Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club Regular Meeting October 12, 2017
CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Club President Bob Kuhn. The meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 23 members present including twelve (12) Officers and committee members and four guests.
Special Guest Mark Madden from the Susquehanna County 4H Shooting Sports Program was present. Mark has taken over the work of Abby Onyon who has taken a position with the Harford Fair. Mark reviewed a number of projects the 4H shooting sports program covers. Mark noted that the 4H Shooting Sports Program reaches over 300,000 youths every year nationwide. Mark provided handouts which are posted on the club webpage. A check in the amount of $1500.00 was presented to Mr. Madden for the Susquehanna County 4H Shooting Sports Program by Bob Kuhn and Norm McPherson on behalf of the Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club.
Meeting Minutes for September 14, 2017 The meeting minutes of September 14, 2017 were read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Dave Shaffer. There was one correction; the firewood crew is scheduled for Sunday Oct. 22.
TREASURER’S REPORT The Treasurer’s report for August 2017 was read and approved on a motion by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Roger Marsh. Regular Checking Account balance ---- $17,596.95 Discipline Savings balance -------------- $ 270.79 Youth Account balance ------------------- $10,731.12 Savings Account balance ----------------- $ 7,721.13 American Funds balance ----------------- $43,573.82
ARCHERY (Officer –ChristiAnne Storman) ChristiAnne noted that everything has been picked up and stored for the winter. She will also contact Eders regarding my email to them to set up an account.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette) Fred was not in attendance. Bob Tucker noted that he has turned $100.00 from the kitchen and $184.00 from the Friday 9/15 trap shoot. Bob also turned over $162.00 from 9/22, $162.00 from 9/29 and $164.00 from 10/6. Also $264.00 from the last ATA shoot. The ATA shoots are now done for this season.
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman) Tom noted that not too much was happening. Tom also turned in $78.00 from the range fee box. in attendance. Dave Byerly noted that the Sporter Rifle League is off and running. There are only six shooters. It takes five shooters to make a team. Dave noted all are welcome to come and join in the competition. Dave noted that two matches have been completed. Dave also turned in $24.00 from the Sporter Rifle team. The cost is $5.00 for the 1st week then $3.00 thereafter. Dave is encouraging new shooters to join in on the fun. All are welcome.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter) Ron was not in attendance. A reminder that the wood cutting and splitting crew is to meet on Sunday 10/22 to gather firewood for the winter. It was noted that Bette has prepaid Hinds Propane $1000.00 for propane for this winter.
SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SPORTS (Officer Jack Revie) It was noted that Sunday October 15 will be the last scheduled shoot of the season. Chicken & Biscuit dinner to follow the final event. All are welcome.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola) Mike noted the discussions were primarily aimed at the Youth Field Days. Ed Smith noted that the were few political issues discussed, nothing of any significance. Ed Smith noted they have raffle tickets available. The drawing is scheduled for 10/26/17.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Karl Eschbach) Karl was not in attendance. The October 2017 gun winner is Keith Juttner from Whitney Point. Phone # 607-760-2234. There was no further information on the ticket. The winning ticket was # 450. Keith won a Weatherby SA08 Upland 12 gauge S/A with choke tubes. JimMayers to contact Mr. Juttner.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor) Reported all ok.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Chairman Ed Smith) Ed noted that all is good on the website, but is disappointed that more club members are not taking advantage of the items being offered for sale. Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items. The website address is
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford) Dan reported the kitchen is good.
OLD BUSINESS Ken Barnes is requesting dates in January for the DeFib training. The class if for use on adults is 2 ½ hours, if for use on children it will be 4 ½ hours.
NEW BUSINESS There were seven (7) new Membership Applications to review as follows; James C. Mayers 475 Stanley Lake Road Friendsville, PA 18818, sponsor Jim Mayers William Aton 6169 Laurel Lake Rd. Brackney Sponsor Norm McPherson . Daniel Burch13 Sharon Dr. Conklin, NY Sponsor Bob Charpinsky. Brian Terrell 500 Jensen Rd. Vestal, NY Sponsor Fred Guyette. Ron Campbell 2728 Plaza Dr. Endwell, NY Sponsor Christie Anne Storman Don Campbell 108 Bunn Hill Rd. Vestal, NY Sponsor Christie Anne Storman. Chris Chesmore 304 Vestal Rd. Vestal, NY Sponsor Christie Anne Storeman.
ATTENDANCE POOL The name drawn for the October 2017 attendance pool was none other than Jack Raynor. Jack’s name was drawn two months in a row. Fortunately Jack was not present this time. The November attendance Pool will be worth $23.25.
ADJOURNMENT With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM on a motion by Ed Smith. Committee Meeting The seven New Membership Applications as listed above were reviewed and approved. With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:15.