May 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting
Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
May 14, 2015
7:15 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 27 members present including 14 Officers and committee members, and three guests.
Secretary Meeting Minutes for April
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of April 9, 2015 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Ken Barnes.
The April Treasurer’s Report was read by Bette VanWinkle, and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
The April Regular checking account balance is $1,623.79.
The Discipline Saving Account balance is $746.51
The Youth Account balance is $3,381.33
The Savings Account balance is $9,800.13
American Funds (CD) balance $49,882.30
ARCHERY (Officer Tom Oleniacz,)
Tom noted the first 3D shoot of the season was held on Sunday May 3rd. There were 36 shooters. Registration netted $321.00 and the kitchen took in $105.00
The next scheduled shoot is set for Sunday May 31st. This due to the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot scheduled for the first weekend in June.
Tom reminded everyone that he needs for volunteers to help for kitchen and registration for the remaining shoots this summer.
Tom also noted that he has started advertising the 3D shoots in the Penny Saver and the Shoppers Guide.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
(Fred not in attendance.)
Norm McPherson noted that there is an ATA shoot scheduled for next Monday and an open shoot on Friday. A party is scheduled for Saturday for the Winter Trap League.
The Keystone 200 is scheduled for Saturday May 23rd. The first round od 100 birds will be shot at Central and the 2nd round at Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club. There will be a catered banquet at Silver Lake following the shoot.
The Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot is scheduled for the first weekend in June. There will be a chicken BBQ and lots of fun and food.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted he turned in $128.00 from the range fee box. Sam noted the Spring Work Day went well and a lot of cleanup work was accomplished. A new ceiling and backstop was installed. Sam noted it seems to be a lot more pleasant and comfortable now. Sam also noted that he will be installing a new range fee box.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron not in attendance.
Bob noted that we need to insure the grounds and area are ready for the upcoming events.
Jack noted there were 29 shooters at the first SASS shoot. The 2nd shoot is scheduled for next Sunday 5/17.
Jack noted that the Pennsylvania State Champion SASS shoot will be held on 5/24. Jack noted that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club has previously donated $100.00 toward this shoot. Jack also noted that we need to purchase two truckloads of crusher run for the roadway.
Dave Shaffer made a motion that we donate $100.00 for the PA shoot. Motion seconded by Tom Oleniacz. All approved. Motion by Dave Shaffer to purchase two loads of Crusher run for the roadway, motion seconded by Ken Barnes, all approved.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
It was noted that Ed Smith took notes at the last meeting. It was further noted that Ed has put up a PFSC link on the Club Website. Please check the website for meeting details.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
Karl noted that there are approximately 70 12 gun raffle tickets that are illegible. There are also 5 tickets that have only a telephone number on the ticket. We cannot accept tickets with only a telephone number.
The May 2015 gun winner is Ron Hollenbeck. The winning ticket number was #504. Ron won a Lanber 12 ga. O/U w/ fixed full and modified chokes.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all ok.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed Smith noted that the new site up and running and is encouraging everyone to check it out.
The new website address is
Ed now has a link to a PFSC page on the club website.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
1. Dan noted all ok and will be ready for the upcoming events.
Ed Smith noted that he needs help to install the security system as soon as turkey season is over.
Tom Oleniacz noted kudos to the Montrose Area School District for the excellent showing the students accomplished in the Archery in the Schools program. Several area students shot well enough to qualify for the Nationals.
Bob Kuhn noted a thank you to all who came to the Spring Work Day. There were 37 plus boy scouts who came to help spruce the club and grounds up.
Dave Shaffer noted that there are several animal mounts that have been “stashed” that should be taken out of storage and displayed. Dave is looking for help. Any volunteers??
There were four (4) new membership applications to review as follows;
1. William R. Cahill (the dad, BPD Retired),
2. Bill Cahill (the son)
3. Robert Cahill (the brother) All Cahill’s sponsor, Sam Williamson
4. Anthony Diles (no relation to the Cahills, BPD)
There were no comments from the floor.
The name drawn for the April attendance pool was Martha Shelp. Martha was not in attendance and missed out on the $61.00 pot.
The June attendance pool will be worth $75.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM on a motion by Dave Shaffer.
Committee Meeting
There were fourteen (14) officers and committee members in attendance. There were (4) new member applications as noted above. All approved.
Committee meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary