Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Committee Meeting
March 29, 2023
Committee Meeting
March 29, 2023
Fred Guyette, Jim E. Mayers, Clark Burr, Bob Kuhn, Dave Shaffer, Bob Tucker, Todd Everett, Tom Blackman, Jim C. Mayers, Lori Raub, Ron Walter, Matt Forba
Meeting called to order at 7:15 by Club President Fred Guyette.
Order of Business;
There was a roundtable discussion regarding high school scholarships. It appears that Fred is getting the run around from Montrose HS and whoever is supposedly in charge.
Membership Renewal
There was extensive discussion regarding the renewal of Laura Foote’s membership. It was noted that there are numerous reasons to deny her renewal. It was determined that Fred will take the matter to Mike Giangreco, Esq. to review. It was determined that she does not have the clubs best interests in mind. There was a motion to vote up or down to renew. The vote was unanimously voted down.
Cub Scout Troop 51
The Cub Scout Troop 51 has determined to dissolve due to the lack of participants. Dave Shaffer’s daughter in law has apparently been in charge of the troop. It was noted that the troop has $1,250.00 in an account. Legally they have two ways to disperse this money. One is to turn the money over to the National or State run Cub Scout institution. The second option is to turn the money over to the sponsoring organization. The sponsoring organization is Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club. The dilemma is that Dave’s daughter in law has told both Choconut Valley Youth Athletic Association and Choconut Valley PTO organization that they will be receiving a portion of this money. Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club will be responsible to pay taxes on the $1,250.00. If the money is turned over to SLR&G Club, legally we can use the money as we see fit. It was determined that we will accept the check from Cub Scout Troop 51. We will then notify the Choconut Valley groups to attend a meeting and donate a portion to each of them.
Dave Shaffer also noted that the Boy Scout Troop 50 is also closing down. It was noted that a leader of the Boy Scout Troop needs to attend a Club meeting to discuss what their intentions are as far as what the club has donated to them.
Work Day Projects
It is decided that Saturday April 22, 2023 is the scheduled work day. It was noted that there is a lot of firewood that needs to be split and stacked for next winter.
Fred noted that the stones along the side of the road and parking lot needs to be straightened up.
The trap houses need to be cleaned. Also it was noted that the skeet houses need painting and cleaned up.
There is now a substantial amount of bingo equipment that has been donated to the club by various donors that now needs to be stored.
The club house porch and stairs need to be weather sealed.
Each Committee Chair is requested to provide a list of work day projects for their areas.
With No further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:35
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Fred Guyette, Jim E. Mayers, Clark Burr, Bob Kuhn, Dave Shaffer, Bob Tucker, Todd Everett, Tom Blackman, Jim C. Mayers, Lori Raub, Ron Walter, Matt Forba
Meeting called to order at 7:15 by Club President Fred Guyette.
Order of Business;
There was a roundtable discussion regarding high school scholarships. It appears that Fred is getting the run around from Montrose HS and whoever is supposedly in charge.
Membership Renewal
There was extensive discussion regarding the renewal of Laura Foote’s membership. It was noted that there are numerous reasons to deny her renewal. It was determined that Fred will take the matter to Mike Giangreco, Esq. to review. It was determined that she does not have the clubs best interests in mind. There was a motion to vote up or down to renew. The vote was unanimously voted down.
Cub Scout Troop 51
The Cub Scout Troop 51 has determined to dissolve due to the lack of participants. Dave Shaffer’s daughter in law has apparently been in charge of the troop. It was noted that the troop has $1,250.00 in an account. Legally they have two ways to disperse this money. One is to turn the money over to the National or State run Cub Scout institution. The second option is to turn the money over to the sponsoring organization. The sponsoring organization is Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club. The dilemma is that Dave’s daughter in law has told both Choconut Valley Youth Athletic Association and Choconut Valley PTO organization that they will be receiving a portion of this money. Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club will be responsible to pay taxes on the $1,250.00. If the money is turned over to SLR&G Club, legally we can use the money as we see fit. It was determined that we will accept the check from Cub Scout Troop 51. We will then notify the Choconut Valley groups to attend a meeting and donate a portion to each of them.
Dave Shaffer also noted that the Boy Scout Troop 50 is also closing down. It was noted that a leader of the Boy Scout Troop needs to attend a Club meeting to discuss what their intentions are as far as what the club has donated to them.
Work Day Projects
It is decided that Saturday April 22, 2023 is the scheduled work day. It was noted that there is a lot of firewood that needs to be split and stacked for next winter.
Fred noted that the stones along the side of the road and parking lot needs to be straightened up.
The trap houses need to be cleaned. Also it was noted that the skeet houses need painting and cleaned up.
There is now a substantial amount of bingo equipment that has been donated to the club by various donors that now needs to be stored.
The club house porch and stairs need to be weather sealed.
Each Committee Chair is requested to provide a list of work day projects for their areas.
With No further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:35
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary