Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2017
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2017
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Club Secretary Jim Mayers. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 28 members present including fourteen (14) Officers and committee members.
Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2017
The meeting minutes of April 13, 2017 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The Treasurer’s report for April 2017 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $17,617.70
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $6,836.73
Youth Account balance ------------------- $5,596.78
Savings Account balance ----------------- $11,596.65
American Funds balance ----------------- $41,419.78
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that the first 3D shoot of the season held on Sunday May 7 was cold with rain. There were only eight shooters. The shoot took in $68.00 and the kitchen took in $41.00. Besides the bad weather there was a conflict with another 3D event.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Friday night open shoots are continuing and have also resumed the Monday afternoon ATA shoots. The Monday ATA shoot hosted 12 shooters plus 1 junior shooter.
An order of clay birds are due the week of June 26th.
It was noted that the Annual Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot will be held on the first weekend of June. Donations and raffle baskets are requested.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted that he turned over $43.00 for March/April from the fee box.
Tom also noted that the rubber at the backstop was replaced at the Spring Work Day.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that all is well.
Bob Kuhn noted that he found the door to the clubhouse left unlocked on a Tuesday.
Bob Tucker noted several trees are down from previous storms.
Jack noted the first shoot of the season was held on Easter Sunday. There were five shooters in attendance.
The new storage sheds are being installed.
Everyone is welcome to come for the SASS events held on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted the last PFSC meeting was held in New Milford. The meeting was routine with several items of interest. There are several pheasant farms the will likely be closed down. Discussions included the passing of a $25.00 license fee for pheasants.
See club website for legislative items discussed.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The May 2017 gun winner is Ed Nichols, Brackney, PA (570)663-2154, Ticket # 021. Ed won a KOFS ATI Cavalry Sporting Class O/U 12 ga. w/ 5 choke tubes. Karl to notify Mr. Nichols.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all is well.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith )
Ed was not in attendance. No report.
Reminder, there is now a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted that he will be calling members for donations and help for the Roger Everitt Shoot.
Raffle baskets are also needed.
It was noted that 38 people showed up for the Spring Work Day. Most were treated to an excellent breakfast prior to setting out for the mornings work session. Most of the items on Bob’s list were accomplished.
There was a fish fry on the afternoon of the Spring Work Day. The Fish Fry was the conclusion of the Winter Archery League. There was a very nice turnout for the fish fry and all were treated to some outstanding cuisine prepared by Fred Guyette and the various dishes brought by most attendees.
A winter Trap League picnic is scheduled for May 27th at 2:00 PM. All are welcome, bring a dish to pass.
There were three (3) new member applications.
ChristiAnne Storman noted a concern regarding safety if she and her husband go “frogging”. It was determined that the large sign noting the 3D range is in use and the gate to the 400 yard tower should suffice in warning potential shooters that someone is downrange.
Dave Shaffer noted that the stage used by SASS was at a point where it was no longer safe to use. It was determined that the stage needed to be torn down and a new one built. Dave has built a new stage at a cost of $1,000.00. Fred Guyette made a motion to reimburse Dave the $1,000.00. Motion 2nd by Tom Oleniacz. All approved (except Jack)
Ken Barnes noted that on Saturday May 20 the Silver Lake Fire Company will be holding a Community Day from 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM. Food and a demo will be available.
A 4H Fun Day will be held at the club on Saturday 5/13.
Volunteers are requested to help remove downed trees that resulted from the recent storms.
The name drawn for the May 2017 attendance pool was Patrick Brady, Jr. Patrick was not in attendance and missed out on a $131.00 pool. The June attendance Pool will be worth $143.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM on a motion by Ron Walter.
Committee Meeting
There were fourteen (14) officers and Committee Chairpersons in attendance. The three (3) New Membership applications listed above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Club Secretary Jim Mayers. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 28 members present including fourteen (14) Officers and committee members.
Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2017
The meeting minutes of April 13, 2017 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The Treasurer’s report for April 2017 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $17,617.70
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $6,836.73
Youth Account balance ------------------- $5,596.78
Savings Account balance ----------------- $11,596.65
American Funds balance ----------------- $41,419.78
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that the first 3D shoot of the season held on Sunday May 7 was cold with rain. There were only eight shooters. The shoot took in $68.00 and the kitchen took in $41.00. Besides the bad weather there was a conflict with another 3D event.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that the Friday night open shoots are continuing and have also resumed the Monday afternoon ATA shoots. The Monday ATA shoot hosted 12 shooters plus 1 junior shooter.
An order of clay birds are due the week of June 26th.
It was noted that the Annual Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot will be held on the first weekend of June. Donations and raffle baskets are requested.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted that he turned over $43.00 for March/April from the fee box.
Tom also noted that the rubber at the backstop was replaced at the Spring Work Day.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that all is well.
Bob Kuhn noted that he found the door to the clubhouse left unlocked on a Tuesday.
Bob Tucker noted several trees are down from previous storms.
Jack noted the first shoot of the season was held on Easter Sunday. There were five shooters in attendance.
The new storage sheds are being installed.
Everyone is welcome to come for the SASS events held on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted the last PFSC meeting was held in New Milford. The meeting was routine with several items of interest. There are several pheasant farms the will likely be closed down. Discussions included the passing of a $25.00 license fee for pheasants.
See club website for legislative items discussed.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The May 2017 gun winner is Ed Nichols, Brackney, PA (570)663-2154, Ticket # 021. Ed won a KOFS ATI Cavalry Sporting Class O/U 12 ga. w/ 5 choke tubes. Karl to notify Mr. Nichols.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all is well.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith )
Ed was not in attendance. No report.
Reminder, there is now a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan noted that he will be calling members for donations and help for the Roger Everitt Shoot.
Raffle baskets are also needed.
It was noted that 38 people showed up for the Spring Work Day. Most were treated to an excellent breakfast prior to setting out for the mornings work session. Most of the items on Bob’s list were accomplished.
There was a fish fry on the afternoon of the Spring Work Day. The Fish Fry was the conclusion of the Winter Archery League. There was a very nice turnout for the fish fry and all were treated to some outstanding cuisine prepared by Fred Guyette and the various dishes brought by most attendees.
A winter Trap League picnic is scheduled for May 27th at 2:00 PM. All are welcome, bring a dish to pass.
There were three (3) new member applications.
- Joe Adams, 11731 Isle of Palms Dr. Ft. Myers Beach, FL. Sponsor Dennis States
- Brad Rhinenvault 169 Lake Roy Rd. New Milford, PA sponsor Tom Oleniacz
- Kamron Ross 379 Kane Rd. Montrose, PA Sponsor Dan Hungerford.
ChristiAnne Storman noted a concern regarding safety if she and her husband go “frogging”. It was determined that the large sign noting the 3D range is in use and the gate to the 400 yard tower should suffice in warning potential shooters that someone is downrange.
Dave Shaffer noted that the stage used by SASS was at a point where it was no longer safe to use. It was determined that the stage needed to be torn down and a new one built. Dave has built a new stage at a cost of $1,000.00. Fred Guyette made a motion to reimburse Dave the $1,000.00. Motion 2nd by Tom Oleniacz. All approved (except Jack)
Ken Barnes noted that on Saturday May 20 the Silver Lake Fire Company will be holding a Community Day from 1:00 PM till 3:00 PM. Food and a demo will be available.
A 4H Fun Day will be held at the club on Saturday 5/13.
Volunteers are requested to help remove downed trees that resulted from the recent storms.
The name drawn for the May 2017 attendance pool was Patrick Brady, Jr. Patrick was not in attendance and missed out on a $131.00 pool. The June attendance Pool will be worth $143.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM on a motion by Ron Walter.
Committee Meeting
There were fourteen (14) officers and Committee Chairpersons in attendance. The three (3) New Membership applications listed above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary