Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
February 11, 2016
Regular Meeting
February 11, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 22 members present including 11 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for Jan. 14, 2016
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of January 14, 2016 and the Committee Meeting minutes of January 25, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
The January 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Fred Guyette.
January Regular Checking – Balance $6,886.94
January Disc. Savings – Balance $2,133.14
January Youth Account - Balance $4,450.70
January Savings Account - Balance $10,372.18
January American Funds- Balance $48,017.27
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons, Jordan not present)
It was noted that the Winter Archery League is in the 6th week. Fred Guyette noted that he had spoken with Jordan and all was ok with archery.
Ben Myers from Camp Arrowhead presented flyers and a short presentation what the Camp does useing archery to help those physically and mentally handicapped. Ben is requesting that the Club help Camp Arrowhead as we have done in the past.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Friday night trap shoots are continuing. It was also noted that the Winter League was slow.
Bob Kuhn noted that the Susquehanna County League shoots for 2016 are scheduled as follows;
April 3rd at Central, April 24th at Silver Lake, May 15th at Blue Ridge, May 22nd at Harford, June 19th at New Milford, June 26th at Canawacta. The rain date is scheduled for July 10th.
The banquet is scheduled for September 10th 6:00 PM at Central.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he has $98.19 from the range fee box to turn over.
It was noted that Hank Pyke and Paul Almy have installed the new rubber for the pistol range backer.
Fred is still awaiting prices for new steel.
Sam also noted that there are only three weeks to complete the Sporter Rifle League. Sam further noted that he will be having knee surgery on March 2nd.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that he has ordered and had delivered a load of stone for the driveway.
The propane tank is at 70% full.
Fred noted that he has the thermostat cover(s) to install.
It was further noted that the mower deck is still in need of new wheels.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie, Jack not present)
Dave noted the SASS operations are in winter hibernation and will resume in the spring of 2016.
It was further noted the conflict with Tioga has been resolved.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
It was noted that no wardens showed up at the January meeting. Most of the discussions were political. Ed Smith noted there is discussion regarding merging Fish and Game.
PFSC has a seedling sale . Deadline is March 18th .See Ed Smith for details. It was also noted that QDMA is also having a tree sale.. The deadline is April 9. There is a QDMA banquet scheduled for March 19th.
Mike noted that our dues are now due. We owe a total of $480.40. $290.00 for the State PFSC and $190.00 to the County PFSC. Motion by Mike Depaola and 2nd by Ken Barnes that we pay the $480.40 dues. All approved.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The February 2016 gun winner is Fred Guyette from Brackney. Fred won the 20x60x80 Leopold Vantana Spotting Scope with case.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted all is ok. Ed reminded all that he now has a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan not in attendance, no report.
There was no Old Business to discuss.
There are six (6) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
There was a motion from the floor by Fred Guyette and 2nd by Jack Raynor that the Club pay as sponsor for the Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club Trap teams(s) for the County League. Cost per team is $50.00. All approved.
The 4H club is requesting the use of the Club and volunteers to help instruct in the shooting sports. Abby Onyon to have students throughout the summer.
The lock combinations will be changed by March 1st for the 2016 combinations.
Fred to obtain a storage container to use to use on site while the Trap Lounge work is being done.
The name drawn for the February 2016 attendance pool was Bob Elliott. Unfortunately Bob was not in attendance and missed out on a whopping pool of $11.00.
The March attendance pool will be worth $22.25
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Ken Barnes.
Committee Meeting
There were eleven (11) officers and committee members in attendance. There were six (6) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
There was a motion by Jim Mayers and 2nd by Fred Guyette to donate $500.00 to Camp Arrowhead for their Archery Sports program. All approved.
There was a motion by Ken Barnes and 2nd by Ron Walter to donate $500.00 to Choconut Valley Athletic Association for their Archery In the Schools Program. All approved.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 22 members present including 11 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for Jan. 14, 2016
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of January 14, 2016 and the Committee Meeting minutes of January 25, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
The January 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Fred Guyette.
January Regular Checking – Balance $6,886.94
January Disc. Savings – Balance $2,133.14
January Youth Account - Balance $4,450.70
January Savings Account - Balance $10,372.18
January American Funds- Balance $48,017.27
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons, Jordan not present)
It was noted that the Winter Archery League is in the 6th week. Fred Guyette noted that he had spoken with Jordan and all was ok with archery.
Ben Myers from Camp Arrowhead presented flyers and a short presentation what the Camp does useing archery to help those physically and mentally handicapped. Ben is requesting that the Club help Camp Arrowhead as we have done in the past.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Friday night trap shoots are continuing. It was also noted that the Winter League was slow.
Bob Kuhn noted that the Susquehanna County League shoots for 2016 are scheduled as follows;
April 3rd at Central, April 24th at Silver Lake, May 15th at Blue Ridge, May 22nd at Harford, June 19th at New Milford, June 26th at Canawacta. The rain date is scheduled for July 10th.
The banquet is scheduled for September 10th 6:00 PM at Central.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he has $98.19 from the range fee box to turn over.
It was noted that Hank Pyke and Paul Almy have installed the new rubber for the pistol range backer.
Fred is still awaiting prices for new steel.
Sam also noted that there are only three weeks to complete the Sporter Rifle League. Sam further noted that he will be having knee surgery on March 2nd.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that he has ordered and had delivered a load of stone for the driveway.
The propane tank is at 70% full.
Fred noted that he has the thermostat cover(s) to install.
It was further noted that the mower deck is still in need of new wheels.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie, Jack not present)
Dave noted the SASS operations are in winter hibernation and will resume in the spring of 2016.
It was further noted the conflict with Tioga has been resolved.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
It was noted that no wardens showed up at the January meeting. Most of the discussions were political. Ed Smith noted there is discussion regarding merging Fish and Game.
PFSC has a seedling sale . Deadline is March 18th .See Ed Smith for details. It was also noted that QDMA is also having a tree sale.. The deadline is April 9. There is a QDMA banquet scheduled for March 19th.
Mike noted that our dues are now due. We owe a total of $480.40. $290.00 for the State PFSC and $190.00 to the County PFSC. Motion by Mike Depaola and 2nd by Ken Barnes that we pay the $480.40 dues. All approved.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The February 2016 gun winner is Fred Guyette from Brackney. Fred won the 20x60x80 Leopold Vantana Spotting Scope with case.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted all is ok. Ed reminded all that he now has a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan not in attendance, no report.
There was no Old Business to discuss.
There are six (6) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
- Justin Bronson, Trim St. Kirkwood, sponsor Doug Wiser.
- Robert Henry, 797 Valley View Road, Montrose, Sponsor Phil Oleniacz.
- Jim Ryan Bornt Rd. Endicott, Sponsor Jim Mayers
- Michael McQuade 80 Kelly St. Montrose, Sponsor Jim Mayers
- Bev DeGroat 1121 Valley View Rd. Montrose, PA Sponsor Phil Oleniacz.
- Mark Terry 1121 Valley View Rd. Montrose, PA Sponsor Phil Oleniacz.
There was a motion from the floor by Fred Guyette and 2nd by Jack Raynor that the Club pay as sponsor for the Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club Trap teams(s) for the County League. Cost per team is $50.00. All approved.
The 4H club is requesting the use of the Club and volunteers to help instruct in the shooting sports. Abby Onyon to have students throughout the summer.
The lock combinations will be changed by March 1st for the 2016 combinations.
Fred to obtain a storage container to use to use on site while the Trap Lounge work is being done.
The name drawn for the February 2016 attendance pool was Bob Elliott. Unfortunately Bob was not in attendance and missed out on a whopping pool of $11.00.
The March attendance pool will be worth $22.25
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM on a motion by Ken Barnes.
Committee Meeting
There were eleven (11) officers and committee members in attendance. There were six (6) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
There was a motion by Jim Mayers and 2nd by Fred Guyette to donate $500.00 to Camp Arrowhead for their Archery Sports program. All approved.
There was a motion by Ken Barnes and 2nd by Ron Walter to donate $500.00 to Choconut Valley Athletic Association for their Archery In the Schools Program. All approved.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary