Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
June 11, 2015
7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 29 members present including 14 Officers and committee members, and one guest.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for May
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of May 14, 2015 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The May Treasurer’s Report was unavailable as Bette VanWinkle was unable to attend the meeting.
ARCHERY (Officer Tom Oleniacz,)
Tom noted the 2nd 3D shoot of the season was held on Sunday May 31st. There were only 7 shooters due to the rainy weather. Registration netted $68.00 and the kitchen took in $35.00
The next scheduled shoot is set for Sunday July 5th.
Tom reminded everyone that he needs for volunteers to help for kitchen and registration for the remaining shoots this summer.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Keystone 200 went very well. There were eight teams competing. A total of $570.00 was taken in. Winners to be posted on the Club website.
The Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot was also a success. On Saturday there were 18 shooters competing while on Sunday there was 30 shooters competing. See the Club Website for the winners. Gross income for both days amounted to $5,160.00. Fred noted that many thanks go out to all who pitched in to make this event a success. Fred also requested all winners of the raffles to acknowledge their thanks to the donors.
The winners of the gun raffles were Jack Legg (Mossberg 7mm-08) and John Dovin (Savage MK ll 22 cal. rifle)
Shoots are continuing on Mondays and Fridays. A Fish Fry is scheduled for Friday 6/26.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he has $42.00 from the range fee box to turn over to Bette.
It was noted that a roll of rubber for a backstop has been donated to be installed on the indoor range.
Sporter Rifle League awards were presented to Ken Matthews and Bob Kuhn. Bob’s award was the “Grand Senior Award.”
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted all is well. Ron noted appreciation to Critter for installing new door in the club house.
Jack noted there were 27 shooters at the 2nd SASS shoot on 5/17. The next shoot is scheduled for June 21st. Jack noted that State Line Bullets will be on site with lead bullets for sale at the shoot.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Ed Smith noted numerous items that were discussed at the last PFSC meeting. The items that were discussed are available on the club website.
It was also requested that all club members to contact their State Representatives to encourage them to vote in favor of Sunday hunting.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The June 2015 gun winner is Jim Bendick, 225 Ridgefield Road, Endicott, NY 13760. The winning ticket was #282. Jim won a Browning X-Bolt 243 cal. Rifle.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all ok.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted that the new site up and running and is encouraging everyone to check it out.
The new website address is
Ed also noted that he has added another page that has the Pennsylvania Game Commission releases. Ed stated there are several very interesting items.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted special thanks for all that pitched in to help at the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot, including Todd, Martha, Jack and Dan’s daughters.
Ed Smith noted that he has a price quote for aluminum signs for the SASS area. Cost for 12” x 18” signs are $15.00 each. A motion was made by Mike DePaola to purchase 10 signs. The motion was 2nd by Fred Guyette. Motion was voted on and approved to purchase. 10 signs at $15.00 each.
needs help to install the security system as soon as turkey season is over.
Tom Oleniacz noted kudos to the Montrose Area School District for the excellent showing the students accomplished in the Archery in the Schools program. Several area students shot well
It was noted that Tom and Patti Blackman will conduct another women’s hand gun safety training session on September 26th. A maximum of 12 ladies will be accepted. Pre-Registration is required. Training is limited to hand guns.
It was noted that Dan Hungerford will stencil the new tables and chairs for the club.
There were seven (7) new membership applications to review as follows;
1. Luis Diaz, Endicott, NY, sponsor Jim Mayers.
2. Jim Bendick Endicott, NY sponsor Todd Everitt.
3. Edward Dailey Sr. Brackney, Pa. sponsor Paul Coney
4. Edward Dailey Jr. Sayer, Pa. Sponsor Paul Coney.
5. David Gathany Conklin, NY sponsor Roger Marsh.
6. John L. Tucker Brackney, Pa. Sponsor Bob Tucker.
7. Timothy Tucker Brackney, Pa. Sponsor Bob Tucker.
There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the June attendance pool was Carl Zukus. Carl was not in attendance and missed out on the $75.00 pot.
The July attendance pool will be worth $91.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM on a motion by Ken Matthews.
Committee Meeting
There were fourteen (14) officers and committee members in attendance. There were seven (7) new member applications as noted above. All approved.
It was noted that Ron Walter will check with Warner’s Gas Service to determine if propane will still be available on a Pre-Pay basis due to them selling their business.
It was also noted that Dan Dolan and Roger Marsh has renewed their memberships.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 29 members present including 14 Officers and committee members, and one guest.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for May
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of May 14, 2015 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The May Treasurer’s Report was unavailable as Bette VanWinkle was unable to attend the meeting.
ARCHERY (Officer Tom Oleniacz,)
Tom noted the 2nd 3D shoot of the season was held on Sunday May 31st. There were only 7 shooters due to the rainy weather. Registration netted $68.00 and the kitchen took in $35.00
The next scheduled shoot is set for Sunday July 5th.
Tom reminded everyone that he needs for volunteers to help for kitchen and registration for the remaining shoots this summer.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Keystone 200 went very well. There were eight teams competing. A total of $570.00 was taken in. Winners to be posted on the Club website.
The Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot was also a success. On Saturday there were 18 shooters competing while on Sunday there was 30 shooters competing. See the Club Website for the winners. Gross income for both days amounted to $5,160.00. Fred noted that many thanks go out to all who pitched in to make this event a success. Fred also requested all winners of the raffles to acknowledge their thanks to the donors.
The winners of the gun raffles were Jack Legg (Mossberg 7mm-08) and John Dovin (Savage MK ll 22 cal. rifle)
Shoots are continuing on Mondays and Fridays. A Fish Fry is scheduled for Friday 6/26.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he has $42.00 from the range fee box to turn over to Bette.
It was noted that a roll of rubber for a backstop has been donated to be installed on the indoor range.
Sporter Rifle League awards were presented to Ken Matthews and Bob Kuhn. Bob’s award was the “Grand Senior Award.”
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted all is well. Ron noted appreciation to Critter for installing new door in the club house.
Jack noted there were 27 shooters at the 2nd SASS shoot on 5/17. The next shoot is scheduled for June 21st. Jack noted that State Line Bullets will be on site with lead bullets for sale at the shoot.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Ed Smith noted numerous items that were discussed at the last PFSC meeting. The items that were discussed are available on the club website.
It was also requested that all club members to contact their State Representatives to encourage them to vote in favor of Sunday hunting.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The June 2015 gun winner is Jim Bendick, 225 Ridgefield Road, Endicott, NY 13760. The winning ticket was #282. Jim won a Browning X-Bolt 243 cal. Rifle.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all ok.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted that the new site up and running and is encouraging everyone to check it out.
The new website address is
Ed also noted that he has added another page that has the Pennsylvania Game Commission releases. Ed stated there are several very interesting items.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted special thanks for all that pitched in to help at the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot, including Todd, Martha, Jack and Dan’s daughters.
Ed Smith noted that he has a price quote for aluminum signs for the SASS area. Cost for 12” x 18” signs are $15.00 each. A motion was made by Mike DePaola to purchase 10 signs. The motion was 2nd by Fred Guyette. Motion was voted on and approved to purchase. 10 signs at $15.00 each.
needs help to install the security system as soon as turkey season is over.
Tom Oleniacz noted kudos to the Montrose Area School District for the excellent showing the students accomplished in the Archery in the Schools program. Several area students shot well
It was noted that Tom and Patti Blackman will conduct another women’s hand gun safety training session on September 26th. A maximum of 12 ladies will be accepted. Pre-Registration is required. Training is limited to hand guns.
It was noted that Dan Hungerford will stencil the new tables and chairs for the club.
There were seven (7) new membership applications to review as follows;
1. Luis Diaz, Endicott, NY, sponsor Jim Mayers.
2. Jim Bendick Endicott, NY sponsor Todd Everitt.
3. Edward Dailey Sr. Brackney, Pa. sponsor Paul Coney
4. Edward Dailey Jr. Sayer, Pa. Sponsor Paul Coney.
5. David Gathany Conklin, NY sponsor Roger Marsh.
6. John L. Tucker Brackney, Pa. Sponsor Bob Tucker.
7. Timothy Tucker Brackney, Pa. Sponsor Bob Tucker.
There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the June attendance pool was Carl Zukus. Carl was not in attendance and missed out on the $75.00 pot.
The July attendance pool will be worth $91.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM on a motion by Ken Matthews.
Committee Meeting
There were fourteen (14) officers and committee members in attendance. There were seven (7) new member applications as noted above. All approved.
It was noted that Ron Walter will check with Warner’s Gas Service to determine if propane will still be available on a Pre-Pay basis due to them selling their business.
It was also noted that Dan Dolan and Roger Marsh has renewed their memberships.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary