Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
March 11, 2021
Regular Meeting
March 11, 2021
Called to order at 1905 by club President Jim Mayers.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty-one (24) members/guests present including fourteen (14) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Mike DePaola, Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II, Bob Tucker, Bob Kuhn, Dave Byerly, Jack Revie, Tom Blackman, Fred Guyette, Jack Legg). There were also two (2) new applicants present.
Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2021 Special Board of Directors Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made by Roger Marsh to accept report with minor updates (attendance and number updates) seconded by Bob Tucker. Motion approved unanimously.
A comment was made regarding the committee meeting held on Saturday February 20th to discuss communication issues. It was determined that additional time was needed for discussion and a future meeting would be held to come to agreement on issues.
Treasurers Report – February report for 2021 was read by Lori Raub with a motion made by Fred Guyette to accept report, seconded by Roger Marsh. Motion approved unanimously.
February – Regular Checking balance – $4,574.96
February - Discipline Savings Account balance – $112.15
Youth Account balance- $12,156.39
Savings Account balance- $6,300.40
American Funds Balance- $27,227.59
Royalty Account balance – $427.82
Total Balance $50,799.31
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers Jr. stated there will be a work party the 2nd or 3rd week of April for course setup. The first Sunday of May will be the first 3D league shoot. Jim will be looking at targets for replacement. Archery League is scheduled May – September.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that Friday March 12 is the last week of the Winter League with a couple of makeup weeks to follow. County League signup is taking place with teams of 5 needed. Signup on the board in the Trap Lounge. Big 50 ATA shoots will be held on Fridays with the exception of the NY and PA state shoot dates. The new Skeet wireless controller is in and working, thanks Dan. Dan is working on installing skeet machines. Money turned in for trap 2/12/21 $179.00, skeet 2/12/21 $28.00, trap 2/19/21 $164.00, 2/19/21 skeet $80.25, trap 2/26/21 $294.75, skeet 2/26/21 $82.00, trap 3/5/21 $137.50 total money turned in $965.50.
Eighty five percent (85%) of money will go for birds for next year
Fred will get together with Jim Mayers II for the coins for Trap
The cost of birds will increase April 1st from $3.50 to $4.00 (skeet has already been paying new fee)
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman stated the range continues to be used and all is good. Money turned in $206.75. It was noted that when the thermostat is changed it would only stay for approximately 20 minutes and then go back to the 47 degree setting. Dan Hungerford will take a look at it.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter not in attendance. It was noted that the combinations will be changed April 1st.
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that everything looks good although the ground is muddy and some things will be done once the ground firms up.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola stated that there was no game warden present at the last meeting. The Family Field Day (formerly Youth Day) will be held the last weekend of September at New Milford Pistol Club. There was a discussion of being allowed to hunt doe the first week of buck season. There is uncertainty regarding the booth at the Harford Fair this year with more details to follow. There will be regular stocking of fish this year. Mike DePaola is president this year and they are lacking a Secretary and are looking for volunteers.
12 Gun Raffle –
March winner – Art Ruck with ticket number 468 - won Mossberg 500 Combo 12ga., 28” BRL w 3 ck tubes, 24” BRL rifled slug. Ticket sold by Norm McPherson who will contact the winner.
Supplies – Jack Raynor stated everything is fine.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith not in attendance with no report provided.
Facebook – Lou Schreiner not in attendance with no report provided.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford stated all is good. Help is needed for the Roger Everitt shoot as this is the last one Dan can do. He is looking for someone to train to take over after this year (he will be available to help but not run it). Looking at 4-5 hours on Friday night and 8 hours Saturday and Sunday for food preparation, serving and cooking. His daughter may help this year.
Old Business – It was stated that there is no shooting after 2pm on Fridays due to Trap shooting. This needs to be posted to the website and Facebook. The County League schedule and Archery shoot schedule need to be added to the website and Facebook as well. Fred Guyette and Jim Mayers will notify Ed Smith and Lou Schreiner regarding shoot dates and information to be posted to the website and Facebook.
Dan Hungerford noted the help he was looking for later this year on the sporting clay course in Friendsville is only on September 18th.
New Business – Fred Guyette stated that when he returns there will be a meeting the first week of April to discuss the Roger Everitt shoot. No specific date has been set for the meeting. Anyone willing to help out getting prizes or volunteering is welcome to attend.
It was noted by Dave Byerly that the Sporter Rifle league is over and the top shooter in the state was Raelene Coy. Congratulations to Raelene.
There are six (6) new applications for membership.
Greg Wells – from Vestal, NY- sponsor Mark Schadt
Robert Mulcahy – from Windsor, NY - sponsor Tom Blackman
Sammy Davis – from Endicott, NY – sponsor Arthur Felton
Pete Slack – from Conklin, NY - sponsor Bob Kuhn
Patrick McCormack – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Robert Charpinsky
Anthony Seward – from Johnson City, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford (previous member)
Dan Hungerford – Life Membership
Attendance Pool - for $120.50 Ron Walter was drawn as the winner. Ron not in attendance with money being rolled to April drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1934 on a motion by Dave Shaffer and 2nd by Jim Mayers II. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting - after regular meeting, there were fourteen (14) officers and committee members in attendance. The six (6) new applicants were reviewed with all unanimously voted to approve membership. Life Membership approved unanimously for Dan Hungerford.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 1940.
Respectfully submitted
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club