Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Committee Meeting
October 19, 2023
Committee Meeting
October 19, 2023
Fred Guyette, Jim E. Mayers, Clark Burr, Dave Shaffer, Bob Tucker, Todd Everett, , Jim C. Mayers, Lori Raub, Ron Walter, Jack Revie.
Meeting called to order at 7:25 by Club President Fred Guyette.
Order of Business;
There was a roundtable discussion regarding the regrading and condition of the driveway from the road to the Trap Lounge.
The concern was the ponding between the Trap Lounge and the 400 yard tower. It was determined that Zeb Raub will get a cost estimate from Dave Phillips.
Discussed the 100 yard shooting bench enclosure, Fred suggested foam insulating the inside as a sound dampener and condensation eliminator. It was determined to leave this item for a Spring 24 project.
Discussed providing members with a key fob to access the Trap Lounge, the Club house upper door and the Indoor range door. This is something the Insurance Company hinted that would be favorable with them if we had this type of system. Each member would be required to purchase a fob at $5.00 per fob. This would be a one-time requirement. Fred to do some further investigation to establish a cost estimate.
It was determined that we need to post the property.
It was further determined that we need to purchase security cameras to view who is using the rifle ranges.
12 Gun Raffle for 24-25
Reviewed a list of guns provided by Donuts and Ammo. There were 27 guns on the list.
The guns selected and the dates are as follows;
Annual Dinner and Election of Officers and Directors
Those whose terms will expire in January include President Fred Guyette, Secretary Jim E, Mayers, Directors; Critter, Clark Burr, Jim C. Mayers, and Jack Revie.
Jim E. Mayers nominated Fred Guyette to continue as President. Jim C. 2nd. Fred polled the remaining officers and Directors if they would continue. Critter declined, The rest agreed to have their names be up for reelection.
Gun Bingo Dates
The dates for the next Gun Bingo(s) are January 20 (rifles/shotguns) and March 16th for the pistol Bingo
With No further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:30
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Fred Guyette, Jim E. Mayers, Clark Burr, Dave Shaffer, Bob Tucker, Todd Everett, , Jim C. Mayers, Lori Raub, Ron Walter, Jack Revie.
Meeting called to order at 7:25 by Club President Fred Guyette.
Order of Business;
There was a roundtable discussion regarding the regrading and condition of the driveway from the road to the Trap Lounge.
The concern was the ponding between the Trap Lounge and the 400 yard tower. It was determined that Zeb Raub will get a cost estimate from Dave Phillips.
Discussed the 100 yard shooting bench enclosure, Fred suggested foam insulating the inside as a sound dampener and condensation eliminator. It was determined to leave this item for a Spring 24 project.
Discussed providing members with a key fob to access the Trap Lounge, the Club house upper door and the Indoor range door. This is something the Insurance Company hinted that would be favorable with them if we had this type of system. Each member would be required to purchase a fob at $5.00 per fob. This would be a one-time requirement. Fred to do some further investigation to establish a cost estimate.
It was determined that we need to post the property.
It was further determined that we need to purchase security cameras to view who is using the rifle ranges.
12 Gun Raffle for 24-25
Reviewed a list of guns provided by Donuts and Ammo. There were 27 guns on the list.
The guns selected and the dates are as follows;
- June 24 Ruger American 17HMR $368.40
- July 24 Savage Axis II 270 Winchester $604.88
- August 24 Xbow from Jeff Scavazo $500.00 +/-
- September 24 C. Daly 500 SXS Field 12 ga. $557.30
- October 24 Mossburg Patriot 6.5 PRC $578.22
- November 24 Savage Axis II XP 350 Legend $481.00
- December 24 $500.00 cash
- January 25 Ruger 10/22 carbine $312.00
- February 25 Ruger Mini 14 TAC 556 $1,064.40
- March 25 CZ Drake O/U 12 ga w/5 choke tubes $701.60
- April 25 Winchester 300 Win Mag $700.00 +/-
- May 25 Henry Single Shot Brass 12 Ga. $600.00
Annual Dinner and Election of Officers and Directors
Those whose terms will expire in January include President Fred Guyette, Secretary Jim E, Mayers, Directors; Critter, Clark Burr, Jim C. Mayers, and Jack Revie.
Jim E. Mayers nominated Fred Guyette to continue as President. Jim C. 2nd. Fred polled the remaining officers and Directors if they would continue. Critter declined, The rest agreed to have their names be up for reelection.
Gun Bingo Dates
The dates for the next Gun Bingo(s) are January 20 (rifles/shotguns) and March 16th for the pistol Bingo
With No further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:30
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary