Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
February 8, 2018
Regular Meeting
February 8, 2018
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 17 members present including eleven (11) Officers and committee members.
Meeting Minutes for the Annual Dinner on January 14, 2018
The meeting minutes of January 14, 2018 were read and approved on a motion by Ron Walter and 2nd by Mike DePaola.
The Treasurer’s report for January 2018 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Christi Anne.
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $17,800.36
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 2,964.69
Youth Account balance ------------------- $9,231.12
Savings Account balance ----------------- $ 7,721.91
American Funds balance ----------------- $44,645.21
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that they have made up flyers for the upcoming 3D season. Christie Anne requested club members to take some flyers and post wherever they felt they will be useful. Christi Anne also confirmed donations from Insite Archery and Neil’s Archery & Crossbow. The first 3D shoot is scheduled for Sunday May 6th.
Christi also noted crossbows will be allowed for the first time but only at the Open distance only.
At this time it appears that there will be no Winter Indoor Archery this year.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette) Fred not in attendance.
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday night Trap shoots are ongoing. The Winter Trap League in now in the third week. It was noted that $473.00 was turned in as well as $111.00 from the Trap League.
It was also noted that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club has one team for the County Trap League. Looking for a second team. The Club sponsors the club team(s).
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom not in attendance. No report from Tom.
Dave Byerly noted that the Sporter Rifle League is now into the 15th week of a 21 week season. The Club record stands at 10 wins and five losses.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted all is well. Lots of snow to plow. It was noted that Jack Raynor has replaced the water heater with a used LP water heater.
New shelves have been installed in the closet.
It was noted that on two occasions the side door to the club house has been found wide open. It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure the side door is secured and locked whenever the door is used.
Jack not in attendance, no report.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike reported that the last PFSC meeting was routine. Nothing special to report. Mike noted that the club dues for PFSC are now due. The Club owes $334.80 for the year. Motion by Dave Byerly to pay the $334.80, motion 2nd by Ron Walter. Motion carried and approved.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The February 2018 gun winner is Ed Hart 4244 Gregory Rd. Binghamton, NY 13903, telephone # 607-773-8649. The winning ticket was # 452. Ed won a Replica Winchester M97 S/Cowboy 12 ga. Pump shotgun w/ 19” bbl w/ a walnut stock. Karl to notify Mr. Hart. (Mr. Hart declined the gun and requested the $300.00)
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok. If anyone needs supplies, please call Jack’s house.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed not in attendance. No report.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan reported the kitchen is good.
It was reported that the CPR Difibulator class was held at Silver Lake Fire house. Phyllis McNamara of Silver Lake Volunteer Fire Company was the instructor. There were eight Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club attendees.
Silver Lake Volunteer Fire Company donated an AED devise to the club.
A thank you card from Fred Guyette’s family was read for our donation of flowers for Fred’s father’s funeral.
A thank you was also read from the Montrose Area Archery In the Schools program for our donation to them.
There was five (5) new Membership Applications to review as follows;
The name drawn for the February 2018 attendance pool was Mike DePaola. Mike won $45.00.
The March 2018 pool will be worth $6.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM on a motion by Ron Walter.
Committee Meeting
The five new member applications as noted above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss, adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 17 members present including eleven (11) Officers and committee members.
Meeting Minutes for the Annual Dinner on January 14, 2018
The meeting minutes of January 14, 2018 were read and approved on a motion by Ron Walter and 2nd by Mike DePaola.
The Treasurer’s report for January 2018 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Christi Anne.
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $17,800.36
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 2,964.69
Youth Account balance ------------------- $9,231.12
Savings Account balance ----------------- $ 7,721.91
American Funds balance ----------------- $44,645.21
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that they have made up flyers for the upcoming 3D season. Christie Anne requested club members to take some flyers and post wherever they felt they will be useful. Christi Anne also confirmed donations from Insite Archery and Neil’s Archery & Crossbow. The first 3D shoot is scheduled for Sunday May 6th.
Christi also noted crossbows will be allowed for the first time but only at the Open distance only.
At this time it appears that there will be no Winter Indoor Archery this year.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette) Fred not in attendance.
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday night Trap shoots are ongoing. The Winter Trap League in now in the third week. It was noted that $473.00 was turned in as well as $111.00 from the Trap League.
It was also noted that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club has one team for the County Trap League. Looking for a second team. The Club sponsors the club team(s).
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom not in attendance. No report from Tom.
Dave Byerly noted that the Sporter Rifle League is now into the 15th week of a 21 week season. The Club record stands at 10 wins and five losses.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted all is well. Lots of snow to plow. It was noted that Jack Raynor has replaced the water heater with a used LP water heater.
New shelves have been installed in the closet.
It was noted that on two occasions the side door to the club house has been found wide open. It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure the side door is secured and locked whenever the door is used.
Jack not in attendance, no report.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike reported that the last PFSC meeting was routine. Nothing special to report. Mike noted that the club dues for PFSC are now due. The Club owes $334.80 for the year. Motion by Dave Byerly to pay the $334.80, motion 2nd by Ron Walter. Motion carried and approved.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The February 2018 gun winner is Ed Hart 4244 Gregory Rd. Binghamton, NY 13903, telephone # 607-773-8649. The winning ticket was # 452. Ed won a Replica Winchester M97 S/Cowboy 12 ga. Pump shotgun w/ 19” bbl w/ a walnut stock. Karl to notify Mr. Hart. (Mr. Hart declined the gun and requested the $300.00)
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok. If anyone needs supplies, please call Jack’s house.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed not in attendance. No report.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan reported the kitchen is good.
It was reported that the CPR Difibulator class was held at Silver Lake Fire house. Phyllis McNamara of Silver Lake Volunteer Fire Company was the instructor. There were eight Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club attendees.
Silver Lake Volunteer Fire Company donated an AED devise to the club.
A thank you card from Fred Guyette’s family was read for our donation of flowers for Fred’s father’s funeral.
A thank you was also read from the Montrose Area Archery In the Schools program for our donation to them.
There was five (5) new Membership Applications to review as follows;
- Antoni Koziol 18 Dennison St. Binghamton, sponsor Jim Mayers.
- Patrick McCormack 7 Westland Ct. Binghamton, sponsor Bob Charpinsky.
- Laura Foote 5 Azelea Dr. Apalachin, sponsor Jerry Homsher.
- Eric Lukovich 230 McFall Rd. Apalachin, sponsor Jerry Homsher
- Ron Jacoby 25417 SR 267 Friendsville, sponsor Dave Shaffer.
The name drawn for the February 2018 attendance pool was Mike DePaola. Mike won $45.00.
The March 2018 pool will be worth $6.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM on a motion by Ron Walter.
Committee Meeting
The five new member applications as noted above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss, adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary