Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
June 9, 2016
Regular Meeting
June 9, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 27 members present including 13 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2016
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of May 12, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
The May 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Fred Guyette.
May Regular Checking – Balance $30,345.60
May Disc. Savings – Balance $3,219.22
May Youth Account - Balance $3,667.68
May Savings Account - Balance $10,993.21
May American Funds- Balance $49,739.52
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons, Jordan not in attendance)
Fred Guyette noted the course was ready for Sunday’s 3D shoot.
Jordan to double check the course on Saturday to insure all is ready.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the storage container used to hold the clay birds needs to be emptied and the birds stored in the new trap lounge extension. The container is scheduled to be removed on Monday.
A summary of the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot provided by Bob Kuhn is attached to the official meeting minutes. Some of the winners and details are as follows;
Saturday winners- Hi Gun Ron Cope with 99 birds, the runner up was Ken Fagnani with 97.
Women champion, Laurene Cope with 98 birds.
Youth Champion, Wyatt Everitt with 91 birds, runner-up was Zeke Raub with
70 birds.
Sunday Winners; Singles Champion was Bob Tucker with 95 birds. Runner-up was Bill Barrows
also with 95 birds.
Handicap Champion was Bill Barrows with 90 birds, the runner-up was Jack
Raynor with 89 birds.
Doubles Champion was Bill Barrows with 86 birds, the runner-up was Chuck
Wildenstein with 85 birds.
Gross Income for the event which includes Trap, Kitchen and Raffles was $10,176.
Cash Donations included Griffiths Engineering, $100.00.
Peranich & Shelp, $75.00.
So. Tier Insulation, $250.00
Choconut Market, $50.00
Smokin Joe’s, $100.00
Larry O’Reilly, $100.00
NBT Bank, $25.00
And QDMA, $100.00
Expenses for the Event were incomplete at this time. A total of 42 cases of birds was used.
Fred also noted that the Monday and Friday Trap events are ongoing. The next ATA shoot is scheduled for June 27th.
The Keystone 200 which was held on May 28th and 29th was won by Ron Cope.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted that he turned in $33.00 from the range fee cash box. Other than that all is quiet at this time.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted the new grass id coming in where the new 100 yard rifle range was remodeled and the new trap lounge area. Ron to call the container company to have the container removed by Monday.
It was noted that there are people actually shooting the steel posts at the 100 yd. range.
It was further noted that the new overhead doors that were installed at the new trap expansion need to be replaced with the ones that are called for in the contract documents.
Pat McPherson to be on site tomorrow (6/10) to pull the new underground electric feed line up from the club house to the new expanded Trap Lounge.
Still waiting for misc. door hardware to be installed.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie, Jack unable to attend)
The next scheduled SASS shoot is Sunday 6/18.
It was noted that the Pa. State SASS shoot was held two weeks ago. Silver Lake cowboys won several events. See Dave or Jack for details.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that he was sick and unable to attend the last PFSC meeting.
Ed Smith went over several items that were discussed at the meeting. See Ed’s report on the club website for details.
It was noted that there are PFSC raffle tickets available for $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00.
The Wilson Moore NWTF banquet is scheduled for June 18 at the VFW in Montrose.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach, Karl not in attendance)
The June 2016 gun winner is Tom Kerulovicz, ph# 570-278-2478, 2185 Post Pond Road. Tom won a Savage 270. The winning ticket was #125.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed noted that all is good with the website.
Reminder, there is now a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford, Dan not in attendance, no report)
On Saturday May 15 the Susquehanna 4H Fun Days were held at Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club. Norm McPherson and the Seidel’s were on hand to help. Many thanks go out to them.
The Range Fee boxes are installed with signs, we still need to install locks on the boxes.
A letter from a young man named Golvin Grick was read. Young Mr. Grick is with Boy Scout Troop 50 and is trying for his Eagle Scout ranking. The request was for financial help with no amount specified. There was a motion from the floor to donate $50.00. There was a follow-up motion by Ed Smith to donate $100.00. The motion was seconded by Mike DePoala to donate $100.00. All approved. (copy of letter attached)
A second letter was read from a Ms. Rachelle Shaulis requesting an unspecified donation to help Elk Lake Archery In the Schools Program get started. There was a motion by Jake Legg to donate $200.00 to the program. Motion was seconded by Fred Guyette. All approved. (copy of letter attached)
There are eight (8) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the June 2016 attendance pool was (for the 2nd month in a row) Jack Raynor. Jack was in attendance but decided not to accept the pot worth $11.50.
The July attendance Pool will be worth $26.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM on a motion by Ken Barnes.
Committee Meeting
There were thirteen (13) officers and committee members in attendance. There were eight (8) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 27 members present including 13 Officers and committee members.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2016
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of May 12, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
The May 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Fred Guyette.
May Regular Checking – Balance $30,345.60
May Disc. Savings – Balance $3,219.22
May Youth Account - Balance $3,667.68
May Savings Account - Balance $10,993.21
May American Funds- Balance $49,739.52
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons, Jordan not in attendance)
Fred Guyette noted the course was ready for Sunday’s 3D shoot.
Jordan to double check the course on Saturday to insure all is ready.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the storage container used to hold the clay birds needs to be emptied and the birds stored in the new trap lounge extension. The container is scheduled to be removed on Monday.
A summary of the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot provided by Bob Kuhn is attached to the official meeting minutes. Some of the winners and details are as follows;
Saturday winners- Hi Gun Ron Cope with 99 birds, the runner up was Ken Fagnani with 97.
Women champion, Laurene Cope with 98 birds.
Youth Champion, Wyatt Everitt with 91 birds, runner-up was Zeke Raub with
70 birds.
Sunday Winners; Singles Champion was Bob Tucker with 95 birds. Runner-up was Bill Barrows
also with 95 birds.
Handicap Champion was Bill Barrows with 90 birds, the runner-up was Jack
Raynor with 89 birds.
Doubles Champion was Bill Barrows with 86 birds, the runner-up was Chuck
Wildenstein with 85 birds.
Gross Income for the event which includes Trap, Kitchen and Raffles was $10,176.
Cash Donations included Griffiths Engineering, $100.00.
Peranich & Shelp, $75.00.
So. Tier Insulation, $250.00
Choconut Market, $50.00
Smokin Joe’s, $100.00
Larry O’Reilly, $100.00
NBT Bank, $25.00
And QDMA, $100.00
Expenses for the Event were incomplete at this time. A total of 42 cases of birds was used.
Fred also noted that the Monday and Friday Trap events are ongoing. The next ATA shoot is scheduled for June 27th.
The Keystone 200 which was held on May 28th and 29th was won by Ron Cope.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted that he turned in $33.00 from the range fee cash box. Other than that all is quiet at this time.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted the new grass id coming in where the new 100 yard rifle range was remodeled and the new trap lounge area. Ron to call the container company to have the container removed by Monday.
It was noted that there are people actually shooting the steel posts at the 100 yd. range.
It was further noted that the new overhead doors that were installed at the new trap expansion need to be replaced with the ones that are called for in the contract documents.
Pat McPherson to be on site tomorrow (6/10) to pull the new underground electric feed line up from the club house to the new expanded Trap Lounge.
Still waiting for misc. door hardware to be installed.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie, Jack unable to attend)
The next scheduled SASS shoot is Sunday 6/18.
It was noted that the Pa. State SASS shoot was held two weeks ago. Silver Lake cowboys won several events. See Dave or Jack for details.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that he was sick and unable to attend the last PFSC meeting.
Ed Smith went over several items that were discussed at the meeting. See Ed’s report on the club website for details.
It was noted that there are PFSC raffle tickets available for $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00.
The Wilson Moore NWTF banquet is scheduled for June 18 at the VFW in Montrose.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach, Karl not in attendance)
The June 2016 gun winner is Tom Kerulovicz, ph# 570-278-2478, 2185 Post Pond Road. Tom won a Savage 270. The winning ticket was #125.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed noted that all is good with the website.
Reminder, there is now a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford, Dan not in attendance, no report)
On Saturday May 15 the Susquehanna 4H Fun Days were held at Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club. Norm McPherson and the Seidel’s were on hand to help. Many thanks go out to them.
The Range Fee boxes are installed with signs, we still need to install locks on the boxes.
A letter from a young man named Golvin Grick was read. Young Mr. Grick is with Boy Scout Troop 50 and is trying for his Eagle Scout ranking. The request was for financial help with no amount specified. There was a motion from the floor to donate $50.00. There was a follow-up motion by Ed Smith to donate $100.00. The motion was seconded by Mike DePoala to donate $100.00. All approved. (copy of letter attached)
A second letter was read from a Ms. Rachelle Shaulis requesting an unspecified donation to help Elk Lake Archery In the Schools Program get started. There was a motion by Jake Legg to donate $200.00 to the program. Motion was seconded by Fred Guyette. All approved. (copy of letter attached)
There are eight (8) new member applications to review and approve.
There are as follows;
- Richard Jordan 2179 Valley View Rd. Montrose, sponsor Bob Kuhn.
- Barry Angel, 451 North St. Greene, NY, sponsor Bob Charpinsky
- Teresa Sick Swartz, 305 No. Nanticoke Endicott, sponsor Bob Tucker.
- Shane Schmerder, 1237 Conklin Rd. Conklin, NY, sponsor Jim Mayers.
- Ken Sapeta, 1 Woods Rd, Cold Springs, NY, sponsor Jack Legg.
- Cody Fisher PO Box 433, Calicoon, NY, sponsor Jack Raynor.
- Pat Natale, 131 Kabanek Rd. Binghamton, NY sponsor Jack Raynor
- David M. Casey 179 ½ Oak St. Binghamton, NY, sponsor Jack Raynor.
There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the June 2016 attendance pool was (for the 2nd month in a row) Jack Raynor. Jack was in attendance but decided not to accept the pot worth $11.50.
The July attendance Pool will be worth $26.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM on a motion by Ken Barnes.
Committee Meeting
There were thirteen (13) officers and committee members in attendance. There were eight (8) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary