Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
May 10, 2018
Regular Meeting
May 10, 2018
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 25 members present including thirteen (13) Officers and committee members and three (3) guests.
Meeting Minutes for the April 12, 2018
The meeting minutes of April 12, 2018 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh with one correction; Under “New Business”, the cost of the Silver Lake Fire Dept. “Barrel O Bucks” tickets should have read $100.00 per ticket, not $50.00 per ticket.
The Treasurer’s report for April 2018 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $22, 317.84
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 2,965.04
Youth Account balance ------------------- $7,770.12
Savings Account balance ----------------- $9,318.81
American Funds balance ----------------- $43,800.75
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that the first scheduled 3D shoot was held on May 6th. There were 19 shooters. Registration and kitchen took in $252.00.
Christi-Anne noted a problem conflict with a party held on Saturday 5/5. The party was supposed to be over by 2:00 – 3:00 PM. An additional party by the same people who scheduled the 1st party added a secondary birthday party without notifying anyone. This prevented Christi-Anne from being able to set up the club house for the next day 3D event.
Christi-Anne requested that no parties be scheduled the day prior to a scheduled 3D event. It was agreed that any party scheduled for the day prior to a 3D event must be out no later than 5:00 PM.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette, Fred not in attendance)
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday Night open Trap is continuing. Bob noted the following monies have been collected and turned in; 4/13/18 $254.00, 4/20/18 $72.00, 4/27/18 $171.50, 5/4/18 $249.00,4/13 thru 5/4 $746.50 plus $120.0 from the kitchen, ATA shoot on 4/23 $591.00, ATA shoot on 5/7 including kitchen $485.00.
The Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot is scheduled for the first weekend in June. Donations, Raffle baskets are needed and welcomed. Chicken BBQ for all.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted they are eager to get the new steel and installing it for the indoor range. Tom noted that $125.00 was turned in from the range fee box. Tom also noted that the women’s handgun training class went well as usual.
Dave Byerly noted that the Sporter Rifle League has been completed. Silver Lake won 13 and lost 8. Top shooters include Raylene Coy won the top women’s trophy with an average of 281.0. Other top scorers include Jack Revie with a 274.8 Expert Class, Larry Coy with a 275.2 Expert Class, Dave Shaffer with a 268.5 Sharp Shooter Class and Dave Byerly with a Marksman Class. Open sight winner was Dave Shaffer with a 252.1 Marksman Class.
It was noted that all indoor events are concluded.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter, Ron not in attendance)
Bob Kuhn noted that the gravel discussed at the previous meeting has been completed.
Jack noted that the first SASS shoot scheduled for the Sunday in April15th was basically washed out. All is set up and ready for the next shoot.
Registration at 9:00 AM All are welcome.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike reported that the last PFSC meeting was routine. Discussion regarding raising fishing fee.
It was also noted that in Michigan, the CWD rate is approximately at 50%. It was also noted that Susquehanna County has a new game warden.
The Youth Field days will be held at Canawacta. Check with Mike for the date.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach, Karl not in attendance)
The May 2018 gun winner is Dan Lewis 269 Pierce Hill Road, Vestal, ph. 607-624-5967. Winning ticket was #441. Dan won an American Tactical (KOFS) 12 ga. Cavalry Sporting Clays O/U w/ VR, extractors and five chokes. Jim Mayers to contact Mr. Lewis.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all is well. If anyone needs supplies, please call Jack’s house.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith, Ed not in attendance)
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan reported the kitchen is good. Need baked goods for the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot.
Barrel O Bucks tickets have been purchased.
It was noted that Tony Gawlinski was killed in a construction accident at his home this past week.
A plaque for Life Membership was to be presented to Dennis States.
It was noted that the McPherson family donated $100.00 to the club for the use of the clubhouse.
There were eight (8) new Membership Applications to review as follows;
The name drawn for the May 2018 attendance pool was John Heath. John was not in attendance and missed out on a $35.00 pool. The June pool will be worth $48.00
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM on a motion by Mike DePaola
Committee Meeting
The eight (8) new member applications as noted above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss, adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 25 members present including thirteen (13) Officers and committee members and three (3) guests.
Meeting Minutes for the April 12, 2018
The meeting minutes of April 12, 2018 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh with one correction; Under “New Business”, the cost of the Silver Lake Fire Dept. “Barrel O Bucks” tickets should have read $100.00 per ticket, not $50.00 per ticket.
The Treasurer’s report for April 2018 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer.
Regular Checking Account balance ---- $22, 317.84
Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 2,965.04
Youth Account balance ------------------- $7,770.12
Savings Account balance ----------------- $9,318.81
American Funds balance ----------------- $43,800.75
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman)
ChristiAnne noted that the first scheduled 3D shoot was held on May 6th. There were 19 shooters. Registration and kitchen took in $252.00.
Christi-Anne noted a problem conflict with a party held on Saturday 5/5. The party was supposed to be over by 2:00 – 3:00 PM. An additional party by the same people who scheduled the 1st party added a secondary birthday party without notifying anyone. This prevented Christi-Anne from being able to set up the club house for the next day 3D event.
Christi-Anne requested that no parties be scheduled the day prior to a scheduled 3D event. It was agreed that any party scheduled for the day prior to a 3D event must be out no later than 5:00 PM.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette, Fred not in attendance)
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday Night open Trap is continuing. Bob noted the following monies have been collected and turned in; 4/13/18 $254.00, 4/20/18 $72.00, 4/27/18 $171.50, 5/4/18 $249.00,4/13 thru 5/4 $746.50 plus $120.0 from the kitchen, ATA shoot on 4/23 $591.00, ATA shoot on 5/7 including kitchen $485.00.
The Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot is scheduled for the first weekend in June. Donations, Raffle baskets are needed and welcomed. Chicken BBQ for all.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted they are eager to get the new steel and installing it for the indoor range. Tom noted that $125.00 was turned in from the range fee box. Tom also noted that the women’s handgun training class went well as usual.
Dave Byerly noted that the Sporter Rifle League has been completed. Silver Lake won 13 and lost 8. Top shooters include Raylene Coy won the top women’s trophy with an average of 281.0. Other top scorers include Jack Revie with a 274.8 Expert Class, Larry Coy with a 275.2 Expert Class, Dave Shaffer with a 268.5 Sharp Shooter Class and Dave Byerly with a Marksman Class. Open sight winner was Dave Shaffer with a 252.1 Marksman Class.
It was noted that all indoor events are concluded.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter, Ron not in attendance)
Bob Kuhn noted that the gravel discussed at the previous meeting has been completed.
Jack noted that the first SASS shoot scheduled for the Sunday in April15th was basically washed out. All is set up and ready for the next shoot.
Registration at 9:00 AM All are welcome.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike reported that the last PFSC meeting was routine. Discussion regarding raising fishing fee.
It was also noted that in Michigan, the CWD rate is approximately at 50%. It was also noted that Susquehanna County has a new game warden.
The Youth Field days will be held at Canawacta. Check with Mike for the date.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach, Karl not in attendance)
The May 2018 gun winner is Dan Lewis 269 Pierce Hill Road, Vestal, ph. 607-624-5967. Winning ticket was #441. Dan won an American Tactical (KOFS) 12 ga. Cavalry Sporting Clays O/U w/ VR, extractors and five chokes. Jim Mayers to contact Mr. Lewis.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack noted all is well. If anyone needs supplies, please call Jack’s house.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith, Ed not in attendance)
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan reported the kitchen is good. Need baked goods for the Roger Everitt Memorial Shoot.
Barrel O Bucks tickets have been purchased.
It was noted that Tony Gawlinski was killed in a construction accident at his home this past week.
A plaque for Life Membership was to be presented to Dennis States.
It was noted that the McPherson family donated $100.00 to the club for the use of the clubhouse.
There were eight (8) new Membership Applications to review as follows;
- Neil M. Weaver 18 Jane Lacey Dr. Endicott, NY sponsor Jim Mayers.
- David B. Edwards 291 E. Lake Rd. Brackney, PA sponsor Ron Jacoby.
- Adam J. Howe 241 Robinson St. Binghamton, NY sponsor Jim Mayers.
- Mark S. Harlost 670 SR 4013 Little Meadows, PA sponsor Jim Mayers.
- Mary Ringleben 23424 SR 92 Susquehanna, PA sponsor Tom Blackman
- Mohammed R. Farzad 2628 Mill Glen Rd. Endicott, NY sponsor Jim Mayers
- Rene Diaz 1027 River Rd. Binghamton, NY sponsor Jim Mayers
- Andrew Klein 22444 SR 167 Brackney, PA sponsor David Klein
The name drawn for the May 2018 attendance pool was John Heath. John was not in attendance and missed out on a $35.00 pool. The June pool will be worth $48.00
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM on a motion by Mike DePaola
Committee Meeting
The eight (8) new member applications as noted above were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss, adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary