Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
August 10, 2017
Regular Meeting
August 10, 2017
Meeting called to order at 7:08 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 23 members present including eleven (11) Officers and committee members. There was also two guests present.
Meeting Minutes for July13, 2017
The meeting minutes of July 13, 2017 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Christie-Anne Storeman.
The Treasurer’s report for July 2017 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $15,899.55
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 270.62
Youth Account balance ------------------- $10,731.12
Savings Account balance ----------------- $ 7,120.54
American Funds balance ----------------- $42,301.38
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that the July 3D shoot had 29 shooters compete. The shoot brought in $256.00 in registration fees and $88.50 from the kitchen.
See the club website for 3D Shoot winners
Gourmet dining was prepared by none other than our own Bob Elliot.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Friday night open shoots are continuing and have also resumed the Monday afternoon ATA shoots. Check club website for Trap activity dates.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted that he turned over $21.00 for June from the range fee box.
Tom noted that Russ Siedel weld repaired the target holders as the shooters are hitting them instead of the paper targets.
Tom noted that the Sporter Rifle League will resume the end of September and is encouraging new shooters to join in on the fun. All are welcome.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron was not in attendance. No report available.
Fred Guyette noted that Ron has worked on regrading the driveway. Fred also noted the need regrade the parking areas and cut ditches to drain prior to winter. Fred to contact Joe Flaherty to provide a cost estimate for the work.
Jack noted the attendance for the SASS shoots is down. All went well at the last shoot. All are welcome to come and join in on the fun.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted the last PFSC meeting was held at Canawacta. The meeting was focused on the Harford Fair planning.
Ed Smith noted numerous bills were discussed. See club website for legislative items discussed.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The August 2017 gun winner is Scott Legg (607) 725-9910, from Kirkwood, NY. The winning ticket was # 514 Scott won a Mossberg Patriot bolt action rifle 7MM-08 w/a 3x9x40 Bushnell Banner scope.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
No Jack no report.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith )
Ed noted that all is good on the website. Ed also noted items are being looked at and sold.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
No Dan, no report.
Ken Barnes has offered to set up a Defibrillator use class, but needs to know how many are interested. A sign-up list was passed around. Seven people signed the sheet. Date(s) for the class to be the next meeting. The class will be one session and take less than three (3) hours.
There were four (4) new member applications.
It was determined that the club will decline the offer from George Capwell for his used 3D targets.
Scott and Christi-Anne noted they have found a dealer ( to purchase targets at half the cost of what Mr. Capwell was offering. It was determined that the club will purchase a membership for $25.00. Jim Mayers to contact Eders to set up an account.
The name drawn for the August 2017 attendance pool was Dan Seidel, Dan was not in attendance and missed out on a $168.50 pool. The September attendance Pool will be worth $181.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Jack Legg..
Committee Meeting
There were eleven (11) officers and Committee Chairpersons in attendance. The four (4) New Membership applications listed above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee Meeting Adjourned at 8:15.PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:08 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 23 members present including eleven (11) Officers and committee members. There was also two guests present.
Meeting Minutes for July13, 2017
The meeting minutes of July 13, 2017 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Christie-Anne Storeman.
The Treasurer’s report for July 2017 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $15,899.55
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 270.62
Youth Account balance ------------------- $10,731.12
Savings Account balance ----------------- $ 7,120.54
American Funds balance ----------------- $42,301.38
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that the July 3D shoot had 29 shooters compete. The shoot brought in $256.00 in registration fees and $88.50 from the kitchen.
See the club website for 3D Shoot winners
Gourmet dining was prepared by none other than our own Bob Elliot.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Friday night open shoots are continuing and have also resumed the Monday afternoon ATA shoots. Check club website for Trap activity dates.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted that he turned over $21.00 for June from the range fee box.
Tom noted that Russ Siedel weld repaired the target holders as the shooters are hitting them instead of the paper targets.
Tom noted that the Sporter Rifle League will resume the end of September and is encouraging new shooters to join in on the fun. All are welcome.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron was not in attendance. No report available.
Fred Guyette noted that Ron has worked on regrading the driveway. Fred also noted the need regrade the parking areas and cut ditches to drain prior to winter. Fred to contact Joe Flaherty to provide a cost estimate for the work.
Jack noted the attendance for the SASS shoots is down. All went well at the last shoot. All are welcome to come and join in on the fun.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted the last PFSC meeting was held at Canawacta. The meeting was focused on the Harford Fair planning.
Ed Smith noted numerous bills were discussed. See club website for legislative items discussed.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The August 2017 gun winner is Scott Legg (607) 725-9910, from Kirkwood, NY. The winning ticket was # 514 Scott won a Mossberg Patriot bolt action rifle 7MM-08 w/a 3x9x40 Bushnell Banner scope.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
No Jack no report.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith )
Ed noted that all is good on the website. Ed also noted items are being looked at and sold.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
No Dan, no report.
Ken Barnes has offered to set up a Defibrillator use class, but needs to know how many are interested. A sign-up list was passed around. Seven people signed the sheet. Date(s) for the class to be the next meeting. The class will be one session and take less than three (3) hours.
There were four (4) new member applications.
- Scott Mathews 737 Glenwood Rd. Binghamton, NY sponsor Jim Mayers
- Jonathon Schroeder Brackney, PA sponsor Jim Mayers
- Jim Kalman 1143 Tracy Creek Rd. Vestal, NY sponsor Christi-Anne Storman
- Shawn Orcutt 237 Collins Rd. Vestal, sponsor Christi-Anne Storeman
It was determined that the club will decline the offer from George Capwell for his used 3D targets.
Scott and Christi-Anne noted they have found a dealer ( to purchase targets at half the cost of what Mr. Capwell was offering. It was determined that the club will purchase a membership for $25.00. Jim Mayers to contact Eders to set up an account.
The name drawn for the August 2017 attendance pool was Dan Seidel, Dan was not in attendance and missed out on a $168.50 pool. The September attendance Pool will be worth $181.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Jack Legg..
Committee Meeting
There were eleven (11) officers and Committee Chairpersons in attendance. The four (4) New Membership applications listed above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee Meeting Adjourned at 8:15.PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary