Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Special Board of Directors Meeting
Special Board of Directors Meeting
January 8, 2021
Meeting called to order at 1802 by club Committee Chairman Dave Shaffer.
There were eleven (11) officers and committee members in attendance. Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Dave Shaffer, Bob Kuhn, Tom Blackman, Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Ron Walter, Clark Burr, Fred Guyette, Mike DePaola (late arrival)
Agenda: American Funds Account
Treasurer Lori Raub provided financial details with regard to the American Funds Account stating that to date there is currently a $14,000.00 gain in the account with some concern as to what will transpire with a change in government January 20th. Lori suggested withdrawal of the 14K to pay down the outstanding principle balance on the Trap Lounge building loan. Trap Lounge building loan as of January 5th 2021 was $25,776.66. The current Trap Lounge building loan payoff date is May 5th, 2021. After some discussion of interest rates and loan payoff dates a motion was made by Dan Hungerford to payoff the current balance on the Trap Lounge building with funds withdrawn from the American Funds Account. This will be done prior to the May 5th payoff date and will be in the amount determined after this meeting (should be $25,776.66 minus an additional January payment). The remaining balance in the American Funds Account will be left untouched after the loan has been paid off. This motion was seconded by Jim Mayers. Motion was approved unanimously. Lori Raub will proceed with the withdrawal and loan payoff as described above.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1830.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
Meeting called to order at 1802 by club Committee Chairman Dave Shaffer.
There were eleven (11) officers and committee members in attendance. Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Dave Shaffer, Bob Kuhn, Tom Blackman, Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Ron Walter, Clark Burr, Fred Guyette, Mike DePaola (late arrival)
Agenda: American Funds Account
Treasurer Lori Raub provided financial details with regard to the American Funds Account stating that to date there is currently a $14,000.00 gain in the account with some concern as to what will transpire with a change in government January 20th. Lori suggested withdrawal of the 14K to pay down the outstanding principle balance on the Trap Lounge building loan. Trap Lounge building loan as of January 5th 2021 was $25,776.66. The current Trap Lounge building loan payoff date is May 5th, 2021. After some discussion of interest rates and loan payoff dates a motion was made by Dan Hungerford to payoff the current balance on the Trap Lounge building with funds withdrawn from the American Funds Account. This will be done prior to the May 5th payoff date and will be in the amount determined after this meeting (should be $25,776.66 minus an additional January payment). The remaining balance in the American Funds Account will be left untouched after the loan has been paid off. This motion was seconded by Jim Mayers. Motion was approved unanimously. Lori Raub will proceed with the withdrawal and loan payoff as described above.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1830.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club