Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Committee Meeting Tues. Sept. 27, 2022 CALL TO ORDER
Meeting called to order at 7:01 by Committee Chair Dave Shaffer. Purpose of the meeting; Discuss Dan Hungerford’s Resignation and Club Finances Attendance; Fred Guyette, Lori Raub, Bob Kuhn, Jim E. Mayers, Ron Walter, Bob Tucker, Dave Shaffer, Jack Revie, Tom Blackman. Dan has accepted a teaching position at Alfred Tech and has determined he will not be available for future meetings and has stepped down as Vice President of the Club. After discussion of who will take Dan’s place as Vice President is was agreed that Todd Everitt will step into Dan’s VP position for the remainder of Dan’s term. Dan’s term expires at the end of 2022. Club Secretary Jim Mayers will resume Club membership responsibilities. It was determined that we need to purchase and install new signs around the club property noting “Live Fire” warning. Found a price on line for $130.00 for 50 signs. Lori Raub will purchase the new warning signs. It was also determined that we will comply with the new law and paint trees along the perimeter with “Purple Paint”. After a lengthy review, it was determined that we are operating at a financial deficit. Last year the club’s income was approximately $19, 300.00. Our expenses for the year was almost $25,000. After further discussions it was determined that we need to increase the annual membership renewal fee to $60.00. New membership fee will be $70.00 then $60.00 renewal after the first year. This increase will go into effect November 1, 2022. Again after lengthy discussions, it was determined that we will have an Annual Indoor Range fee for $40.00. The range fee boxes will remain for those who choose not to take advantage of the Annual Range Fee proposal. This range fee proposal is only for the Indoor Range. It was also determined that Trap and Skeet fees will increase from $4.00 per 25 birds to $5.00 per 25 birds. This Trap and Skeet fee increase will go into effect November 1, 2022 We need also to address the SporteRifle League, to structure an agreeable “League Fee”. Fred to contact Raylene Coy to discuss. Meeting adjourned at 8:45. Respectfully submitted, Jim Mayers, Secretary |