Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
December 9, 2021
Regular Meeting
December 9, 2021
Called to order at 1905 by club President Jim Mayers.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were fifteen (15) members/guests present including nine (9) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Jack Revie, Bob Kuhn, Fred Guyette, Dave Shaffer, Bob Tucker, Ron Walter).
Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made Dave Shaffer to accept report with minor updates in grammar/spelling seconded by Ron Walter. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – November report for 2021 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub with a motion made by Bob Tucker to accept report, seconded by Dave Shaffer. Motion approved unanimously.
November – Regular Checking balance – $738.86
November - Discipline Savings Account balance – $11,333.82
Youth Account balance- $13,294.80
Savings Account balance- $40,456.35
American Funds Balance- $29,983.80
Royalty Account balance – $1,420.24
Total Balance $97,227.87
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers II not in attendance, no report provided.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that Friday night open shooting continues.
Wine shoot will be held on Sunday December 12th.
Winter league begins in January 14th.
Money turned in for Trap:
11/12 $88.75
11/19 $108.00
11/26 $77.00
12/3 $106.00
Money turned in for Skeet
10/15 $6.00
10/22 $53.00
10/29 $76.00
11/15 $60.00
TOTAL: $574.75
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman not in attendance, no report provided. A total of $210.00 was turned in.
Sporter Rifle – Raelene Coy not in attendance, no report provided.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter stated all is good. He would like to run power to the flagpole instead of having solar. The conduit is already there just need to run line through it.
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that all is good. A total of $96.00 was turned in.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola not in attendance, no report provided.
12 Gun Raffle - December’s winner – Neil Prices with ticket number 561 - won $500.00 cash. Ticket was sold by Dave Byerly.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor not in attendance, no report provided.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith stated all is good.
Facebook – Lori Raub reported that traffic on the page continues to increase.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford not in attendance, no report provided.
Old Business – NRA point of contact for the club has been changed (message left but no confirmation) to Dan Hungerford.
New Business – Twelve gun raffle ticket selections have been made.
There were no new applicants discussed as there will be no committee meeting due to lack of a quorum.
Attendance Pool – Scott Heckman was drawn as the winner. Scott not in attendance with money ($188.50) being rolled to January drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1923 on a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Ed Smith. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting – No meeting held due to lack of quorum
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were fifteen (15) members/guests present including nine (9) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Jack Revie, Bob Kuhn, Fred Guyette, Dave Shaffer, Bob Tucker, Ron Walter).
Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made Dave Shaffer to accept report with minor updates in grammar/spelling seconded by Ron Walter. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – November report for 2021 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub with a motion made by Bob Tucker to accept report, seconded by Dave Shaffer. Motion approved unanimously.
November – Regular Checking balance – $738.86
November - Discipline Savings Account balance – $11,333.82
Youth Account balance- $13,294.80
Savings Account balance- $40,456.35
American Funds Balance- $29,983.80
Royalty Account balance – $1,420.24
Total Balance $97,227.87
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers II not in attendance, no report provided.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that Friday night open shooting continues.
Wine shoot will be held on Sunday December 12th.
Winter league begins in January 14th.
Money turned in for Trap:
11/12 $88.75
11/19 $108.00
11/26 $77.00
12/3 $106.00
Money turned in for Skeet
10/15 $6.00
10/22 $53.00
10/29 $76.00
11/15 $60.00
TOTAL: $574.75
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman not in attendance, no report provided. A total of $210.00 was turned in.
Sporter Rifle – Raelene Coy not in attendance, no report provided.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter stated all is good. He would like to run power to the flagpole instead of having solar. The conduit is already there just need to run line through it.
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that all is good. A total of $96.00 was turned in.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola not in attendance, no report provided.
12 Gun Raffle - December’s winner – Neil Prices with ticket number 561 - won $500.00 cash. Ticket was sold by Dave Byerly.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor not in attendance, no report provided.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith stated all is good.
Facebook – Lori Raub reported that traffic on the page continues to increase.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford not in attendance, no report provided.
Old Business – NRA point of contact for the club has been changed (message left but no confirmation) to Dan Hungerford.
New Business – Twelve gun raffle ticket selections have been made.
There were no new applicants discussed as there will be no committee meeting due to lack of a quorum.
Attendance Pool – Scott Heckman was drawn as the winner. Scott not in attendance with money ($188.50) being rolled to January drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1923 on a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Ed Smith. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting – No meeting held due to lack of quorum
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club