Eighty Third Annual Dinner and Meeting
JANUARY 11, 2015
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order at 2:25 PM by President Bob Kuhn. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for all those protecting our security preceded the roll call of the members present.
Roll Call:
The Secretary stated that Fifteen (15) Committee members/Officers and
Forty (40) Regular and Lifetime Members had signed in. This exceeds the necessary membership requirements to hold the Annual Meeting and election of new Officers and Directors. Therefore, no roll call of members is required.
Member Recognition for Service to the Club
Club President Bob Kuhn presented a gift certificate from Red Lobster to Reggie Raynor and Bette VanWinkle for their outstanding work for the club.
The Minutes of the last Regular Meeting of January 8, 2015 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Mike Redding. All approved.
Treasurer Report:
A Financial Report for the 2014-year was read and explained by Treasurer Bette VanWinkle. The report is attached to the official meeting minutes
The report was approved on a motion by Mike Redding and 2nd by Mike DePaola, all approved.
Standing Committee Reports:
Archery: Officer Tom Oleniacz
Tom noted that the Winter Indoor Archery league is underway, which commenced on January 6 and will continue for 12 weeks.
Tom reviewed the previous Winter Archery League that concluded in March 2014. There were 21 shooters with 7 teams of three shooters. There was a fish fry at the end of the season with each shooter receiving a Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club logo with 2014 Winter Archery League embroidered on each.
Tom also noted that there were five 3D shoots had fewer participants than normal. It was also mentioned that all club 3D shoots are experiencing declining attendance. The average attendance was 31 shooters. Tom encouraged more members to attend the 3D shoots. The registration for the 5 3D shoots brought in $1300.00 and the kitchen brought in $428.00.
It was also noted that although very little money was spent for 2014, 2015 may need to spend up to $2000.00 to upgrade and or replace 3-D targets. Tom warned that with only 31 shooters on average, the club will be losing money to maintain the 3D shoots. Tom noted that there are over 50 members that show archery as their main interest and only 12 came to one or more of the 3D shoots. Tom indicated that he needs a lot of help as he has been handling most of the 3D set up, maintenance and take down by himself for the past ten years. Bottom line is that Tom is out of gas.
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club also donated $500.00 each to Lathrop street school Archery in the Schools Program, Choconut Valley Archery in the Schools program as well as
Trap: Officer Fred Guyette
Fred noted that the winter trap league started last Friday (Jan 9th) with a 10 week session. Fred noted there are always good eats and all are welcome. There are 26 shooters signed up for this year’s league.
There is open trap every Friday throughout the year. Monday night open trap will begin in March. There will also be scheduled registered ATA shoots on every other Monday afternoons. See Club Calendar for those dates.
The Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot is scheduled for June 6th and 7th. The 6th will be open shoot and the 7th will be a registered ATA shoot. There will be a gun raffle and numerous baskets raffled off as well. This year we were able to donate $1500.00 to the 4H Shooting Sports of Susquehanna County. Fred noted the need for volunteer help for the event and also basket donors.
There will also be a “Meat Shoot” in October. Steak sandwiches will be featured as well as other goodies. Please check the club calendar and come out and join the fun whether you shoot or not.
Indoor Range: Officer Sam Williamson
Sam noted that the Sporter Rifle League is approximately ½ way completed of a 21 week session. Sam also noted that the indoor range is in pretty good shape.
SASS: Officer Jack Revie
Jack noted that the cowboy shoots had an average of 20 shooters per month. Everyone had fun at the shoots. There was plenty of food at the shoots from April thru October. The SASS shoots are held on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Jack noted there are still people shooting jacketed bullets at the cowboy targets and causing damage. For those interested, Critter loads lead bullets.
SASS will start back up in April.
Buildings and Grounds: Officer Ron Walter
Ron noted the old furnace was removed and new propane furnaces installed. A metal carport has also been installed to house the firewood. Still awaiting bids for the trap lounge.
PFSC: Mike DePaola, chairman,
Mike noted several pending legislative items which include a bounty on coyotes. There is also a very real concern regarding Chronic Wasting Disease. See Mike for further details.
New Business:
Election of Officers and Directors:
Nominations for President:
There was a nomination from the floor by Mike DePaola for Bob Kuhn as President for 2015. Motion 2nd by Fred Guyette. There were no other nominations from the floor. Motion by Jim Mayers that further nominations be closed, 2nd Bob Tucker. Secretary cast 1 vote for Bob Kuhn for President for 2015. Bob Kuhn is the Club President for 2015.
Nominations for Vice President:
Bob Kuhn nominated Dan Hungerford for Vice President. There were no other nominations from the floor. Motion by Jim Mayers to close nominations, 2nd by Dennis Byerly. Secretary cast one vote for Dan Hungerford for Vice President for 2015. Dan Hungerford is the Club Vice President for 2015.
Nominations for Secretary:
Bob Kuhn nominated Jim Mayers for Secretary. There were no other nominations from the floor. Motion by Sam Williamson to close the nominations for Secretary and 2nd by Dave Byerly. President Bob Kuhn cast one vote for Jim Mayers as Club Secretary. Jim Mayers is the Club Secretary for 2015.
Nominations for Treasurer:
Bob Kuhn nominated Bette VanWinkle for Treasurer, second by Jim Mayers,
There were no further nominations from the floor. Motion by Jim Mayers to close the nominations, 2nd by Dave Shaffer. Secretary cast one vote for Bette VanWinkle for Treasurer for 2015. Bette VanWinkle is the Treasurer for 2015.
Nominations for PFSC Representative:
Bob Kuhn nominated Mike DePaola for PFSC Rep. 2nd by Dave Byerly.
There were no other nominations from the floor. Motion nominations be closed by Jim Mayers and 2nd by Jack Revie. Secretary cast one vote for Mike DePaola for PFSC Representative. Mike DePaola is the Club Rep to PFSC for 2015.
Nominations for Directors for years 2015 and 2016:
It was noted that the two year Director terms have expired for the following;
Karl Eschbach, and Floyd VanWinkle. There is an open director slot to be filled.
Karl Eschbach nominated Dave Shaffer and Rip VanWinkle for Director(s) for 2015 and 2016. Motion 2nd by Jim Mayers. Motion by Bob Kuhn to nominate Dave Byerly to the open Directorship for 2015 and 2016. Motion 2nd by Jim Mayers. There were no additional nominations from the floor.
Motion by Jack Revie and 2nd by Bob Tucker to close the nominations. Secretary cast one vote each for Dave Shaffer, Rip VanWinkle and Dave Byrely. Dave Shaffer, Rip VanWinkle and Dave Byerly are elected as Directors for 2015 and 2016.
This concludes the election of Officers and Directors for 2015 and congratulations to each for assuming these Club responsibilities.
Door prize winners and Raffle Winners:
Basket #1 (Family Games) donated by the Oleniacz’s was won by Eric Bronson.
Basket #2 (Car Wash donated by the Oleniacz’s) was won by Marion Furgeson.
Basket #3 (Embroidered Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club) donated by the VanWinkles, was won by J. Comstock.
Basket #4 (Candles) donated by the VanWinkles, was won by A. Murphy.
Basket #5 (SLR&G Club T-shirt and cupcake coupon) donated by VanWinkle and Dearborn, was won by Cindy Oleniacz.
Basket #6 (Car blanket, bottle cooler and 2 bottles of wine), donated by ?? Was won by Rip VanWinkle.
Basket #7 (Handmade hand gun cabinet) donated by Bill Conyer was won by Rip VanWinkle III.
Basket #8 (Toy bucket) donated by Sam Williamson was won by Jenn Ames.
Basket #9 (Lottery Ticket Tree) donated by Sam Williamson was won by Zach VanWinkle.
Basket #10 (Thermal Tote) donated by Ron Walters was won by Bob Tucker.
Basket # 11 (Chocolate and Wine) donated by the Guyette’s was won by Jo Leavenworth.
Basket # 12 (Movies and Snack basket) donated by ??? won by Guy Nichols.
Basket # 13 (Wine, Snacks and a movie) donated by ??? was won by Ed Ripic.
Basket # 14 (Cocoa and Winter Wishes) donated by ??? won by Jenn Ames.
Basket # 15 (Recoil reducing rest) donated by Mike DePaola, won by Critter.
Basket # 16 (Dog bed and toys) donated by Karl Eshbach won by Lindsey Butler.
Basket # 17 (Black Wheelie Monster truck) donated by Karl Eshbach won byJenn Ames.
Basket # 18 (Red Wheelie monster truck) donated by Karl, won by Ed Ripic.
Basket # 19 (Bath & Body gift bag) donated by Karl, won by Doug Wiser.
Basket # 20 (Camo backpack w/ goodies) donated by ?? won by Eric Bronson.
Basket # 21 (Beer & snack bucket) donated by SL Bounty Hunters won by Bill Conyer.
Youth Raffle
3rd place 100 22 LR shells won by John Heath
2nd place Tasco 12x25 Binoculars won by John Heath.
1st place Savage MK II Sporter 22 cal. Bolt action w/ red dot scope won by Henry Pyck.
Annual Dinner Gun Raffle
3rd place Outers Gun Cleaning kit won by Dennis Byerly
2nd place Level Lok Mono Pad won by Dick Leavenworth
1st place Savage Axis 7MM-08 bolt action in Harvest Moon Camo w/ 3-9x 40 Bushnell Banner Scope, won by Ken Barnes
2 - 50-50 winners-
$60.00 +/- won by Sam Williamson
$60.00 +/- won by Henry Pyke
Adjourned at 4:35 PM on a motion by Bette VanWinkle.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary