Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
November 9, 2023
Regular Meeting
November 9, 2023
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were nineteen (19) members present including twelve (12) officers and committee chairs.
Meeting Minutes for the October 12, 2023 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of October, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers.
There was a motion to approve by Pat Natale and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved.
Meeting Minutes for the Committee Meeting of October 19, 2023
The Secretary’s Committee Meeting minutes of October 19, were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There was a motion to approve the minutes by Jim C. Mayers and 2nd by Pat Natale.
All approved.
The Treasurers report for October 2023 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub. There was a motion by Ken Matthews and 2nd by Dave Byerly to approve the Treasurers report. All approved.
October 31, 2023
Regular Checking balance $ 3,960.07
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 20,073.99
Youth Account balance $ 13,633.56
Savings Account balance $ 46,332.18
American Funds balance $ 28,747.96
Royalty Account balance $ 6,025.86
Total Balance $118,773.62
Complete report attached to the minutes
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba)
Matt not in attendance. No report.
It was noted that Jeff Scavazzo has used bag targets for $150.00 each.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted there was a Cutthroat tournament last Sunday. There were 14 shooters who all had a good time. Income for this event took in $499.00. Fred thanked all who helped out. Fred also noted there will be a “Wine Shoot” on 12/17. The Winter Trap League will commence on Friday January 4, 2024.
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday open trap is ongoing. Monies turned in for 10/13 was $270.00, 10/20 was $200.00, 10/27 $280.00, and 11/3 $150.00 total $900.00 plus $150 from the kitchen. Total $1,050.00
Skeet monies turned in for 10/13 $145.00, 10/20 $60.00, 10/27 $91.00 and 11/3 $86.00 Total $382.00
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted that he turned in $71.00 from the range fee box. Otherwise all is ok.
SporteRifle league is in their 8th week of a 21 week schedule. .Per Dave Byerly our record to date is 3 wins and 4 losses
The rubber is shot up and needs to be replaced.
The painting of the raw wood walls remains in a holding pattern.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron was not in attendance. All appears to be ok.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well. It was noted that the silhouette target has been shot off.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike was not in attendance. No report.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The November 2023 winner is Griffen Stanz. The November raffle was for a Mossberg Patriot 6.5 Creedmore w/ synthetic stock w/ scope. Phone # (607)217-8103. The winning ticket number was 005.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance. Fred noted his thanks to Reggie for her help at t the Cutthroat Trap shoot. Fred also thanked Clark Burr for the Chili he provided.
It was noted that if anyone needs anything regarding kitchen supplies, please call Reggie.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed not in attendance. (surgery)
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori reported, all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete not in attendance, no report
It was repeated that we have five (5) pork loins approximately 15# each for the Annual Dinner.
Everyone is reminded that the Annual Dinner will be held on Sunday January 14 at Neuman Hall next to the Choconut Market. All who are able are requested to provide a raffle basket for the Dinner. Registration to commence at 12:00 Noon. Jim E. Mayers to email a Winter Newsletter with details.
Fred noted he has a “proof” copy of the twelve gun raffle ticket. Tickets to be ready for the Annual Dinner.
Fred noted that he is still working on getting financial details for the “keyless” access to the Clubhouse and Trap lounge. Mike Fabian noted that he will help with the wiring to install the new keyless system.
Zeb Raub noted he can purchase a Tactacam game camera to monitor who and when the rifle ranges are being used. It was voted unanimously to approve for $200.00.
Fred noted that he has a list of guns for the Gun Bingo that will be held at Tall Pines. It was noted that the cost to enter will be $150.00. A maximum of 100 people to attend.
The name drawn for the November attendance pool was Zeb Raub. Zeb cashed in on approximately $8.00 to $9.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55.
Committee Meeting
Fred provided a list of guns to be purchased for both the long gun Bingo and the hand gun Bingo. Reviewed and approved both lists. Total for the guns, cash and ammo amounts to $10,735.00.
Also discussed the driveway repair and regrading. The goal is to eliminate ponding and ice buildup at the trap lounge and minimizing ice buildup going toward the Clubhouse. Cost for this work will be $5,500.00.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were nineteen (19) members present including twelve (12) officers and committee chairs.
Meeting Minutes for the October 12, 2023 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of October, 2023 were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers.
There was a motion to approve by Pat Natale and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers. All approved.
Meeting Minutes for the Committee Meeting of October 19, 2023
The Secretary’s Committee Meeting minutes of October 19, were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There was a motion to approve the minutes by Jim C. Mayers and 2nd by Pat Natale.
All approved.
The Treasurers report for October 2023 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub. There was a motion by Ken Matthews and 2nd by Dave Byerly to approve the Treasurers report. All approved.
October 31, 2023
Regular Checking balance $ 3,960.07
Trap & Skeet Savings balance $ 20,073.99
Youth Account balance $ 13,633.56
Savings Account balance $ 46,332.18
American Funds balance $ 28,747.96
Royalty Account balance $ 6,025.86
Total Balance $118,773.62
Complete report attached to the minutes
ARCHERY (Officer – Matt Forba)
Matt not in attendance. No report.
It was noted that Jeff Scavazzo has used bag targets for $150.00 each.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted there was a Cutthroat tournament last Sunday. There were 14 shooters who all had a good time. Income for this event took in $499.00. Fred thanked all who helped out. Fred also noted there will be a “Wine Shoot” on 12/17. The Winter Trap League will commence on Friday January 4, 2024.
Bob Tucker noted that the Friday open trap is ongoing. Monies turned in for 10/13 was $270.00, 10/20 was $200.00, 10/27 $280.00, and 11/3 $150.00 total $900.00 plus $150 from the kitchen. Total $1,050.00
Skeet monies turned in for 10/13 $145.00, 10/20 $60.00, 10/27 $91.00 and 11/3 $86.00 Total $382.00
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted that he turned in $71.00 from the range fee box. Otherwise all is ok.
SporteRifle league is in their 8th week of a 21 week schedule. .Per Dave Byerly our record to date is 3 wins and 4 losses
The rubber is shot up and needs to be replaced.
The painting of the raw wood walls remains in a holding pattern.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron was not in attendance. All appears to be ok.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack noted that all is well. It was noted that the silhouette target has been shot off.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike was not in attendance. No report.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The November 2023 winner is Griffen Stanz. The November raffle was for a Mossberg Patriot 6.5 Creedmore w/ synthetic stock w/ scope. Phone # (607)217-8103. The winning ticket number was 005.
SUPPLIES (Chairperson Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance. Fred noted his thanks to Reggie for her help at t the Cutthroat Trap shoot. Fred also thanked Clark Burr for the Chili he provided.
It was noted that if anyone needs anything regarding kitchen supplies, please call Reggie.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed not in attendance. (surgery)
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori reported, all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Pete Holleran)
Pete not in attendance, no report
It was repeated that we have five (5) pork loins approximately 15# each for the Annual Dinner.
Everyone is reminded that the Annual Dinner will be held on Sunday January 14 at Neuman Hall next to the Choconut Market. All who are able are requested to provide a raffle basket for the Dinner. Registration to commence at 12:00 Noon. Jim E. Mayers to email a Winter Newsletter with details.
Fred noted he has a “proof” copy of the twelve gun raffle ticket. Tickets to be ready for the Annual Dinner.
Fred noted that he is still working on getting financial details for the “keyless” access to the Clubhouse and Trap lounge. Mike Fabian noted that he will help with the wiring to install the new keyless system.
Zeb Raub noted he can purchase a Tactacam game camera to monitor who and when the rifle ranges are being used. It was voted unanimously to approve for $200.00.
Fred noted that he has a list of guns for the Gun Bingo that will be held at Tall Pines. It was noted that the cost to enter will be $150.00. A maximum of 100 people to attend.
The name drawn for the November attendance pool was Zeb Raub. Zeb cashed in on approximately $8.00 to $9.00.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55.
Committee Meeting
Fred provided a list of guns to be purchased for both the long gun Bingo and the hand gun Bingo. Reviewed and approved both lists. Total for the guns, cash and ammo amounts to $10,735.00.
Also discussed the driveway repair and regrading. The goal is to eliminate ponding and ice buildup at the trap lounge and minimizing ice buildup going toward the Clubhouse. Cost for this work will be $5,500.00.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary