Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
August 13, 2015
Regular Meeting
August 13, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 29 members present including 17 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for July
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of July 9, 2015 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
The July Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DiPaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer..
July Regular Checking – Balance $4,167.71
July Disc. Savings – Balance $2,655.28
July Youth Account - Balance $7,076.35
July Savings Account - Balance $10,370.88
July American Funds- Balance $49,423.06
ARCHERY (Officer Tom Oleniacz,)
Tom noted the August 3D shoot had 24 shooters. The registration took in $228.00 and the kitchen took in $80.00.
The September shoot is ready and is the last scheduled shoot for 2015.
Tom noted that he will be taking down the 3D range targets soon after the last 3D shoot.
It was noted that $58.00 was turned in from the range fee box.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that everything is going well.
The Monday shoots are bringing in 10-12 shooters and Friday nights are going well.
Fred thanked all who helped unload the trailer load of clay birds and put them in storage.
It was noted that the lower trap is in need of repair.
Fred noted that someone is setting clay birds on top of the 100 yard rifle range backstop and shooting them from the bench. This is dangerous if someone is using the 3D range. Paper targets only mounted on a proper stand on the ground. Ed Smith to note this problem on the web site.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he has turned over $37.00 from the range fee box.
Sam also noted that the Sporter Rifle season will commence in September. All are welcome to join. See Sam for details.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the 500 gallon propane tank was delivered yesterday.
It was also noted that the security cameras are on and operating. Someone has been fiddling around with the equipment rendering is almost useless. Ed Smith will remedy this situation.
It was also noted that we need to extend the chimney at the club house. Fred will get the necessary pipe extension.
Jack noted there were 25+/- shooters at the last SASS shoot.
The next shoot is scheduled for this Sunday August 16th. All are welcome.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Ed Smith noted numerous items that were discussed at the last PFSC meeting. The Harford Fair was discussed and it is noted that help is needed at the Archery Station. Tom Oleniacz volunteered to help with the Archery. Ed Smith will try to get a volunteer for the rifle station.
It was noted that the PA Game Commission is trying to get an easement on Gameland 70 to install a road to the top.
The items that were discussed are available on the club website.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The August 2015 gun winner is Kevin Duke. The only information on the ticket was a phone number 570-663-3196. The winning ticket was #595. Mr. Duke won an American Ruger 270 rifle. Karl to contact Mr. Duke.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all ok.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted that the new site up and running and is encouraging everyone to check it out.
Ed noted that he has installed a counter and has over 600 hits in the past month.
The new website address is
Tom Oleniacz is providing Ed with the 3D shoot results to be posted on the website.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted all is ok with the kitchen. Dan also noted that he will need help for the Susquehanna County Trap Banquet scheduled for 9/12.
Jim Mayers noted that BPD Training Officer Bob Charpinsky has not provided any additional information for their SWAT team training request.
It was noted that Blackman Guns and Gals training session was again a huge success. Six women received one on one training. Another training session is scheduled for September 26th. There is a limit of twelve (12) open spots.
There are eight (8) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
1. Lee Campbell 503 Cross Road Hallstead, PA. Sponsor Greg Stopper
2. Brian Terrell 500 Jenson Road Vestal, NY Sponsor Jim Mayers
3. Fran Fritch 21439 SR 167, Brackney, PA Sponsor Mike Reading.
4. Mary E. Connelly 204 E. Main St. Beacon, NY 12508. Sponsor Jeremiah Allen
5. Timothy Sansone 272 Loretta Lane, Vestal, NY Sponsor Jim Mayers.
6. Jeremy Sansone 272 Loretta Lane, Vestal, NY Sponsor Jim Mayers.
7. Rich Maloney 501 S. Benita Blvd. Vestal, NY Sponsor Jeremiah Allen.
8. Russell D. Seidel 203 Old Vestal Rd. Vestal, NY Sponsor Tom Blackman
There were no comments from the floor.
There were no further New Business items mentioned.
The name drawn for the August attendance pool was none other than Jack Legg. Sadly, Jack was not in attendance and lost out on a $105.00 pot. The September attendance pool will be worth $119.50.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Ken Barnes.
Committee Meeting
There were seventeen (17) officers and committee members in attendance. There were eight (8) new member applications as noted above. All approved.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary