, PA sponsor Bob Kuhn
- Michael Hall, Montrose, PA sponsor Ron Hollenbeck
- Ben Hoover Springville, PA sponsor Ron Hollenbeck
- Clyde LaRue Springville, PA sponsor Ron Hollenbeck
- Dylan Blachek, Hallstead, PA sponsor Bob Kuhn
- Ricky Blachek, Hallstead, PA sponsor Bob Kuhn
- Emily Blachek, Hallstead, PA sponsor Bob Kuhn
- Carl Golden, Montrose, PA sponsor Bob Kuhn
It was noted that the 4H will hold a 4H Fun Day on May 14th. It was noted that the 4H would appreciate it if Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club would provide volunteers for SASS and the shooting sports. Abby Onyon to provide a schedule.
It was also noted that if SASS would provide a location for the requested berm, the construction crew will provide the required fill.
The name drawn for the April 2016 attendance pool was Craig Bach. Craig was not in attendance. The May attendance pool will be worth $49.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Dave Shaffer.
Committee Meeting
There were twelve (12) officers and committee members in attendance. There were nine (9) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
There was a motion by Fred Guyette to provide Pat McPherson an Honorary Membership for the electrical work he has volunteered to do. Motion 2nd by Jim Mayers, all approved.
There was a discussion regarding the financing of the Trap Lounge Expansion project. It was proposed that a CD be purchased for $50,000.00 from NBT Bank. It was further proposed that a Ten Year Plan to pay off the loan using the monthly gas royalty checks in the full amount received. The CD would be used as collateral. The Motion to proceed as discussed was made by Karl Eschbach and 2nd by Fred Guyette. All voted in favor.
There was also a motion by Fred Guyette for additional work required including relocating walls and installing a platform in the amount of $2,000.00. Motion 2nd by Ron Walter, All voted in favor.
There was another motion by Fred Guyette to provide a drainage ditch from the Trap Lounge to the edge of the tree line and down to the front or road side of the property for a proposed price of $500.00. The motion 2nd by Karl Eschbach. All voted in favor.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary