Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
Nov. 10, 2016
Regular Meeting
Nov. 10, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Club Vice-President Dan Hungerford. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 20 members present including 11 Officers and committee members and five guests..
Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2016
The meeting minutes of October 13, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The October 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
October Regular Checking – Balance $10,209.72
October Disc. Savings – Balance $ 5,326.07
October Youth Account - Balance $ 6,096.78
October Savings Account - Balance $11,594.60
October American Funds- Balance $52,485.79
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons, Jordan not in attendance)
It was noted that the Winter Indoor Archery League is scheduled to commence on Tuesday January 10th, 2017.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette )
Fred noted that all trap activity seems to have slowed down. Friday trap is continuing.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted that he has $63.00 to turn over from the Range Fee box.
Sam noted that the Sporter Rifle league is now into the 7th week. All is well.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the wood stove has been installed in the new and expanded trap lounge. Still need insulation and sheetrock work to be done.
Toilet room needs to be completed.
Fred thanked Pat and Tucker for the electrical work and all who have generously contributed time to work on completing the lounge expansion.
It was also noted that the old utility pole has been removed.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie, Jack not present)
Dan noted that there were 14 shooters at the final scheduled shoot. There were approximately 20 who attended the chicken and biscuit dinner.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that the meeting was at New Milford. The topic of discussion was generally political. It was noted that the game wardens now have an insurance package.
HB 263 regarding air guns and semi-auto guns has been passed and are awaiting the governor’s signature.
See club web site for the complete summary of the meeting.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The November 2016 gun winner is Andrew Shaffer (607)725-2746. Andrew won a Ruger 10-22 Talo Custom fancy wood w/ SS BBL and two magazines.
The winning ticket number was #562.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed noted that all is good with the website.
Reminder, there is now a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
(Bob noted that Linda Alvelo was contacted and she will turnover ownership for the domain name to the club. Ed to coordinate with Linda and Bette to pay for the turnover.) This statement remains from last month as Ms. Alvelo is not cooperating.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan reminded everyone to notify him when borrowing chairs and or tables. Tables and chairs have been taken out without using the sign-out book. It appears that there ae approximately 15 chairs missing. (Bob Tucker noted that they may be in the trap lounge.)
Jim Mayers noted that he was unsure if the response letter to George Capwell was read at the October meeting. It was not noted in the minutes. Jim read the letter signed by Bob Kuhn and Jim Mayers. Letter is attached to these minutes.
Jim Mayers also noted that he had spoken with Kay Keenan at the St. Brigid’s church in regard to renting Neuman Hall for our Annual Dinner. Mr. Mayers reported that we can rent the hall on Sunday January 15, 2017 for $200.00. The church will set up tables and chairs at our direction. Set up for 150 +/- people. Motion by Fred Guyette to pay the $200.00 for the rental of Neuman Hall. Motion 2nd by Jim Mayers, All approved.
There are eight (8) new member applications.
There are as follows;
It was noted that Fred Guyette and Karl Eschbach are getting a list established for the next 12 Gun Raffle Year.
It was also noted that we need raffle baskets for the Annual Dinner.
The name drawn for the November 2016 attendance pool was Michael Deane. Mike was not in attendance and missed out on a $66.50 pool. The December attendance Pool will be worth $76.50.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM on a motion by Mike DiPaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
Committee Meeting
There were eleven (11) officers and committee members in attendance. There were eight (8) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Club Vice-President Dan Hungerford. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 20 members present including 11 Officers and committee members and five guests..
Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2016
The meeting minutes of October 13, 2016 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
The October 2016 Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dennis Byerly.
October Regular Checking – Balance $10,209.72
October Disc. Savings – Balance $ 5,326.07
October Youth Account - Balance $ 6,096.78
October Savings Account - Balance $11,594.60
October American Funds- Balance $52,485.79
ARCHERY (Officer Jordan Parsons, Jordan not in attendance)
It was noted that the Winter Indoor Archery League is scheduled to commence on Tuesday January 10th, 2017.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette )
Fred noted that all trap activity seems to have slowed down. Friday trap is continuing.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Sam Williamson)
Sam noted that he has $63.00 to turn over from the Range Fee box.
Sam noted that the Sporter Rifle league is now into the 7th week. All is well.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the wood stove has been installed in the new and expanded trap lounge. Still need insulation and sheetrock work to be done.
Toilet room needs to be completed.
Fred thanked Pat and Tucker for the electrical work and all who have generously contributed time to work on completing the lounge expansion.
It was also noted that the old utility pole has been removed.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie, Jack not present)
Dan noted that there were 14 shooters at the final scheduled shoot. There were approximately 20 who attended the chicken and biscuit dinner.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike noted that the meeting was at New Milford. The topic of discussion was generally political. It was noted that the game wardens now have an insurance package.
HB 263 regarding air guns and semi-auto guns has been passed and are awaiting the governor’s signature.
See club web site for the complete summary of the meeting.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach)
The November 2016 gun winner is Andrew Shaffer (607)725-2746. Andrew won a Ruger 10-22 Talo Custom fancy wood w/ SS BBL and two magazines.
The winning ticket number was #562.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Jack reported all ok with the supplies.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith)
Ed noted that all is good with the website.
Reminder, there is now a page for Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
(Bob noted that Linda Alvelo was contacted and she will turnover ownership for the domain name to the club. Ed to coordinate with Linda and Bette to pay for the turnover.) This statement remains from last month as Ms. Alvelo is not cooperating.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan reminded everyone to notify him when borrowing chairs and or tables. Tables and chairs have been taken out without using the sign-out book. It appears that there ae approximately 15 chairs missing. (Bob Tucker noted that they may be in the trap lounge.)
Jim Mayers noted that he was unsure if the response letter to George Capwell was read at the October meeting. It was not noted in the minutes. Jim read the letter signed by Bob Kuhn and Jim Mayers. Letter is attached to these minutes.
Jim Mayers also noted that he had spoken with Kay Keenan at the St. Brigid’s church in regard to renting Neuman Hall for our Annual Dinner. Mr. Mayers reported that we can rent the hall on Sunday January 15, 2017 for $200.00. The church will set up tables and chairs at our direction. Set up for 150 +/- people. Motion by Fred Guyette to pay the $200.00 for the rental of Neuman Hall. Motion 2nd by Jim Mayers, All approved.
There are eight (8) new member applications.
There are as follows;
- Matthew S. Fiacco, 31Westland Ct. Binghamton, NY sponsor Bill Cahill.
- Sebastian (Buster) Fiacco, Jr. 31 Westland Ct. Bing.NY Sponsor Bill Cahill
- Davis M. Goetz, 1201 SR 11, Kirkwood, NY Sponsor Bill Cahill
- David D. Goetz, 1201 SR 11, Kirkwood, NY Sponsor Bill Cahill
- Michael Yannuzzi, 72 Aldrich Ave. Binghamton, NY Sponsor Jim Mayers.
- Lori Raub 2351 Lower Rhiney Creek Rd. Hallstead Sponsor Bob Kuhn
- Pete Slack 16 Grandview Ave. Conklin, NY Sponsor Bob Kuhn
- Morgan Groover 99 Coleman Rd. Montrose, PA Sponsor Ken Matthews.
It was noted that Fred Guyette and Karl Eschbach are getting a list established for the next 12 Gun Raffle Year.
It was also noted that we need raffle baskets for the Annual Dinner.
The name drawn for the November 2016 attendance pool was Michael Deane. Mike was not in attendance and missed out on a $66.50 pool. The December attendance Pool will be worth $76.50.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM on a motion by Mike DiPaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh.
Committee Meeting
There were eleven (11) officers and committee members in attendance. There were eight (8) new member applications as noted above. All applications were reviewed and approved.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary