Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
February 10, 2022
Regular Meeting
February 10, 2022
Meeting called to order at 7:04 by Club President, Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty one (21) members present including twelve (12) officers and committee members.
Meeting Minutes for the January 2022
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of Jan 13, 2022 regular meeting were not read as the former secretary has refused to turn them over.
The Secretary’s minutes for the Annual Meeting and Dinner were read and approved after numerous corrections as follows;
Treasurer’s Report (original stated report deferred until Feb meeting) Actual report by Treasurer Lori Raub reported;
Trap income $14,328.57, Expense $3,006.96, Target Purchase $15,220.00, Trap purchase $17,335.00.
Archery Income $741.00, Expense $1,350.56
Indoor Range/Sporter Rifle Income $1,417.43 Expense $0.00
Outdoor Range Income $324.49, Expense $968.84
Committee Reports
Archery (original minutes stated “NO REPORT”), actual report by Jim Mayers gave a general report that attendance was down possibly due to covid, but is looking forward to a better 2022.
Trap, Original stated “NO REPORT” Actual report; Fred Guyette gave a lengthy report that Trap was doing very well including Open and ATA, County League events as well as open Skeet.
Indoor Range; Original stated “NO REPORT” Actually Tom Blackman gave a short report stating that the Indoor Range was doing very well and getting regular use.
Outdoor Range, Original minutes stated “NO REPORT”, Actually Jack Revie stated that the outdoor ranges were seldom used this time of year but all was well.
Under “Youth Gun Raffle”, Red Rider won by (no name) Actual winner was Mike Castalano.
Motion to approve as corrected by Jim Mayers ll and second by Dave Byerly.
The Treasurers report for February was read and approved on a motion by Jim Mayers II and 2nd by Ed Smith, All approved.
January 2022 Regular Checking balance $3,580.96
Discipline Savings balance $12,610.03
Youth Account balance $12,362.40
Savings Account balance $40,459.79
American Funds balance $31,039.28
Royalty Account balance $545.16
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer –Jim Mayers II)
Jim noted that there was nothing to report other than the Rhinehart elk target has been ordered.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred reported Friday open trap is ongoing. Also the new NYS official is Zach Eschbach.
Monies turned over to Lori, from skeet 1/14/22 - $48.00, 1/28/22 $40.00, Trap 1/14- 100.00, 1/21 - $180.00, 1/28 - $116.00.
Susquehanna County Trap League dates (via email from Bob Kuhn)
April 3 Central, April 10 Silver Lake, May 1 Hallstead, May 15 Blue Ridge, May 22 Canawacta, June 12 Harford, June 19 New Milford, June 26 rain date, August 6 Banquet at Central.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom reported that the lights for the indoor range have been upgraded. It is now very nice and bright
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter) Ron not in attendance.
It was reported that the cook stove has a gas leak in the Trap lounge.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well. .
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike not in attendance. No report.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The February 2022 gun winner is Jan Little 39 Maplewood Dr. Binghamton, NY ph. 607-348-5472. Winning ticket was #98. Jan won a Mossberg Patriot 270 cal. w/ a Bushnell 3X9 scope.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
No report
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori Raub. Lori noted that the Facebook page is now password protected.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted all is well. Dan stated the cost for food at the Annual Dinner was approximately $400.00. Dan also noted he will not be available for the Roger Everett shoot.
The Wi-Fi is now operational in the Club House and the Trap Lounge.
Secretary Jim Mayers read a note sent by Jenn Ames thanking Tom and Patty Blackman for the “Hand Gun Safety Course”. Jenn stated that she had never even picked up a gun prior to the course. Jenn stated also that she learned a lot and is now at ease with a handgun.
We need someone to step up to replace Dan Hungerford for the kitchen work he does for the Roger Everett shoot in June.
New membership application read for Lawrence Brinker, sponsor Dan Hungerford. There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the February 2022 attendance pool was… OOOPS there was no name drawn for the February attendance pool because the former secretary has to date, refused to return the money and name bucket.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM
Committee Meeting
There were twelve (12) officers and committee members as listed on the attendance sheet (attached)
New Member Application reviewed for Lawrence Brinker, all approved.
Discussed who would be the Committee Chairperson for 2022. It was determined that Critter will continue as Committee Chairperson for 2022.
It was noted that Fred has sent former secretary Laura Foote an email requesting all Club property be returned. Items include but not limited to; laptop computer, printer, two years’ worth of meeting minutes, Attendance pool money ($200.00 +/-) and the pool bucket. There has been no response as yet. It was determined that the next step will be for Fred to send a Registered Letter. If that doesn’t work we will then go to Mike Giangreco for legal action.
Each Committee Chair is requested to provide a list of Capital Items that need to be addressed for 2022. This list is to be provided at the next monthly meeting.
It was noted that the side door to the Clubhouse, for whatever reason has been found open on more than one occasion. With the brutal weather we have used a lot of fuel trying to keep up with the cold air coming in the open door. It is hoped that these events are accidental and not intentional.
Discussed the possibility of reinstalling the driveway gate. The gate was removed for fire engine access to the site.
Discussed the option of utilizing a key fob entry system for each member to gain access to the club house and the Trap Lounge. This would allow that any single individual could have their key fob deactivated and denied entry.
Discussed the idea of security cameras. One of the systems discussed was a Scout camera system. Fred suggested getting four (4) cameras installed, two at the club house and two at the trap lounge with a hub for recording. A combo deadbolt lock was also discussed for the side door at the clubhouse as well as two door sensors. It was determined that we can have this system installed for approximately $1,000.00. There was a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Jim Mayers to purchase the Scout System installed for the noted $1,000.00. All approved.
With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:04 by Club President, Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty one (21) members present including twelve (12) officers and committee members.
Meeting Minutes for the January 2022
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of Jan 13, 2022 regular meeting were not read as the former secretary has refused to turn them over.
The Secretary’s minutes for the Annual Meeting and Dinner were read and approved after numerous corrections as follows;
Treasurer’s Report (original stated report deferred until Feb meeting) Actual report by Treasurer Lori Raub reported;
Trap income $14,328.57, Expense $3,006.96, Target Purchase $15,220.00, Trap purchase $17,335.00.
Archery Income $741.00, Expense $1,350.56
Indoor Range/Sporter Rifle Income $1,417.43 Expense $0.00
Outdoor Range Income $324.49, Expense $968.84
Committee Reports
Archery (original minutes stated “NO REPORT”), actual report by Jim Mayers gave a general report that attendance was down possibly due to covid, but is looking forward to a better 2022.
Trap, Original stated “NO REPORT” Actual report; Fred Guyette gave a lengthy report that Trap was doing very well including Open and ATA, County League events as well as open Skeet.
Indoor Range; Original stated “NO REPORT” Actually Tom Blackman gave a short report stating that the Indoor Range was doing very well and getting regular use.
Outdoor Range, Original minutes stated “NO REPORT”, Actually Jack Revie stated that the outdoor ranges were seldom used this time of year but all was well.
Under “Youth Gun Raffle”, Red Rider won by (no name) Actual winner was Mike Castalano.
Motion to approve as corrected by Jim Mayers ll and second by Dave Byerly.
The Treasurers report for February was read and approved on a motion by Jim Mayers II and 2nd by Ed Smith, All approved.
January 2022 Regular Checking balance $3,580.96
Discipline Savings balance $12,610.03
Youth Account balance $12,362.40
Savings Account balance $40,459.79
American Funds balance $31,039.28
Royalty Account balance $545.16
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer –Jim Mayers II)
Jim noted that there was nothing to report other than the Rhinehart elk target has been ordered.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred reported Friday open trap is ongoing. Also the new NYS official is Zach Eschbach.
Monies turned over to Lori, from skeet 1/14/22 - $48.00, 1/28/22 $40.00, Trap 1/14- 100.00, 1/21 - $180.00, 1/28 - $116.00.
Susquehanna County Trap League dates (via email from Bob Kuhn)
April 3 Central, April 10 Silver Lake, May 1 Hallstead, May 15 Blue Ridge, May 22 Canawacta, June 12 Harford, June 19 New Milford, June 26 rain date, August 6 Banquet at Central.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom reported that the lights for the indoor range have been upgraded. It is now very nice and bright
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter) Ron not in attendance.
It was reported that the cook stove has a gas leak in the Trap lounge.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well. .
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike not in attendance. No report.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The February 2022 gun winner is Jan Little 39 Maplewood Dr. Binghamton, NY ph. 607-348-5472. Winning ticket was #98. Jan won a Mossberg Patriot 270 cal. w/ a Bushnell 3X9 scope.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
No report
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori Raub. Lori noted that the Facebook page is now password protected.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted all is well. Dan stated the cost for food at the Annual Dinner was approximately $400.00. Dan also noted he will not be available for the Roger Everett shoot.
The Wi-Fi is now operational in the Club House and the Trap Lounge.
Secretary Jim Mayers read a note sent by Jenn Ames thanking Tom and Patty Blackman for the “Hand Gun Safety Course”. Jenn stated that she had never even picked up a gun prior to the course. Jenn stated also that she learned a lot and is now at ease with a handgun.
We need someone to step up to replace Dan Hungerford for the kitchen work he does for the Roger Everett shoot in June.
New membership application read for Lawrence Brinker, sponsor Dan Hungerford. There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the February 2022 attendance pool was… OOOPS there was no name drawn for the February attendance pool because the former secretary has to date, refused to return the money and name bucket.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM
Committee Meeting
There were twelve (12) officers and committee members as listed on the attendance sheet (attached)
New Member Application reviewed for Lawrence Brinker, all approved.
Discussed who would be the Committee Chairperson for 2022. It was determined that Critter will continue as Committee Chairperson for 2022.
It was noted that Fred has sent former secretary Laura Foote an email requesting all Club property be returned. Items include but not limited to; laptop computer, printer, two years’ worth of meeting minutes, Attendance pool money ($200.00 +/-) and the pool bucket. There has been no response as yet. It was determined that the next step will be for Fred to send a Registered Letter. If that doesn’t work we will then go to Mike Giangreco for legal action.
Each Committee Chair is requested to provide a list of Capital Items that need to be addressed for 2022. This list is to be provided at the next monthly meeting.
It was noted that the side door to the Clubhouse, for whatever reason has been found open on more than one occasion. With the brutal weather we have used a lot of fuel trying to keep up with the cold air coming in the open door. It is hoped that these events are accidental and not intentional.
Discussed the possibility of reinstalling the driveway gate. The gate was removed for fire engine access to the site.
Discussed the option of utilizing a key fob entry system for each member to gain access to the club house and the Trap Lounge. This would allow that any single individual could have their key fob deactivated and denied entry.
Discussed the idea of security cameras. One of the systems discussed was a Scout camera system. Fred suggested getting four (4) cameras installed, two at the club house and two at the trap lounge with a hub for recording. A combo deadbolt lock was also discussed for the side door at the clubhouse as well as two door sensors. It was determined that we can have this system installed for approximately $1,000.00. There was a motion by Bob Tucker and 2nd by Jim Mayers to purchase the Scout System installed for the noted $1,000.00. All approved.
With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary