Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
July 13, 2023
Regular Meeting
July 13, 2023
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty one (21) members present including ten (10) officers and committee chairs and four guests.
Meeting Minutes for the June 8, 2023 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of June 8, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There was one addition to the minutes. Under Outdoor Shooting Sports it was noted that Mario Lozzi also volunteered to get a material cost estimate for the 100 yard shooting range. There was a motion to approve as noted by Roger Marsh and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved.
The Treasurers report for June 2023 was read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers (Lori on vacation) and approved on a motion by Jim C. Mayers and 2nd by Pat Natale. All approved.
June 30, 2023
Regular Checking balance $ 11,002.13
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 9,764.93
Youth Account balance $ 6,383.06
Savings Account balance $ 51,308.52
American Funds balance $ 29,475.81
Royalty Account balance $ 5,101.40
Total Balance $ 113,035.85
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba)
Matt noted there were two 3D shoots this past month. One was on 6/11/23 and the 2nd was on July 9th. There were 16 shooters on the 11th and thirteen on the 9th, seven of the 13 were new shooters. Income from the two 3D shoots was $452.00
Two new targets have been received
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday open trap is ongoing.
Trap income; 6/9 $315.00, 6/16 $180.00, 6/19 ATA $996.00, 6/23 $591.00, 6/30 $374.00
Skeet income 6/30 $110.00, 7/7 $57.00
It was noted that the next ATA shoot ids scheduled for 7/17/23
There is also a wine shoot upcoming. See Bob or Fred for details.
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club came in 2nd place at the Susquehanna County Trap League.
The Susquehanna County Trap League banquet will be at Central. See Bob or Fred for details.
Guy Nichols noted that he has been in contact with Channel 12 Weather guy and they want to have several of their crew shoot two +/- rounds of trap. The dates are tentatively set for July 22 and again sometime in August. Guy noted that he will be there. Bob Tucker also offered to help.
It was agreed that the time will be in the mornings at 9:00 AM.
There is a Memorial Shoot with a chicken BBQ scheduled for September 17th. We need donations for this event. Again see Fred for details.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted all is well. Tom also noted that he turned over $43.00 from the range fee box.
Tom also noted he has replaced the target holders for the indoor range.
The painting of the raw wood walls is in a holding pattern
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron not in attendance.
Fred noted that Ron has built a cart for the long tables to be stored on and moved about with ease.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well.
Mario Lozzi read a report covering what needs to be done on the 100 yard rifle range and a cost estimate to do the repairs and revisions. The material cost estimate is $347.62. Mario’s report is attached to the official minutes. Action tabled until the next Committee Meeting.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola) (Mike not in attendance)
Ed Smith noted that the County chapter is “shakey” and is desperate for new blood. Ed also noted that he doubts that PFSC will meet at Silver Lake on the 27th.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The July 2023 winner is Jason Sodon. The July raffle was for an Savage Axis 243 rifle with synthetic stock and a stainless steel barrel w/ a 3x9 rifle scope.
Fred to notify Mr. Sodon.
We are now utilizing Donuts and Ammo for our twelve Gun Raffle.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well with the website.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete was not in attendance. No report.
It is noted that we will continue to donate refundable bottles and cans for Ron Hollenbeck to donate to Children’s Leukemia Fund to help find a cure for childhood cancer.
Tom Blackman noted that the downstairs bathroom sink has no water pressure. It was also noted that a light is out on the shooting line for the indoor range.
There were two (2) new membership applications read as follows;
It was noted that two Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club members have recently passed away, Pete Slack and Bob Hromalik. Jim Mayers to send condolences cards to their families.
The name drawn for the May attendance pool was Ron Walter. Ron failed to attend the meeting and lost out on a huge payday of $11.00 in cold hard cash.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52.
Committee Meeting
The two (2) new member applications noted above were reviewed and approved.
It was also approved to do the repairs and revisions for the 100 yard rifle range, based on the cost estimate provided by Mario Lozzi, not to exceed $500.00
Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty one (21) members present including ten (10) officers and committee chairs and four guests.
Meeting Minutes for the June 8, 2023 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of June 8, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There was one addition to the minutes. Under Outdoor Shooting Sports it was noted that Mario Lozzi also volunteered to get a material cost estimate for the 100 yard shooting range. There was a motion to approve as noted by Roger Marsh and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved.
The Treasurers report for June 2023 was read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers (Lori on vacation) and approved on a motion by Jim C. Mayers and 2nd by Pat Natale. All approved.
June 30, 2023
Regular Checking balance $ 11,002.13
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 9,764.93
Youth Account balance $ 6,383.06
Savings Account balance $ 51,308.52
American Funds balance $ 29,475.81
Royalty Account balance $ 5,101.40
Total Balance $ 113,035.85
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba)
Matt noted there were two 3D shoots this past month. One was on 6/11/23 and the 2nd was on July 9th. There were 16 shooters on the 11th and thirteen on the 9th, seven of the 13 were new shooters. Income from the two 3D shoots was $452.00
Two new targets have been received
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday open trap is ongoing.
Trap income; 6/9 $315.00, 6/16 $180.00, 6/19 ATA $996.00, 6/23 $591.00, 6/30 $374.00
Skeet income 6/30 $110.00, 7/7 $57.00
It was noted that the next ATA shoot ids scheduled for 7/17/23
There is also a wine shoot upcoming. See Bob or Fred for details.
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club came in 2nd place at the Susquehanna County Trap League.
The Susquehanna County Trap League banquet will be at Central. See Bob or Fred for details.
Guy Nichols noted that he has been in contact with Channel 12 Weather guy and they want to have several of their crew shoot two +/- rounds of trap. The dates are tentatively set for July 22 and again sometime in August. Guy noted that he will be there. Bob Tucker also offered to help.
It was agreed that the time will be in the mornings at 9:00 AM.
There is a Memorial Shoot with a chicken BBQ scheduled for September 17th. We need donations for this event. Again see Fred for details.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted all is well. Tom also noted that he turned over $43.00 from the range fee box.
Tom also noted he has replaced the target holders for the indoor range.
The painting of the raw wood walls is in a holding pattern
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron not in attendance.
Fred noted that Ron has built a cart for the long tables to be stored on and moved about with ease.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well.
Mario Lozzi read a report covering what needs to be done on the 100 yard rifle range and a cost estimate to do the repairs and revisions. The material cost estimate is $347.62. Mario’s report is attached to the official minutes. Action tabled until the next Committee Meeting.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola) (Mike not in attendance)
Ed Smith noted that the County chapter is “shakey” and is desperate for new blood. Ed also noted that he doubts that PFSC will meet at Silver Lake on the 27th.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The July 2023 winner is Jason Sodon. The July raffle was for an Savage Axis 243 rifle with synthetic stock and a stainless steel barrel w/ a 3x9 rifle scope.
Fred to notify Mr. Sodon.
We are now utilizing Donuts and Ammo for our twelve Gun Raffle.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well with the website.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete was not in attendance. No report.
It is noted that we will continue to donate refundable bottles and cans for Ron Hollenbeck to donate to Children’s Leukemia Fund to help find a cure for childhood cancer.
Tom Blackman noted that the downstairs bathroom sink has no water pressure. It was also noted that a light is out on the shooting line for the indoor range.
There were two (2) new membership applications read as follows;
- Stephen Bongiorno Union Dale PA Sponsor Fred Guyette
- Sarah Andre, Montrose, PA Sponsor Fred Guyette
It was noted that two Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club members have recently passed away, Pete Slack and Bob Hromalik. Jim Mayers to send condolences cards to their families.
The name drawn for the May attendance pool was Ron Walter. Ron failed to attend the meeting and lost out on a huge payday of $11.00 in cold hard cash.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52.
Committee Meeting
The two (2) new member applications noted above were reviewed and approved.
It was also approved to do the repairs and revisions for the 100 yard rifle range, based on the cost estimate provided by Mario Lozzi, not to exceed $500.00
Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary