Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club
October 13, 2022
October 13, 2022
Meeting called to order at 7:10 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were Fourteen (14) members present including Nine (9) officers and committee chairs. There were also two guests signed in.
Meeting Minutes for the September, 2022 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of September 8, 2022 were read by Secretary Jim Mayers. There were no exceptions to the minutes. There was a motion to approve by Jim C Mayers and 2nd by Pat Natale. All approved
Committee Meeting of September 27, 2022
The Secretary’s minutes for the September 27, 2022 Committee Meeting were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There were no exceptions to the Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion by Tom Blackman to approve, Second by John Donlin. All approved
The Treasurers report for September 2022 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub and approved on a motion by Dave Byerly and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers, All approved.
September 30, 2022
Regular Checking balance $ 2,244.81
Discipline Savings balance $22,327.57
Youth Account balance $14,844.62
Savings Account balance $35,005.59
American Funds balance $26,440.41
Royalty Account balance $ 5,598.22
Total Balance $106,461.22
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer –Jim C. Mayers)
Jim noted that the last 3D season has concluded. Jim also noted there was a work day to take down the 3-D course. Twenty +/- people showed up. The 3-D course was taken down and stored for the season.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that we received a tractor trailer load of clay birds. It was noted that the cost of the birds has risen from $16,000.00 to $22,000.00 per load.
The Homsher, Legg, and Raynor Memorial Shoot was held on September 18th. The shoot took in $951.00 with the kitchen adding $120.00.
There is a Meat Shoot scheduled for October 30.
There is also a December 18th Wine Shoot and a Christmas Cutthroat tournament upcoming. See web page and FaceBook for details.
Trap Monies received 9/16/22 $242.00. 9/23/22 $100.00, 9/30/22 $125.00, 10/2/22 $121.50, 10/7/22 $120.00. Total $708.50
Skeet monies received 9/16/22 $48.00, 9/26/22 $32.00, 10/7/22 $68.00 Total $164.00
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted all is good. Tom turned in $78.75 from the range fee box.
It was noted that the Sporterifle League is in its 4th week.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the footer drains have been installed below the clubhouse
It was noted that all is well.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack not in attendance.
Bob Tucker noted that one new rubber mat has been installed at the 100 YD range.
It was also noted that Bob, Zeb and Eric installed new covers on the shooting benches.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike not in attendance. No report.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The October 2022 gun winner is Leigh Guyette. The winning ticket was # 297. Fred to notify Leigh. The October gun is a Savage Axis II XP 280 Ackley Improved with a 3x9 Scope.
It was noted that we need to secure guns for next year’s 12 Gun Raffle. The People’s Republic of New York State is getting more and more restrictive.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance. It is thought all is well.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well. Ed noted that there were some issues which he resolved.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori Raub noted all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan not in attendance. It was noted that we need someone to take over Dan’s duties. There were not a lots of hands raised to volunteer.
It was noted that we need to clean out the downstairs of the Club House so we can install the new cooler and refrigerator.
There were three (3) New Member Applications, as follows;
Tom Blackman noted he will hold the next handgun class on Saturday October 29th from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM
It was determined that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club will purchase $50.00 worth of raffle tickets from Silver Lake VFD
The new perimeter safety signs are to be purchased and installed ASAP. Purple paint is to be used on perimeter trees as well.
The name drawn for the October attendance pool was Dave Byerly. Dave won $7.00 +/-.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Committee Meeting
The three new member applications as noted above were reviewed and approved
Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:10 by Club President Fred Guyette. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those protecting our borders and security. There were Fourteen (14) members present including Nine (9) officers and committee chairs. There were also two guests signed in.
Meeting Minutes for the September, 2022 Regular Meeting
The Secretary’s meeting minutes of September 8, 2022 were read by Secretary Jim Mayers. There were no exceptions to the minutes. There was a motion to approve by Jim C Mayers and 2nd by Pat Natale. All approved
Committee Meeting of September 27, 2022
The Secretary’s minutes for the September 27, 2022 Committee Meeting were read by Secretary Jim E. Mayers. There were no exceptions to the Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion by Tom Blackman to approve, Second by John Donlin. All approved
The Treasurers report for September 2022 was read by Treasurer Lori Raub and approved on a motion by Dave Byerly and 2nd by Jim C. Mayers, All approved.
September 30, 2022
Regular Checking balance $ 2,244.81
Discipline Savings balance $22,327.57
Youth Account balance $14,844.62
Savings Account balance $35,005.59
American Funds balance $26,440.41
Royalty Account balance $ 5,598.22
Total Balance $106,461.22
Complete report attached
ARCHERY (Officer –Jim C. Mayers)
Jim noted that the last 3D season has concluded. Jim also noted there was a work day to take down the 3-D course. Twenty +/- people showed up. The 3-D course was taken down and stored for the season.
TRAP (Officer Fred Guyette)
Fred noted that we received a tractor trailer load of clay birds. It was noted that the cost of the birds has risen from $16,000.00 to $22,000.00 per load.
The Homsher, Legg, and Raynor Memorial Shoot was held on September 18th. The shoot took in $951.00 with the kitchen adding $120.00.
There is a Meat Shoot scheduled for October 30.
There is also a December 18th Wine Shoot and a Christmas Cutthroat tournament upcoming. See web page and FaceBook for details.
Trap Monies received 9/16/22 $242.00. 9/23/22 $100.00, 9/30/22 $125.00, 10/2/22 $121.50, 10/7/22 $120.00. Total $708.50
Skeet monies received 9/16/22 $48.00, 9/26/22 $32.00, 10/7/22 $68.00 Total $164.00
INDOOR RANGE (Officer Tom Blackman)
Tom noted all is good. Tom turned in $78.75 from the range fee box.
It was noted that the Sporterifle League is in its 4th week.
GROUNDS/BUILDINGS (Officer Ron Walter)
Ron noted that the footer drains have been installed below the clubhouse
It was noted that all is well.
Outdoor Shooting Sports (Officer Jack Revie)
Jack not in attendance.
Bob Tucker noted that one new rubber mat has been installed at the 100 YD range.
It was also noted that Bob, Zeb and Eric installed new covers on the shooting benches.
PFSC (Delegate Mike DePaola)
Mike not in attendance. No report.
12- GUN RAFFLE (Chairman Fred Guyette)
The October 2022 gun winner is Leigh Guyette. The winning ticket was # 297. Fred to notify Leigh. The October gun is a Savage Axis II XP 280 Ackley Improved with a 3x9 Scope.
It was noted that we need to secure guns for next year’s 12 Gun Raffle. The People’s Republic of New York State is getting more and more restrictive.
SUPPLIES (Chairman Reggie Raynor)
Reggie not in attendance. It is thought all is well.
INTERNET WEB SITE (Webmaster Ed Smith)
Ed noted all is well. Ed noted that there were some issues which he resolved.
Remember to visit the Members Only to buy, Sell or Trade items.
The website address is
Facebook, Lori Raub noted all is well on Facebook.
KITCHEN_ (Chairman Dan Hungerford)
Dan not in attendance. It was noted that we need someone to take over Dan’s duties. There were not a lots of hands raised to volunteer.
It was noted that we need to clean out the downstairs of the Club House so we can install the new cooler and refrigerator.
There were three (3) New Member Applications, as follows;
- Joseph M. Baldoni Endicott, NY Sponsor Fred Guyette.
- Vern Tyrrell Vestal, NY Sponsor Tom Blackman
- Michael Gardner Montrose, PA Sponsor Critter
Tom Blackman noted he will hold the next handgun class on Saturday October 29th from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM
It was determined that Silver Lake Rod & Gun Club will purchase $50.00 worth of raffle tickets from Silver Lake VFD
The new perimeter safety signs are to be purchased and installed ASAP. Purple paint is to be used on perimeter trees as well.
The name drawn for the October attendance pool was Dave Byerly. Dave won $7.00 +/-.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Committee Meeting
The three new member applications as noted above were reviewed and approved
Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Mayers, Secretary