Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2023
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2023
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty three (23) members present including eleven (11) officers and committee chairs and one guest.
Meeting Minutes for the March 9, 2023 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of March 9, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There were no exceptions to the minutes. There was a motion to approve as read by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers All approved.
The Committee Meeting Minutes for March 29, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers and Fred Guyette. There was motion by Mike DePaola to approve the minutes, motion 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved
The Treasurers report for March 2023 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub and approved on a motion by Ken Matthews and 2nd Mike DePaola, All approved.
March 31, 2023
Regular Checking balance $ 13,502.97
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 5,997.80
Youth Account balance $ 11,813.00
Savings Account balance $ 59,159.02
American Funds balance $ 29,049.59
Royalty Account balance $ 5,738.52
Total Balance $ 125,260.90
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba, Matt out of town for work)
It was noted that the 3D course is set and ready.
The first 3D shoot is scheduled for this Sunday April 16th. Registration starts at 8:00 AM.
The new 3D targets ae expected by July.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Friday night Trap is ongoing.
The Winter Trap League has been concluded. There was a fish fry on Saturday April 1st. Fred noted special thanks to Ron and Ed Ripic for helping with the fish fry.
Monies received from Trap & Skeet;
Trap on 3/10 and 4/17 was $1,495.
Skeet on 3/10 was $67.00, 3/21- $65.00, 3/24 - $60.00, 3/31- $81.00, 4/7 - $65.00. Total $338.00
The County Trap League is scheduled to meet at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club on April 23. We will need the kitchen.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman, Tom not in attendance)
It was noted that Tom and Jeff have removed 1,200# of lead from the pistol range backstop area.
It was also noted that the rubber has been replaced.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the lock combinations have been reset for 2023.
Ron also noted that the mower deck has been put back on the tractor.
The slab for the new BBQ pit is scheduled to be poured tomorrow.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well. Jack also stated that the cable on the 100 yard rifle range will be replaced on the Spring Work Day (4/22) as well as three rubber mats.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that he should have PFSC raffle tickets for the next Club meeting.
It was also noted that there is a house bill to move opening day of deer season back to Monday.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The April 2023 winner is Eric Mooney. The April raffle was for a Ruger 10-22 w/ a Talo-walnut Mannlicher stock. The winning ticket was #454. Jim E. Mayers to notify Mr. Mooney.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well. Ed also noted that he has been ill of late and will be working on updating the site.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori Raub noted all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete noted all is ok. Pete also expressed that the new kitchen look is very nice.
Fred also reminded everyone to turn in all 12 gun raffle tickets and money.
It was noted that the Committee Chairs list the work necessary for the scheduled Spring Work Day on Saturday April 22, 2023. It was noted as a reminder that breakfast will be at 7:00 AM work to commence at 8:00 AM.
Two Thank You cards were read. The first was from five Traver ladies thanking Tom Blackman for the hand gun class he conducted for them.
The second thank you was from Ron and Janis Hollenbeck for the clubs help in providing refundable bottles and cans so the money could be turned over to the LLS (Leukemia cancer research). The Hollenbecks noted that they were able to donate over $1,600.00.
Fred noted that there will be a Roger Everitt meeting after he returns from Florida.
Tom Oleniacz noted that the Archery In the Schools Program has been very successful in the Montrose Area School District. There are several State champions. Tom also noted that there will be 33 student athletes going to Louisville, Kentucky for the National Archery In the Schools National Tournament.
Tom further noted that he and another coach will be rebuilding/renewing 30 bows for next season. Tom stated it will cost approximately $50.00 per bow to renew/restore these bows, It was determined on a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Ed Smith that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club provide funds not to exceed $1,500.00 to assist in rebuilding/restoring these bows. Tom will provide an invoice for materials to the club. All members voted to approve the motion.
Tom also requested permission to use the club site to coach those going to Louisville. All approved. Practice to be between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Critter requesting the use of the clubhouse on April 30 for an Eagle Scout Celebration from noon until 4:00 PM. All approved
There were six (6) New Member Applications, as follows;
The name drawn for the April attendance pool was Bob Kuhn. Bob won between $10 and $12.00
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:21
Committee Meeting
The six (6) new member applications noted above were reviewed and approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty three (23) members present including eleven (11) officers and committee chairs and one guest.
Meeting Minutes for the March 9, 2023 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of March 9, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There were no exceptions to the minutes. There was a motion to approve as read by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers All approved.
The Committee Meeting Minutes for March 29, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers and Fred Guyette. There was motion by Mike DePaola to approve the minutes, motion 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved
The Treasurers report for March 2023 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub and approved on a motion by Ken Matthews and 2nd Mike DePaola, All approved.
March 31, 2023
Regular Checking balance $ 13,502.97
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 5,997.80
Youth Account balance $ 11,813.00
Savings Account balance $ 59,159.02
American Funds balance $ 29,049.59
Royalty Account balance $ 5,738.52
Total Balance $ 125,260.90
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba, Matt out of town for work)
It was noted that the 3D course is set and ready.
The first 3D shoot is scheduled for this Sunday April 16th. Registration starts at 8:00 AM.
The new 3D targets ae expected by July.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Friday night Trap is ongoing.
The Winter Trap League has been concluded. There was a fish fry on Saturday April 1st. Fred noted special thanks to Ron and Ed Ripic for helping with the fish fry.
Monies received from Trap & Skeet;
Trap on 3/10 and 4/17 was $1,495.
Skeet on 3/10 was $67.00, 3/21- $65.00, 3/24 - $60.00, 3/31- $81.00, 4/7 - $65.00. Total $338.00
The County Trap League is scheduled to meet at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club on April 23. We will need the kitchen.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman, Tom not in attendance)
It was noted that Tom and Jeff have removed 1,200# of lead from the pistol range backstop area.
It was also noted that the rubber has been replaced.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the lock combinations have been reset for 2023.
Ron also noted that the mower deck has been put back on the tractor.
The slab for the new BBQ pit is scheduled to be poured tomorrow.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well. Jack also stated that the cable on the 100 yard rifle range will be replaced on the Spring Work Day (4/22) as well as three rubber mats.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that he should have PFSC raffle tickets for the next Club meeting.
It was also noted that there is a house bill to move opening day of deer season back to Monday.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The April 2023 winner is Eric Mooney. The April raffle was for a Ruger 10-22 w/ a Talo-walnut Mannlicher stock. The winning ticket was #454. Jim E. Mayers to notify Mr. Mooney.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well. Ed also noted that he has been ill of late and will be working on updating the site.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori Raub noted all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete noted all is ok. Pete also expressed that the new kitchen look is very nice.
Fred also reminded everyone to turn in all 12 gun raffle tickets and money.
It was noted that the Committee Chairs list the work necessary for the scheduled Spring Work Day on Saturday April 22, 2023. It was noted as a reminder that breakfast will be at 7:00 AM work to commence at 8:00 AM.
Two Thank You cards were read. The first was from five Traver ladies thanking Tom Blackman for the hand gun class he conducted for them.
The second thank you was from Ron and Janis Hollenbeck for the clubs help in providing refundable bottles and cans so the money could be turned over to the LLS (Leukemia cancer research). The Hollenbecks noted that they were able to donate over $1,600.00.
Fred noted that there will be a Roger Everitt meeting after he returns from Florida.
Tom Oleniacz noted that the Archery In the Schools Program has been very successful in the Montrose Area School District. There are several State champions. Tom also noted that there will be 33 student athletes going to Louisville, Kentucky for the National Archery In the Schools National Tournament.
Tom further noted that he and another coach will be rebuilding/renewing 30 bows for next season. Tom stated it will cost approximately $50.00 per bow to renew/restore these bows, It was determined on a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Ed Smith that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club provide funds not to exceed $1,500.00 to assist in rebuilding/restoring these bows. Tom will provide an invoice for materials to the club. All members voted to approve the motion.
Tom also requested permission to use the club site to coach those going to Louisville. All approved. Practice to be between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Critter requesting the use of the clubhouse on April 30 for an Eagle Scout Celebration from noon until 4:00 PM. All approved
There were six (6) New Member Applications, as follows;
- James Barrese Endwell NY sponsor Jonathon DeVita.
- Terry Gallela, Montrose, PA Sponsor Roger Marsh
- Kevin Nagy, Montrose, PA Sponsor Ron Walter
- Robert Russo, Afton, NY Sponsor Jim E. Mayers
- Jason Sodon, Montrose, PA Sponsor Ron Walter
- Joe Sodon, Montrose, PA Sponsor Ron Walter
The name drawn for the April attendance pool was Bob Kuhn. Bob won between $10 and $12.00
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:21
Committee Meeting
The six (6) new member applications noted above were reviewed and approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary