Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
May 13, 2021
Regular Meeting
May 13, 2021
Called to order at 1902 by club President Jim Mayers.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty three (23) members/guests present including fourteen (14) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Mike DePaola, Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II, Bob Tucker, Clark Burr, Ron Walter, Dave Byerly, Jack Revie, Fred Guyette, Bob Kuhn).
Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made by Mike DePaola to accept report with minor updates in grammar seconded by Dave Shaffer. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – April report for 2021 was read by Lori Raub with a motion made by Mike DePaola to accept report, seconded by Jim Mayers II. Motion approved unanimously.
April – Regular Checking balance – $4,502.45
April - Discipline Savings Account balance – $2,937.44
Youth Account balance- $11,603.81
Savings Account balance- $6,300.72
American Funds Balance- $28,842.33
Royalty Account balance – $929.56
Total Balance $55,116.31
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers Jr. reported first archery shoot was held on May 2nd with eleven (11) shooters with all classes represented. Eighty eight dollars ($88) was turned in for registration. No food was sold.
Youth Class Winner – Ava Castrogiovanni 251 3X
Junior Class Winner – Logan Rhinevault 247 2X
Women’s Hunter Winner – Madi Rhinevault 268 4X
Men’s Hunter Winner – Matt Forba 294 10X
Open Class Winner – Gavin Green 163 2X
Purchase of new targets is being looked at prior to next regular meeting. It was stated there is a standing approval for target replacement. Jim stated if we purchase Rhinehart targets we get a twenty percent (20%) discount. If five (targets are replaced each year targets are rotated out every six (6) years.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that the next ATA shoot is scheduled for May 24th.
The winter trap league banquet went well, and there will be shirts handed out to the participants.
Friday night open shooting continues.
Roger Everitt shoot will be held the weekend of June 5th and 6th, still in need of volunteers to help out both Saturday and Sunday. Also still looking for donations for raffle baskets. Posters were mailed out for advertising the shoot.
Dan Hungerford reported that there is a plan to change out the two skeet machines for the newly purchased ones but is looking for two people to help with changing them over.
There is interest in the two machines being removed. The machines will be looked at along with the spares in the basement and information will be provided by Bob Kuhn and Fred Guyette to Dan to pass along to the interested party for potential sale of machines.
Money turned in for Trap:
4/9 $258.00
4/16 $101.00
4/19 $296.00 (ATA)
4/23 & 4/30 $383.00
5/3 $273.00 (ATA)
5/10 $190.00
Money turned in for Skeet
4/9 $73.00
4/16 $32.00
4/23 $69.00
4/30 $56.00
5/7 $48.00
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman not in attendance, no report provided
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter reported everything is good.
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that everything is good.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola reported that our building for the Harford Fair has yet to be moved and needs to be set up prior to August.
There was no fish warden in attendance, Mike Webb was in attendance but had to leave early.
There are additional Sunday hunting days being opened up.
There will be no fall season Turkey hunting with rifle, shotgun only.
12 Gun Raffle – Fred Guyette
May winner – Jack Kuhn with ticket number 196 - won Winchester Super X 12 gauge, 3” mag, 28” BRL, wood stock, vent rib. Ticket sold by Bob Kuhn. Bob will contact the winner.
April winner did not take the gun which will be used for the Everitt shoot.
Looking to get all gun raffle tickets/money back, everyone has been contacted to return sold/unsold tickets.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor not in attendance, no report provided.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith not in attendance, no report provided.
Facebook – Lou Schreiner has moved out of the area with Lori Raub providing report. There is new traffic every day on the Facebook page.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford stated all is good. Dan is still looking for someone to train for the Everitt shoot, along with volunteers from approximately 8-4 both Saturday and Sunday.
Old Business – Fred will get information out to people regarding the Everitt shoot and have another meeting the following week on Thursday.
New Business – A letter was received from Clay Delay Inc. to Fred for a $10 demonstration rebate for your referral.
Bob Tucker is setting up a wood detail/cleanup on Saturday May 22nd (after noon to not interfere with turkey hunting) for cutting/splitting, and is in need of another 2/3 people in addition to the 3/4 people he already has lined up.
Tom Oleniacz reported that the Montrose Archery teams had a very successful season with the Elementary/Middle School teams winning the PA State Championship as well as the High School team placing 2nd. All events were held virtually this year due to COVID. Montrose is ranked top 10 in the nation.
Tom requested the use of the Silver Lake facility for Sunday practices leading up to the Championship event in Myrtle Beach SC. A motion was made by Bob Tucker to use the facility as long as Tom Oleniacz is on the grounds when they use the facility, seconded by Jim Mayers II, approved unanimously.
There were nine (9) new applications for membership.
Ronald Brown Sr. – from Friendsville, PA – Lifetime Membership - sponsor Dan Hungerford
Paul Underwood – from Endicott, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Mike Castelli – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Joseph Mayers – from Endicott, NY – sponsor Jim Mayers
Alfred Castelli – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Michael Decker Jr. – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Ben Adams – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Bob Tucker
Sarah Peacock – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Robert Maxim – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Attendance Pool - for $142.00 John Ryan Salinkas was drawn as the winner. John Ryan not in attendance with money being rolled to June drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1955 on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Ron Walter. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting - after regular meeting, there were fourteen (14) officers and committee members in attendance. The nine (9) new applicants were reviewed with all unanimously voted to approve for membership.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 20:03.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty three (23) members/guests present including fourteen (14) officers and committee members (Jim Mayers, Dan Hungerford, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Mike DePaola, Dave Shaffer, Jim Mayers II, Bob Tucker, Clark Burr, Ron Walter, Dave Byerly, Jack Revie, Fred Guyette, Bob Kuhn).
Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made by Mike DePaola to accept report with minor updates in grammar seconded by Dave Shaffer. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – April report for 2021 was read by Lori Raub with a motion made by Mike DePaola to accept report, seconded by Jim Mayers II. Motion approved unanimously.
April – Regular Checking balance – $4,502.45
April - Discipline Savings Account balance – $2,937.44
Youth Account balance- $11,603.81
Savings Account balance- $6,300.72
American Funds Balance- $28,842.33
Royalty Account balance – $929.56
Total Balance $55,116.31
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers Jr. reported first archery shoot was held on May 2nd with eleven (11) shooters with all classes represented. Eighty eight dollars ($88) was turned in for registration. No food was sold.
Youth Class Winner – Ava Castrogiovanni 251 3X
Junior Class Winner – Logan Rhinevault 247 2X
Women’s Hunter Winner – Madi Rhinevault 268 4X
Men’s Hunter Winner – Matt Forba 294 10X
Open Class Winner – Gavin Green 163 2X
Purchase of new targets is being looked at prior to next regular meeting. It was stated there is a standing approval for target replacement. Jim stated if we purchase Rhinehart targets we get a twenty percent (20%) discount. If five (targets are replaced each year targets are rotated out every six (6) years.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that the next ATA shoot is scheduled for May 24th.
The winter trap league banquet went well, and there will be shirts handed out to the participants.
Friday night open shooting continues.
Roger Everitt shoot will be held the weekend of June 5th and 6th, still in need of volunteers to help out both Saturday and Sunday. Also still looking for donations for raffle baskets. Posters were mailed out for advertising the shoot.
Dan Hungerford reported that there is a plan to change out the two skeet machines for the newly purchased ones but is looking for two people to help with changing them over.
There is interest in the two machines being removed. The machines will be looked at along with the spares in the basement and information will be provided by Bob Kuhn and Fred Guyette to Dan to pass along to the interested party for potential sale of machines.
Money turned in for Trap:
4/9 $258.00
4/16 $101.00
4/19 $296.00 (ATA)
4/23 & 4/30 $383.00
5/3 $273.00 (ATA)
5/10 $190.00
Money turned in for Skeet
4/9 $73.00
4/16 $32.00
4/23 $69.00
4/30 $56.00
5/7 $48.00
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman not in attendance, no report provided
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter reported everything is good.
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that everything is good.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola reported that our building for the Harford Fair has yet to be moved and needs to be set up prior to August.
There was no fish warden in attendance, Mike Webb was in attendance but had to leave early.
There are additional Sunday hunting days being opened up.
There will be no fall season Turkey hunting with rifle, shotgun only.
12 Gun Raffle – Fred Guyette
May winner – Jack Kuhn with ticket number 196 - won Winchester Super X 12 gauge, 3” mag, 28” BRL, wood stock, vent rib. Ticket sold by Bob Kuhn. Bob will contact the winner.
April winner did not take the gun which will be used for the Everitt shoot.
Looking to get all gun raffle tickets/money back, everyone has been contacted to return sold/unsold tickets.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor not in attendance, no report provided.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith not in attendance, no report provided.
Facebook – Lou Schreiner has moved out of the area with Lori Raub providing report. There is new traffic every day on the Facebook page.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford stated all is good. Dan is still looking for someone to train for the Everitt shoot, along with volunteers from approximately 8-4 both Saturday and Sunday.
Old Business – Fred will get information out to people regarding the Everitt shoot and have another meeting the following week on Thursday.
New Business – A letter was received from Clay Delay Inc. to Fred for a $10 demonstration rebate for your referral.
Bob Tucker is setting up a wood detail/cleanup on Saturday May 22nd (after noon to not interfere with turkey hunting) for cutting/splitting, and is in need of another 2/3 people in addition to the 3/4 people he already has lined up.
Tom Oleniacz reported that the Montrose Archery teams had a very successful season with the Elementary/Middle School teams winning the PA State Championship as well as the High School team placing 2nd. All events were held virtually this year due to COVID. Montrose is ranked top 10 in the nation.
Tom requested the use of the Silver Lake facility for Sunday practices leading up to the Championship event in Myrtle Beach SC. A motion was made by Bob Tucker to use the facility as long as Tom Oleniacz is on the grounds when they use the facility, seconded by Jim Mayers II, approved unanimously.
There were nine (9) new applications for membership.
Ronald Brown Sr. – from Friendsville, PA – Lifetime Membership - sponsor Dan Hungerford
Paul Underwood – from Endicott, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Mike Castelli – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Joseph Mayers – from Endicott, NY – sponsor Jim Mayers
Alfred Castelli – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Michael Decker Jr. – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Ben Adams – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Bob Tucker
Sarah Peacock – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Robert Maxim – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Dan Hungerford
Attendance Pool - for $142.00 John Ryan Salinkas was drawn as the winner. John Ryan not in attendance with money being rolled to June drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1955 on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Ron Walter. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting - after regular meeting, there were fourteen (14) officers and committee members in attendance. The nine (9) new applicants were reviewed with all unanimously voted to approve for membership.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 20:03.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club