Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
Regular Meeting
October 14, 2021
Regular Meeting
October 14, 2021
Called to order at 1905 by club Vice President Dan Hungerford.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were twenty one (21) members/guests present including twelve (12) officers and committee members (Dan Hungerford, Laura Foote, Lori Raub, Jim Mayers II, Bob Tucker, Tom Blackman, Dave Byerly, Jack Revie, Clark Burr, Bob Kuhn, Mike DePaola, Fred Guyette).
Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2021 Regular Meeting were read by Secretary Laura Foote with a motion made Mike DePaola to accept report with minor updates in grammar/spelling seconded by Jim Bob Tucker. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report – September report for 2021 was read by Lori Raub with a motion made by Mike DePaola to accept report, seconded by Fred Guyette. Motion approved unanimously.
September – Regular Checking balance – $769.70
September - Discipline Savings Account balance – $9,716.87
Youth Account balance- $13,525.21
Savings Account balance- $42,926.82
American Funds Balance- $29,983.80
Royalty Account balance – $1,009.22
Total Balance $97,931.62
Standing Committees
Archery – Jim Mayers II reported there were six or seven people who showed up for the scheduled work day. All targets except one bag target were picked up and stored for the winter.
Trap/Skeet – Fred Guyette reported that the meat shoot was held on October 3rd with many attending. Meat shoot netted a $327.00 profit.
Friday night open shooting continues.
Wine shoot will be held on Sunday December 12th with dates posted on the website and Facebook. Half gallon bottles of Liberty Creek wine (sweet red/white, cabernet, merlot, chardonnay). Shoot will be six on the line ten targets ($4.00).
New PAT traps have been installed (wobble option now on lower trap upper trap no wobble yet). Wobble will be put in for parts cost which is a significant savings.
Winter league begins in January.
Money turned in for Trap:
9/10 $171.75
9/17 $124.00
9/24 $252.75
10/1 $125.00
10/8 $138.75
Money turned in for Skeet
9/10 $48.00
9/17 $71.00
9/24 $44.00
10/8 $52.00
TOTAL: $1,027.25
Indoor Pistol Range - Tom Blackman reported the range is being used by sporter rifle and all is good with $77.00 turned in. A piece of rubber has been dropped off with plans to cut it into strips and use where needed.
Sporter Rifle – Raelene Coy not in attendance, no report provided.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Walter not in attendance, no report provided.
Outdoor Ranges - Chairman Jack Revie stated that everything is good with $75.00 turned in.
PFSC Chairman - Mike DePaola reported attending the last meeting prior to the family field day which was all preparation for the event. Fish and Game wardens graduating and going out for field training.
12 Gun Raffle - October’s winner – Joe Pietrowski with ticket number 439 - won Savage III Light Weight Hunter 6.5x284 cal, Walnut stock.
Supplies – Jack/Reggie Raynor not in attendance, no report provided.
Internet / Website - Ed Smith reported that all is good with the website. Dates/times of meetings will be posted where it is more obvious, to maybe help get more members involved.
Facebook – Lori Raub reported that traffic on the page continues to increase.
Kitchen - Dan Hungerford reported all is good.
Old Business – The annual work day was not well attended with approximately six or seven people which increases the work for those who attended. It was suggested that a membership reminder email be sent to all members in the future as it seems most are not fulfilling the work duty membership requirement.
New Business – Jeff Martin proposed an update to the lighting to LED’s in the pistol range providing rough numbers (approximately $685.00 including wiring/fixtures, LED flood lights on targets). LED’s are brighter and use less energy with Jeff doing the install.
A motion was made by Fred Guyette for the upgrade that Jeff proposed not to exceed $800.00, seconded by Jim Mayers II. Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion regarding water testing at the club (when was the last time and should it be tested for bacteria, heavy metals, etc…). This will be looked into (Penn State extension in Montrose for information).
There were five (5) new applications for membership.
Alex Creagh – from Binghamton, NY – sponsor Pat Natale
Richard Fendick – from Montrose, PA – sponsor Pat Natale
Brian Davis – from Vestal, NY – sponsor Matt Forba
David Heywood – from Carthage, NY - sponsor Jim Mayers II
Mary Connelly – from Beacon, NY – sponsor Jim Mayers II
Attendance Pool – Holden McPherson was drawn as the winner. Holden not in attendance with money being rolled to November drawing.
Adjournment - with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1942 on a motion by Lori Raub and 2nd by Bob Tucker. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Meeting - after regular meeting, there were twelve (12) officers and committee members in attendance. The five (5) new applicants were reviewed with all five applicants unanimously voted to approve for membership.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 1945.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Foote
Secretary Silver Lake Rod and Gun Club