Called to order at 7:05 PM by club President Bob Kuhn.
The meeting opened with Pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 18 members present including 8 officers and committee members.
Secretary meeting minutes for June 9,2016 were read by Fred Guyette , a correction was made by Ken Barnes correcting Fred on Golvin Grick”s correct name, for his eagle scout ranking. Motion made by Mike De Paola to accept report and seconded by Ron Walter
Treasurers Report- the June treasurers report was read and approved by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Tom Oleiniac .
June – Regular Checking balance -$15,913.09
June- Discipline Savings Account balance- $3,219.60
Youth Account balance- $ 7,606.78
Savings Account balance- $10,993.00
American Funds Balance- $51,528.68
Royalty Account balance-$11,630.84
Total Balance $100,892.73
Standing Comittees
Archery - Officer Jordan Parsons not present- no comments on the July archery shoot.
Trap – Fred Guyette reported that we are still shooting Monday and Friday afternoons and nights. If Monday night attendance keeps having fewer shooters, we will be closing on Mondays. Norm, Bob and Fred will decide when this will happen. Pres. Bob Kuhn reported on the Susquehanna County Trap league noting Josh Adams was overall high shooter and our Member Bob Tucker was 7th. You can review the results on our Web page.
Indoor Pistol Range- Sam Williamson Range officer- turned into Betty $40.00 from the Range fee box. Things seem to be quite down there. Sam presented awards for the New York Sporter Rifle League
Raelene Coy - High Woman, 4th marksmen- with a 263.7 average.
Dave Shafer- 2nd Marksman- with a 266.7 average
Jack Rieve- 2nd Sharpeshoooter, 2nd Senior with an average of 275.2
Ken Mattews- 4th Male Senior- with an average of 268.0
Sam Williams Captain.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Water not present – reported by Tom Olieniac that grass is being mowed and all is quiet, Bob Kuhn noted that the new building is done and the contractor Don Hohn has been paid in full. There will be a building committee meeting on the interior work and work in progress.
SASS- Chairman Jack Rieve reported shoots are going ok. Dave Shaffer reported on the results from the past State Shoot noting the club member Winners
Ruby Rose Longshot- Lois Shaffer- Pa State-Lady Frontier Cartridge
Critter T. Longshot- Dave Shaffer- Pa State-Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter
Knotty Lady- Marciela Castalno- Pa State- Lady Senior Duelist
Shop Along Sassy- Elaine Reive- Pa State- Lady Silver Senior
Marshal TJ Buckshot- Tom Blackman- Pa State – 49’er
Shoulda Married Money- Patty Blackman- Pa State 49’er
Dave noted members can see a You Tube video @ SASS PA State. Posse 7
PFSC Chairman Mike Depaola and Ed Smith reporting that the last meeting was at Rock Mountain Sporting Complex, Ed commented on it was a very nice facility – very interesting meeting- PF&G was there.
-Senate bill #1168 –passed
-Senate bill #231 antlerless deer tags into pal system waiting for consideration in the house
-Moved up nonresident antlerless deer permits by one week
- Dog tracking discussion
-Seems to be a big bear problem with people bears being less afraid, see web site for more information
- Game Commission to hold boater safety course at clubs, GC will come to individual clubs to give course, if born before 1/1982 boating safety course is NOT required. Can also do on line.
-House bill #2013- Use of State Parks by Private Sectors –Hotels, etc.
-Conceal carry- Amendment #2 – no carry in California posted.
Ed suggests writing letter to senator, congressman – this is a senrious blow and could affect (us) people in the future.
12 Gun Raffle – Chairman Karl Eschach – not present
July’s winner- Ed Glish –ticket #179- won a Henry Lever Action w/ octagon barrel walnut/blue .22 caliber
Supplies – Chairwoman Reggie Raynor- Jack reported -all is good
Internet Website - Ed reported running great. We are getting a lot of hits, urged members to look at the buy, sell and trade section is working well and items are being sold quickly.
Member resigned, scheduled to use club on a day there was a cowboy action shoot , after discussion calendar needs to be updated.
Bob comment on complaints that someone was shooting at the club at 7:30 AM, after discussion the shooting hours to be 9:00AM-9:00PM, except for the Roger Everitt shoot, Ed to post on web site.
Old business – Ed ask if we are going to install cameras in new building and need a separate coax in pipe for each camera, need to check if coax is sufficient for length of run from club house to new building the cameras may have to be wireless.
Electrical is being worked on, Jack reported and is in touch with Pat McPherson.
Dave Shaffer to have an estimate ready for 1st of August for Committee to review for the finishes to the inside of the new building.
Dave also commented that if he has help from members it would be deducted from the quoted price. Anyone that would like to help please contact Dave and Jack Raynor.
Tom Olieniac - Noted that the money box locks for courses have the same number as club locks, Ron Walter to change.
George McGeroge ask to have the floor( in a heart felt moment) to donate the Rifle, .223 Savage, he won from last year’s raffle back to the club, to do as we see fit, in honor of his long friend Roger Everitt. We all thank George and we all miss Roger very much.
Ed Smith suggests that he may be able to get a hunting and fishing Trip donated to the club for a fund raiser, commenting that the outfitters would like to see the price of the donation be worth the price of the trip!
New business – New membership applications (9)
Scott Heckman- interest Trap
Tom Ferme- interest Trap
Richard Emmons 111- interest Archery
William Martin- Bldg and Grounds
Larry Elbrecht- interest ?
Tom Elbrecht- ?
Gary Theophita- ?
Jerry Prusack- Bldg, grounds, indoor range and kitchen
John Kuzel- Raffles
No other new business
Attendance Pool- $26.00 – Dorthy Worth- not present. The August attendance pool will be worth $
Adjournment- with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 on a motion by Ken Mattews and 2nd by Jack Legg.
Committee Meeting- there were only 8 officers and committee members present, not enough for a quorum. The new 9 applicant will be reviewed and voted for at the August meeting.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM
Respectfully submitted
Fred Guyette with help from (Ed Smith’s girl Friend) sorry don’t know her name.
P.S. It's Jean.
The meeting opened with Pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence for those protecting our security. There were 18 members present including 8 officers and committee members.
Secretary meeting minutes for June 9,2016 were read by Fred Guyette , a correction was made by Ken Barnes correcting Fred on Golvin Grick”s correct name, for his eagle scout ranking. Motion made by Mike De Paola to accept report and seconded by Ron Walter
Treasurers Report- the June treasurers report was read and approved by Mike DePaola and 2nd by Tom Oleiniac .
June – Regular Checking balance -$15,913.09
June- Discipline Savings Account balance- $3,219.60
Youth Account balance- $ 7,606.78
Savings Account balance- $10,993.00
American Funds Balance- $51,528.68
Royalty Account balance-$11,630.84
Total Balance $100,892.73
Standing Comittees
Archery - Officer Jordan Parsons not present- no comments on the July archery shoot.
Trap – Fred Guyette reported that we are still shooting Monday and Friday afternoons and nights. If Monday night attendance keeps having fewer shooters, we will be closing on Mondays. Norm, Bob and Fred will decide when this will happen. Pres. Bob Kuhn reported on the Susquehanna County Trap league noting Josh Adams was overall high shooter and our Member Bob Tucker was 7th. You can review the results on our Web page.
Indoor Pistol Range- Sam Williamson Range officer- turned into Betty $40.00 from the Range fee box. Things seem to be quite down there. Sam presented awards for the New York Sporter Rifle League
Raelene Coy - High Woman, 4th marksmen- with a 263.7 average.
Dave Shafer- 2nd Marksman- with a 266.7 average
Jack Rieve- 2nd Sharpeshoooter, 2nd Senior with an average of 275.2
Ken Mattews- 4th Male Senior- with an average of 268.0
Sam Williams Captain.
Building and Grounds – Chairman Ron Water not present – reported by Tom Olieniac that grass is being mowed and all is quiet, Bob Kuhn noted that the new building is done and the contractor Don Hohn has been paid in full. There will be a building committee meeting on the interior work and work in progress.
SASS- Chairman Jack Rieve reported shoots are going ok. Dave Shaffer reported on the results from the past State Shoot noting the club member Winners
Ruby Rose Longshot- Lois Shaffer- Pa State-Lady Frontier Cartridge
Critter T. Longshot- Dave Shaffer- Pa State-Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter
Knotty Lady- Marciela Castalno- Pa State- Lady Senior Duelist
Shop Along Sassy- Elaine Reive- Pa State- Lady Silver Senior
Marshal TJ Buckshot- Tom Blackman- Pa State – 49’er
Shoulda Married Money- Patty Blackman- Pa State 49’er
Dave noted members can see a You Tube video @ SASS PA State. Posse 7
PFSC Chairman Mike Depaola and Ed Smith reporting that the last meeting was at Rock Mountain Sporting Complex, Ed commented on it was a very nice facility – very interesting meeting- PF&G was there.
-Senate bill #1168 –passed
-Senate bill #231 antlerless deer tags into pal system waiting for consideration in the house
-Moved up nonresident antlerless deer permits by one week
- Dog tracking discussion
-Seems to be a big bear problem with people bears being less afraid, see web site for more information
- Game Commission to hold boater safety course at clubs, GC will come to individual clubs to give course, if born before 1/1982 boating safety course is NOT required. Can also do on line.
-House bill #2013- Use of State Parks by Private Sectors –Hotels, etc.
-Conceal carry- Amendment #2 – no carry in California posted.
Ed suggests writing letter to senator, congressman – this is a senrious blow and could affect (us) people in the future.
12 Gun Raffle – Chairman Karl Eschach – not present
July’s winner- Ed Glish –ticket #179- won a Henry Lever Action w/ octagon barrel walnut/blue .22 caliber
Supplies – Chairwoman Reggie Raynor- Jack reported -all is good
Internet Website - Ed reported running great. We are getting a lot of hits, urged members to look at the buy, sell and trade section is working well and items are being sold quickly.
Member resigned, scheduled to use club on a day there was a cowboy action shoot , after discussion calendar needs to be updated.
Bob comment on complaints that someone was shooting at the club at 7:30 AM, after discussion the shooting hours to be 9:00AM-9:00PM, except for the Roger Everitt shoot, Ed to post on web site.
Old business – Ed ask if we are going to install cameras in new building and need a separate coax in pipe for each camera, need to check if coax is sufficient for length of run from club house to new building the cameras may have to be wireless.
Electrical is being worked on, Jack reported and is in touch with Pat McPherson.
Dave Shaffer to have an estimate ready for 1st of August for Committee to review for the finishes to the inside of the new building.
Dave also commented that if he has help from members it would be deducted from the quoted price. Anyone that would like to help please contact Dave and Jack Raynor.
Tom Olieniac - Noted that the money box locks for courses have the same number as club locks, Ron Walter to change.
George McGeroge ask to have the floor( in a heart felt moment) to donate the Rifle, .223 Savage, he won from last year’s raffle back to the club, to do as we see fit, in honor of his long friend Roger Everitt. We all thank George and we all miss Roger very much.
Ed Smith suggests that he may be able to get a hunting and fishing Trip donated to the club for a fund raiser, commenting that the outfitters would like to see the price of the donation be worth the price of the trip!
New business – New membership applications (9)
Scott Heckman- interest Trap
Tom Ferme- interest Trap
Richard Emmons 111- interest Archery
William Martin- Bldg and Grounds
Larry Elbrecht- interest ?
Tom Elbrecht- ?
Gary Theophita- ?
Jerry Prusack- Bldg, grounds, indoor range and kitchen
John Kuzel- Raffles
No other new business
Attendance Pool- $26.00 – Dorthy Worth- not present. The August attendance pool will be worth $
Adjournment- with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 on a motion by Ken Mattews and 2nd by Jack Legg.
Committee Meeting- there were only 8 officers and committee members present, not enough for a quorum. The new 9 applicant will be reviewed and voted for at the August meeting.
With no further business to discuss the Committee meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM
Respectfully submitted
Fred Guyette with help from (Ed Smith’s girl Friend) sorry don’t know her name.
P.S. It's Jean.