Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
June 10, 2021
Regular Meeting
June 10, 2021
Called to order at 1905 by club President Jim Mayers.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty three (23) members/guests present including fourteen (12) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Jim Mayers II, Bob Tucker, Tom Blackman, Jack Legg, Dave Byerly, Jack Revie, Fred Guyette, Bob Kuhn).
Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made by Bob Tucker to accept report with minor updates in grammar seconded by Fred Guyette. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – May report for 2021 was read by Lori Raub with a motion made by Fred Guyette to accept report, seconded by Jim Mayers II. Motion approved unanimously.
April – Regular Checking balance – $2,771.16
April - Discipline Savings Account balance – $2,937.44
Youth Account balance- $11,400.89
Savings Account balance- $6,300.72
American Funds Balance- $28,842.33
Royalty Account balance – $1,213.80
Total Balance $53,466.34
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers II reported 2nd shoot scheduled for June 13th. Spray paint is needed for distance pins (4 colors). It was reported that the Elk target is damaged and needs to be replaced. Jim to get with Matt Forba to figure out what targets are needed and to order them. The tree that was blocking the roadway has been cut with Tom Oleniacz help.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that the next ATA shoot is scheduled for June 21st.
Friday night open shooting continues, along with every other Monday registered ATA.
Twenty one (21) people attended the Roger Everitt shoot on Saturday June 5th and thirty three (33) attending on Sunday June 6th. Winners and additional information are posted on the web page. Special thanks to all those who helped with the invent including Reggie Raynor for working the trap lounge by herself and the 4H kids. A $50.00 gift card was given to Dan Hungerford’s daughter for her help with the kitchen/food.
Money turned in for Trap:
Winter League Reg $120.00
County League 5/23 $577.20
5/14 $83.00
5/21 $274.50
5/24 $206.50 (ATA)
6/4 $94.00 (ATA)
Money turned in for Skeet
5/14 $49.00
5/21 $38.00
5/28 $65.00
6/4 $56.00
Outside Trap & Skeet 5/24, 5/31, 6/1 $95.00
TOTAL: $1,658.20
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman reported the ranger use has slowed due to summer months. $93.00 was turned in and everything else is good.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter not in attendance. Dan Hungerford reported there is an issue with the sewer vent (not vented through the roof only into the attic) and smell within the building. A plumber needs to look at the issue to vent elsewhere.
It was reported that Ron Walter was able to have additional garbage removed on Monday (if additional garbage needs to be removed, just call the disposal company to let them know in advance).
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that everything is good.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola not in attendance with no report provided.
12 Gun Raffle – Fred Guyette reported that all tickets/money were turned in and accounted for. There were 44 free tickets given out.
June’s winner – Dave Bicknell with ticket number 459 - won Marlin XS7, .243 caliber, synthetic stock, pro-fire trigger, w/3-9 Bushnell scope. Brad Heath sold the ticket and Fred Guyette will contact the winner.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor reported everything is good.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith reported that tech support for Weebly is difficult to get in touch with and work with to resolve issues. Ed has issues with files saved with Microsoft x extensions due to his current system not able to support that file type and the time/inconvenience of converting/reformatting files. Lori Raub made a motion to purchase a new version of Microsoft Office for Ed to be able to handle all the latest file extensions, seconded by Dan Hungerford, approved unanimously.
Facebook – Lori Raub reported there is increased viewing and information being added on a daily basis.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford reported that no additional soda needs to be purchased until the wagon and back fridge soda is consumed before it goes to waste.
Old Business – Dan Hungerford reported that there is an upcoming shoot (Granddad’s Shoot) at TCSA on July 18th, side by sides, pumps, various classifications and prizes.
Dan Hungerford also reported they still need trappers for the Sept shoot at Hausmann’s in Friendsville.
Fred Guyette thanked Bob Kuhn and Ken Mathews for the prizes.
New Business – Jim Mayers reported that BPD has requested the use of the 100 yd range/pit on June 17th from 0800-1200. The range will be available to BPD and closed to the membership at that time.
Bob Tucker reported there is new rubber at the trap lounge to be used for the rifle range for anyone to hang. Rubber was provided by Eric Lukovich
Bob Tucke reported a new piece of cable approximately 60-80 feet (1/2 inch) is needed for the 100yd range. New poles will be pounded in the ground.
There were eight (8) new applications for membership.
Richard Green – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Ron Jacoby
Michael Gardner – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Dan Hungerford
John Kimmel – from Factoryville, PA – sponsor Jim Mayers
Mark Mitchko – from Dickson City, PA – sponsor Jim Mayers
Michael McCabe – from Brackney, PA – sponsor Bob Kuhn
Charles Koss – from Harpursville, NY – sponsor Norm McPherson
Scott Meierdierks – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Jack Raynor
Chris Gardner – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Lori Raub
Attendance Pool - for $150.50 Brad Rhinevault was drawn as the winner. Brad not in attendance with money being rolled to July drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1944 on a motion by Dave Byerly and 2nd by Ed Smith. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting - after regular meeting, there were twelve (12) officers and committee members in attendance. The eight (8) new applicants were reviewed with all unanimously voted to approve for membership.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 1955.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty three (23) members/guests present including fourteen (12) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Jim Mayers II, Bob Tucker, Tom Blackman, Jack Legg, Dave Byerly, Jack Revie, Fred Guyette, Bob Kuhn).
Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made by Bob Tucker to accept report with minor updates in grammar seconded by Fred Guyette. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – May report for 2021 was read by Lori Raub with a motion made by Fred Guyette to accept report, seconded by Jim Mayers II. Motion approved unanimously.
April – Regular Checking balance – $2,771.16
April - Discipline Savings Account balance – $2,937.44
Youth Account balance- $11,400.89
Savings Account balance- $6,300.72
American Funds Balance- $28,842.33
Royalty Account balance – $1,213.80
Total Balance $53,466.34
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers II reported 2nd shoot scheduled for June 13th. Spray paint is needed for distance pins (4 colors). It was reported that the Elk target is damaged and needs to be replaced. Jim to get with Matt Forba to figure out what targets are needed and to order them. The tree that was blocking the roadway has been cut with Tom Oleniacz help.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that the next ATA shoot is scheduled for June 21st.
Friday night open shooting continues, along with every other Monday registered ATA.
Twenty one (21) people attended the Roger Everitt shoot on Saturday June 5th and thirty three (33) attending on Sunday June 6th. Winners and additional information are posted on the web page. Special thanks to all those who helped with the invent including Reggie Raynor for working the trap lounge by herself and the 4H kids. A $50.00 gift card was given to Dan Hungerford’s daughter for her help with the kitchen/food.
Money turned in for Trap:
Winter League Reg $120.00
County League 5/23 $577.20
5/14 $83.00
5/21 $274.50
5/24 $206.50 (ATA)
6/4 $94.00 (ATA)
Money turned in for Skeet
5/14 $49.00
5/21 $38.00
5/28 $65.00
6/4 $56.00
Outside Trap & Skeet 5/24, 5/31, 6/1 $95.00
TOTAL: $1,658.20
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman reported the ranger use has slowed due to summer months. $93.00 was turned in and everything else is good.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter not in attendance. Dan Hungerford reported there is an issue with the sewer vent (not vented through the roof only into the attic) and smell within the building. A plumber needs to look at the issue to vent elsewhere.
It was reported that Ron Walter was able to have additional garbage removed on Monday (if additional garbage needs to be removed, just call the disposal company to let them know in advance).
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that everything is good.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola not in attendance with no report provided.
12 Gun Raffle – Fred Guyette reported that all tickets/money were turned in and accounted for. There were 44 free tickets given out.
June’s winner – Dave Bicknell with ticket number 459 - won Marlin XS7, .243 caliber, synthetic stock, pro-fire trigger, w/3-9 Bushnell scope. Brad Heath sold the ticket and Fred Guyette will contact the winner.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor reported everything is good.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith reported that tech support for Weebly is difficult to get in touch with and work with to resolve issues. Ed has issues with files saved with Microsoft x extensions due to his current system not able to support that file type and the time/inconvenience of converting/reformatting files. Lori Raub made a motion to purchase a new version of Microsoft Office for Ed to be able to handle all the latest file extensions, seconded by Dan Hungerford, approved unanimously.
Facebook – Lori Raub reported there is increased viewing and information being added on a daily basis.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford reported that no additional soda needs to be purchased until the wagon and back fridge soda is consumed before it goes to waste.
Old Business – Dan Hungerford reported that there is an upcoming shoot (Granddad’s Shoot) at TCSA on July 18th, side by sides, pumps, various classifications and prizes.
Dan Hungerford also reported they still need trappers for the Sept shoot at Hausmann’s in Friendsville.
Fred Guyette thanked Bob Kuhn and Ken Mathews for the prizes.
New Business – Jim Mayers reported that BPD has requested the use of the 100 yd range/pit on June 17th from 0800-1200. The range will be available to BPD and closed to the membership at that time.
Bob Tucker reported there is new rubber at the trap lounge to be used for the rifle range for anyone to hang. Rubber was provided by Eric Lukovich
Bob Tucke reported a new piece of cable approximately 60-80 feet (1/2 inch) is needed for the 100yd range. New poles will be pounded in the ground.
There were eight (8) new applications for membership.
Richard Green – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Ron Jacoby
Michael Gardner – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Dan Hungerford
John Kimmel – from Factoryville, PA – sponsor Jim Mayers
Mark Mitchko – from Dickson City, PA – sponsor Jim Mayers
Michael McCabe – from Brackney, PA – sponsor Bob Kuhn
Charles Koss – from Harpursville, NY – sponsor Norm McPherson
Scott Meierdierks – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Jack Raynor
Chris Gardner – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Lori Raub
Attendance Pool - for $150.50 Brad Rhinevault was drawn as the winner. Brad not in attendance with money being rolled to July drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1944 on a motion by Dave Byerly and 2nd by Ed Smith. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting - after regular meeting, there were twelve (12) officers and committee members in attendance. The eight (8) new applicants were reviewed with all unanimously voted to approve for membership.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 1955.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club