Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
December 10, 2015
Regular Meeting
December 10, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 24 members present including 13 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for November 12, 2015
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of November 12, 2015 were read and approved on a motion by Dave Byerly and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
The Committee Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2015 were read and approved on a motion by Dave Shaffer and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
The November 2015 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DiPaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
October Regular Checking – Balance $4,694.62
Oct. Disc. Savings – Balance $ 263.46
Oct. Youth Account - Balance $5,450.70
Oct. Savings Account - Balance $10,371.66
Oct. American Funds- Balance $47,169.06
ARCHERY (Officer Tom Oleniacz,)
Tom noted that attendance was down for the 3D shoots this year. There was an average of 23 shooters for the year. It was noted we spent approximately $1800.00 for target replacements and miscellaneous expenses. Tom noted that we lost money on the 3D shoots.
The Winter 2016 Archery League will commence the 1st Tuesday in January. (January 5, 2016)
Tom noted that he has been the Committee Chairman for the past 12 years and is now heavily involved with the “Archery In the Schools” program and will be stepping down as the Committee Chair.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred not in attendance, no report. Friday night trap shoots are continuing.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he has $70.00 from the range fee box to turn over.
Sam reported that the Sporter Rifle season is now into the 10th week.
All are welcome to join. See Sam for details.
Sam noted a piece of ceiling is falling down and is in need of repair.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that Warner is filling the wrong propane tank and has called Warner.
It was noted that the tractor needs to have the snow blade installed.
Jack noted the SASS operations are in winter hibernation and will resume in the spring of 2016.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
It was noted that there was no PFSC meeting due to Thanksgiving.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The December 2015 gun winner is Bruce Legg 570-553-2670. The winning ticket was number 494. Bruce won a 12 ga. Remington 11-87.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all ok. Will have supplies ready for the Annual Dinner Meeting.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted that the new site up and running and is encouraging everyone to check it out.
Ed noted that the PA Game Commission expects to increase hunting license fees.
New items have been put up on the site. Ed is encouraging anyone with questions regarding the website to email him.
Ed has installed a page for members to buy, sell, or trade SPORTING GOODS ONLY. Call Ed for details.
Ed noted that the web page renewal is due and Linda A still owns the domain name. Ed and Bob to work out details to acquire our name.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan not in attendance, no report.
Tony Gawlinski inquired about the legality of bringing a pistol to the club without a conceal carry permit in PA. Lengthy discussion finally slid into a snow bank.
Paul Almy noted the next Guns and Gals class is scheduled for January 23, 2016. Ed to post on the web site.
The Annual Dinner and Elections is scheduled for Sunday January 10, 2016. Need raffle baskets, hams, turkeys, etc.
We also need volunteers to allow their names to be selected for Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs.
Jim Mayers to get a Winter Newsletter emailed to all members.
Ed Smith is requesting help to monitor the security system. Paul Almy and Henry Pyke to help monitor the security system.
There are seven (7) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
- Daniel VanWie 154 Powderhouse Rd. Vestal (JCPD) Sponsor Bob Charpinsky
- Lou Cioci 31 Avenue C JC. JCPD Metro SWAT Sponsor Bob Charpinsky.
- Matthew D. Kushner 31 Ave. C JC JCPD Metro SWAT Sponsor Bob Charpinsky.
- Cameron Hillman 31 Ave C JC, JCPD Metro SWAT ,Sponsor Bob Charpinsky
- Richard McCoy 145 Pamela Dr. Friendsville, PA Sponsor Christi-Anne Cicone-Storman.
- Paul Adams 587 Hall Rd. Friendsville, PA Sponsor Bob Tucker
- Steven McGlade 57 Kirstens Way New Milford, PA Sponsor Bob Kuhn.
The name drawn for the December 2015 attendance pool was David Stanley. David was not in attendance and missed out on a pool worth $11.50. The January attendance pool will be worth $21.50.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM on a motion by Dave Shaffer.
Committee Meeting
There were thirteen (13) officers and committee members in attendance. There were seven (7) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary